View Full Version : Good Graphics, Not Bad

Trumpet Thief
07-18-2004, 07:21 PM
Okay, I am replaying FFVII right now, after playing FFVIII, and I defeat Safer-Sephiroth. I think see that excellent FMV of Cloud travelling the wormhole (whatever it was) and seeing Sephiroth. I then ask myself, why do some people complain about the graphics? No, I don't mean all, because it was always commented before FFVIII came out, and some still love the graphics, but I found them not to be good, but great. Who else loves the graphics of FFVII?

07-18-2004, 07:31 PM
I agree, I liked the quirky blocky no-fingered character graphics they used, as well as how everything had a sort of anime look to it. The static backgrounds are probably the nicest, too, as I got lost in some of FFVIII and FFIX's locations.

07-18-2004, 07:36 PM
Honestly, graphics don't bother me at all. I think people who go on about graphics ruining a game are shallow. Graphics aren't what makes a game, the gameplay and (as far as RPGs go) the plot do.

That being said, it should be fairly obvious that I'm fine with the graphics. I'll admit, they're not the prettiest things out there, but the FMVs were very impressive, such as the Shinra building escape scene and thescene in Nibelheim with Sephiroth turning into the fire, and the one you mentioned.

If you read the back of the game, it mentions the graphics to be far ahead of anything that had appeared yet. This was true. The graphics may not be pretty now, but they were when the game came out.

07-18-2004, 07:47 PM
Honestly, graphics don't bother me at all. I think people who go on about graphics ruining a game are shallow. Graphics aren't what makes a game, the gameplay and (as far as RPGs go) the plot do.

Thats how I am...The only why I will complain about graphics are when it makes the game difficult to play. FF7 graphics were perfect for the time and like it alot, especially those backgrounds. I remember when I got the game and I was heading through the reactor I almost had a heart attack because the graphics just amazed me.

Trumpet Thief
07-18-2004, 08:18 PM
I do not care for graphics either, as Gameplay and Storyline are way mor eimportant than those. And the older FF's like FFVI etc. do not have very good graphics, but I love them anyway.

I was merely saying that because some people believe that graphics are all that make a good game, and that they wouldn't play FFVII because they thought the graphics sucked (which they don't).

07-18-2004, 08:32 PM
Arghh...I used to be like that-not playing games if they had graphics that weren't appealing to me. but i've long-since changed my mind. as long as it has a good story, not even good gameplay, i'll play it and love it. story is everything to me. when did rpgs start to become abut the graphics anyways?

anyways, i love the "older" graphics, like FF6, and things like that. There's something about them that I really love.

FF7 doesn't have bad graphics. I doubt anyone said so at the time. I bet in a couple more years, when FFXV comes out, we're going to look back on FFX and be duiscussing the same thing.


07-19-2004, 08:56 PM
I like them a lot they're not perfect but I really like them.

Trumpet Thief
07-19-2004, 09:05 PM
Arghh...I used to be like that-not playing games if they had graphics that weren't appealing to me. but i've long-since changed my mind. as long as it has a good story, not even good gameplay, i'll play it and love it. story is everything to me. when did rpgs start to become abut the graphics anyways?

anyways, i love the "older" graphics, like FF6, and things like that. There's something about them that I really love.

FF7 doesn't have bad graphics. I doubt anyone said so at the time. I bet in a couple more years, when FFXV comes out, we're going to look back on FFX and be duiscussing the same thing.


This thread isn't saying that you should play FFVII 'cause the graphics are good. Many people hate games because they're graphics aren't all flashy perfect, and I've heard many of them say that about FFVII, which I thought had good graphics.

I do prefer the older FF"s more than the newer ones, but I love both the old and the new (Especially FFIV and FVI)

07-19-2004, 09:51 PM
There is something to be said for the use of graphics. Of course they aren't everything, but they can be something depending on the person. There are several types of people in the world, one is correlative. The use of graphics can aid a correlative person to like a game more, because it's easier to see, and visuals are important to these types of people. If, for example, Terra from FFVI is in a bad mood, it would be very difficult for the graphics engine of FFVI to show that because of it's limitations, you'd have to get that almost entirely from dialogue. In FFVII, if Aeris is sad, you can see it a bit more clearly. Aeris will put head down, or turn away and put her hand over her face. You can see her body move up and down ever so slight to imply that she's badly crying. In FFX, if Yuna is sad, you can see her eyes go down, you can see her frown, you can even see tears come from her eyes. (I don't know why I used girls in all those examples) Some people in the world have a much easier time understanding emotion, circumstance, or even events if they can see it, and with better graphics you can see it more clearly. There are people in the world with a more imaginative mindframe who could picture Terra being sad if she has sad dialogue, and there are some with less.

And some people just like eye candy, which is not the sole reason these games are made.

I remember when FFVII came out and when I played it for the first time I was nearly flabergasted by how much better it looked than FFIII (it hadn't been officially called VI yet), and I played it for about an hour not really paying attention to the story just looking at it. After I snapped out of that I restarted, because I knew I probably missed some important story aspect. At the time, those graphics were astounding. They have since improved even more dramatically, but they were awesome at the time.