View Full Version : Red vs. Blue!!!

07-29-2004, 04:56 PM
I wasn't quite sure where this would go. it COULD go in general gaming discussion, because its based on a game and people had to play to make it. anyway - to the topic:
Do you like red vs. blue?
If so, Favorite moments and/or quotes(up to 3 total)
If not, WHY NOT???

I like red vs. blue.
favorite moments/quotes:
1: "Sheila, NO!!!" -Caboose
2: Church: "hey uh... guys? why is my body still up here?" Tucker: "well that's part of being dead - your body doesn't really move around much." Church: "ok, let me rephrase that. Why in the **** haven't you buried my body?"
3: Sarge(is that his name, Sarge?): "number 2! codeword: Dirtbag!" Number 2: "eep!" *smack* can't remember: "Ow!"

07-29-2004, 07:39 PM
EDIT: It was grif that says ow in the quote above.

You know my friends call me Lopez from Red vs. Blue

Tucker: Blues quick shut-off ur radios!
Sarge: Boy, it'll be a cold day in hell before i start taking orders from you!
Tucker: Listen, i really need ur help this time, normally i would just shoot at u guys and steal ur girlfriends, but today is different, i need u to work with me on this!
Sarge: Well maybe i spoke to soon, before hearing ur well-thought out, witty, and might i add timely remarks. Simmons would u like to deliver our, rebuttle?
Simmons: (*Ahem*) Suck-it blue!
Donut: Yeh, suck-it blue. Thats doin it OLDSCHOOL!!!

Chruch: Thats it O'maily, if anybodys gonna make my girlfriend cranky and irratated, its gonna be me!
Tex: Aww, thats sweet...
Chruch: Shuddap, bitch.
Tex: Asshole

Chruch: How'd O'Mailey get up there soo fast?
Donut: Hey that guy is wicked fast!
Doc: Thanks I lettered in track, it was least non-directly competative sport i could find!

07-29-2004, 07:42 PM
I just had to add this...
Tucker(i think) Track Sucks!
Omally: you suck!

American Badass
07-30-2004, 01:04 AM
Doc: I'm a pacifist.
Caboose: You're a thing babies suck on?
Tucker: No dude, that's a pedophile.
Church: Tucker, I think he means a pacifier.
Tucker: Oh yeah, right. Man, I was totally thinking about something else.
Church: That's real classy Tucker.

Sarge: It's not that. I just felt like I could've taken him.
Griff: Taken who? The machine gun?
Sarge: Oh he was a worthy opponent to be sure. But right at the end there he was beginning to show signs of weakness. Cracks in the armor if you will.
Griff: What? You can't fight a machine gun.
Donut: Yeah Sarge. We know you're tough and all, but it is kind of hard to beat up hundreds of armor piercing bullets using only your face.
Sarge: And yet, he surrended.

07-30-2004, 08:14 AM
Omaily: I will eat their hearts and crapout their souls...
Doc: But im a vegitarian!

Tucker: Omg they got a jeep?! How come we dont get a jeep?
Chruch: What are u bitchin about we're getting a tank tommorow.
Tucker: Dude u cant pick up chicks in a tank.

Tucker: I changed my mind we can definately pickup chicks in this thing.... Probably 2-3 chicks a piece!
Chruch: Listen to u, what are u gonna do with 3 chicks?
Tucker: Dude, women are like Voltron. The more u hookup the better it gets!

Tucker: Sheila how do i stop this thing?
Sheila: Retard the controller!
Tucker: What controller?
Sheila: Retard the controller!
Tucker: Do u mean this?
Sheila: The controller retard!
Tucker: Now ur just being mean.

07-31-2004, 11:57 AM
Episode 2.... The whole Puma/Warthog bit, I never laghed so hard in my life.