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08-01-2004, 05:17 AM
ok who REALLY killed Aeris?

many say it was Jenova Death and physically it probably was. however i believe Sephiroth had channeled his soul into the Jenova spawn, so basically the jenova was an empty husk being controlled. Sephiroth was the culprit.

Del Murder
08-01-2004, 05:26 AM
Your poll title says who killed 'Sephiroth'. Did you mean Aeris?

08-01-2004, 05:29 AM
lol, so it does. damn, i cant edit it. do u have that ability? pretty please :cool:

08-01-2004, 08:35 AM
Actually, I believe it was the Jenova cells in Sephiroth that possessed him into lunacy, so in essence, it was Jenova.

08-01-2004, 09:39 AM
i see how that works. however Jenova wanted to destroy the world while sephiroth wanted
to become a god and rule the world

So i believe Sephiroth was strong enough to break free of his jenova cells commands and manipulate jenovs own manipulation 2 get in an advantagerous position

and remember
Sephiroth was injected with jenova cells in the womb. it was part of his genetic makeup. in essence sephiroth and Jenova had become the same entity

Ultima Shadow
08-01-2004, 11:19 AM
Well, I go for Sephiroth. Simply because that's what I saw. I have no proof that anyone else did it. :p

08-01-2004, 12:09 PM
It was quite simply Jenova under the guise of Sephiroth. Sephiroth was still asleep in the Northern Cave when Aeris was ever so sadly killed.

08-01-2004, 12:48 PM
i see how that works. however Jenova wanted to destroy the world while sephiroth wanted
to become a god and rule the world

So i believe Sephiroth was strong enough to break free of his jenova cells commands and manipulate jenovs own manipulation 2 get in an advantagerous position

and remember
Sephiroth was injected with jenova cells in the womb. it was part of his genetic makeup. in essence sephiroth and Jenova had become the same entity

Yeah, but in order for Sephy to gain enough power to rule, he had to destroy the planet anyway, so maybe Jenova just played along. Then, by the time you finally kill Jenova for good, Sephiroth's already to obsessed with consuming everything that he keeps goin'. Also, at the very end, he showed that he didn't really like Cloud in the first place, which is one reason I think he summoned Cloud to the final battle. And with that, I'm finished with this post ;).

08-01-2004, 01:02 PM
i see how that works. however Jenova wanted to destroy the world while sephiroth wanted
to become a god and rule the world

Yeah but in order for Jenova to destroy the world she needed to kill Aeris as her Holy was in Jenova's way. Get me?

EDIT: Keeping the above in mind, think about the time of the event and what was happening... Aeris was preying for Holy, therefor Jenova (who wanted to destroy the world) had to stop her, correct?

08-01-2004, 02:21 PM
Actually, now that I think of it. Aeris is somewhat responsible for her own death. She knew the stakes, the consiquences of praying to Holy. She knew very well that Sephiroth would probably try to stop her, and that things could take a turn for the worst (which they did). So, I don't think we should all be too sad, 'cause she did it for the sake of the planet. *starts tearing up*...but still...

Lost Heretic
08-01-2004, 02:39 PM
It was Cloud's fault, because he didn't cast Cure or Life in the few seconds before Aeris died. Moron.

08-01-2004, 03:54 PM
Are you calling me a moron, or Cloud? I don't think that's very appropriate, especially in an opinionated topic.

Trumpet Thief
08-01-2004, 04:00 PM
Cloud was Injected with Jenova cells right? So, what if he controlled Jenova to kill Aeris? And Sephiroth's mind happened to control him while he was doing that. Either that or Tifa did it

But seriously, I would like to believe that Sephiroth did it. It just seems right and cool that way. He wanted to be the only ancient, well, so he could rule the world anyway. I think Jenova was in fact Sephiroth's puppet during that time. Doing what he was already wanting to do, which was to kill Aeris.

08-01-2004, 04:11 PM
Ah, but see, Sephiroth wasn't actually an Ancient, he just thought he was, at first. Right after beating the Temple of Ancients, they say "But Sephiroth isn't an Ancient, he can't go to the Promised Land" (something like that), and then Sephy says "Ah, but I have already been to the Promised Land" (or something to that effect).

Trumpet Thief
08-01-2004, 04:13 PM
Well, I haven't played this game for three years, and I have just restarted to do Ultima Shadow's challenge. Forgive me if I made any other errors. My memory is a bit fuzzy.

08-01-2004, 04:21 PM
I just got done with that part, that's how I remembered :lol:.

08-01-2004, 08:18 PM
Uh oh... I remember this debate...

I'm not going to support my answer, I'll just say it was a Jenova clone that looks like Sephiroth being controlled by Sephiroth.

08-02-2004, 02:52 AM
yes, i do recall that princeofdarknez. no i wont start another huge debate.

i,ll just say i believe Sephiroth wanted meteor to hit to cause enough damage for all the life stream to flow into him, thus making him a God. however, would the planet of blown up or could Sephiroth have healed it and thus become ruler of the planet? we dont really know

and also cloudand all the other clones were diff 2 sephiroth. they were just injected with cells as adults. it was in there blood but not in there DNA. Sephiroth was injected in the womb, he WAS JENOVA in essence. imagine Jenova's horror at becoming part human! part of the race she so dispised.

bottom linei agree with prince somewhat it WAS physically jenova. however it was sephiroths personality in control and there was manipulation from both sides but since they were now the same creature they could inevitablly control aspects of each other. neither was in complete control.

08-02-2004, 07:12 AM
That's it, dag-nabbit, it was all Garland's fault, just for being an old coot who had nothing to do with this game :lol:.