View Full Version : Kilika chapter 5

08-09-2004, 12:29 AM
I'v read a couple of guides and they all told me that once i meet bartello donna and him will get together and wut not then episode complete. When i saw bartello he saw a ballon then jumped into the forest then i find him outside donnas house crying wanting donna to forgive him. Iv talked to both of them numerous times. Nothing happens. Does anyone know wuts going on?

08-09-2004, 01:35 AM

That's just what happens in Ch 5, if you want an Episode Complete you have to do stuff in all five chapters to get it. So if you didn't do any of the following, you probably didn't get the nice scene:

Ch 1: Talk to Donna to see she and Bartello argue. Get the awesome sphere.
Ch 2: Just talk to Donna when you visit. This probably isn't even necessary, but do it anyway.
Ch 3: Make sure you see Shinra place a commsphere in Kilika Temple. Talk to Donna, and when you go to the Temple, talk to Bartello. Defeat Ifrit.
Ch 4: Watch Commspheres.
When you first have access to just four, you can watch this one.
First: Speak to Donna
After this, and viewing the other three commspheres, you will have a scene in the Celsius, and then have access to all of them.
Second: View the Temple commsphere, and watch Bartello break the commsphere. Then watch the Port commsphere several times until you see Donna sleeping. Zoom in on her and she will say something about Bartello.
After this, you do the Find Tobli! Mission, and then you can view the commspheres again.
Third: View the Port commsphere until Donna sends it away on a balloon. Then watch it one more time to see Bartello break it.
Ch 5: Talk to Donna, and then visit the Temple.

Only after all of that will you see the scene you read about. If you don't complete all the requirements, you will get the scene that you saw.

08-09-2004, 06:18 PM
It was those damn commspheres. Goodbye mascot dressphere :( . ill just hafto beat the game an 6th time. Or 7th iv lost count.

Thanks dude