View Full Version : Vincentland

08-10-2004, 02:19 AM
Nation: Vincentland
Government: monarchy
Capital: Rune
Religion: Christianity
Entrance:anybody can enter
Exit: anybody can exit
National flag: see flag thread
National animal: wolf
plant: christmas tree
flower: yellow rose

EDIT: Wow lots of action here. Post if you wanna join or ally with me! :D

Trumpet Thief
08-11-2004, 11:52 PM
chaos: Sure I'll join. Call my area Revlis, as usual. Hopefully, this place will liven up a lil'.

Rubedo: Tell me if I need to add anything else.

08-12-2004, 12:08 AM
nope your good. I'll ask proot to add the city to the map or Nait maybe. He's up on these things. :D

08-12-2004, 04:41 PM
I'm not sure I understand the rules here, but I'd love to join your nation :D

08-12-2004, 04:44 PM
Dear Vincent,

Peace Treaty?



Agent Proto
08-12-2004, 04:45 PM
Congrats Vincent. Your nation has grown to three members. Here's your little map. You can put a new city within the orange territory of your nation, and you may place a road to connect your cities.

Az Lionheart
08-12-2004, 07:16 PM
we are border buddies..........think.....wana allywith each other

Trumpet Thief
08-12-2004, 07:28 PM
chaos: A big request--- Can I be Vice President?

Rubedo: Pretty please?

08-14-2004, 08:41 PM
Selphie- sure you can join!
Psy- peace treaty, I'll sign it! Wanna ally up?
AZ- Sure we can ally! :D

Sorry I havent visited my own thread in a few days lol!

08-14-2004, 09:03 PM
Yeah! Alliance! Woo! Psy-Vin! Or Vin-Psy! I like Vin-Psy! It sounds....Vin-Psyish :greenie:

08-15-2004, 12:14 AM
Well put, Psy

Agent Proto
08-15-2004, 12:56 AM
Vincent, you can place a second city within your boundary.

Trumpet Thief
08-18-2004, 01:25 AM
chaos: Alrighty, I got a map of Vincentland with the wonders, and the first city.

Rubedo: Perhaps I will give Phil some suggestions of the placement and the name of the second city.

Az Lionheart
08-18-2004, 09:16 AM
yay another alience. we ahould try to get everyone in this "sub-forum" to join up then the whole continent will be united!

Giga Guess
08-20-2004, 05:40 AM
FRIENDS! Just figured I'd say hi!

Trumpet Thief
08-20-2004, 05:45 AM
chaos: Hey. Well, we are allies of course.

Rubedo: Just remember, when someone invades us, we can use your sooldiers as human shields.

Giga Guess
08-20-2004, 05:46 AM
Likewise with you guys! It's only fair, y'know? *Goes out to antagonize Nait...*

08-25-2004, 01:25 AM
We of Fiorenseo would like to set up a trade route with Vincentland. If it would be fine with you, we would like to set up a trade route, as previously stated. If it would be ok, it could work for your benefit.
Erased, Minister of Trade.
princeofdarknez, Minister of Foreign Affairs approval

08-25-2004, 03:35 AM
um.. I'm just saying something in this thread to have said something. =/ I guess this is some sort of trade / peace / whatever treaty thingey request or whatnot. ^^;

08-25-2004, 04:33 AM
Erased- sure we can do all that- i'll send workers to help
Grimm- an alliance it is then :D

08-26-2004, 02:16 AM
Non-Aggresion Pact?

08-26-2004, 04:22 AM
absolutely :D

08-28-2004, 09:18 AM

Az Lionheart
08-28-2004, 11:09 AM
can we build a road from my capital to yours?

08-28-2004, 05:14 PM
yeah sure- i'll send workers :D

The Triumphant Hero
08-28-2004, 05:16 PM
I would like to join Vincentland.

08-29-2004, 11:29 AM
Hi. Can I be a citizen? Nothing like jobs or nothing. Just a citizen, but a warrior in a war too.

08-29-2004, 05:12 PM
sure thing :D

Trumpet Thief
08-29-2004, 08:13 PM
Hi. Can I be a citizen? Nothing like jobs or nothing. Just a citizen, but a warrior in a war too.

chaos: You won't get any jobs are anything, don't worry, but you're joining our nation correct? 'Cause then you get another city added.

Rubedo: Wow, that sure will bring our NP up!

EDIT: Nevermind, I checked the Myst thread and found out you were a part of them, but just wanted to be a citizen here. My mistake ^___^

Giga Guess
08-30-2004, 03:36 AM
Sorry for the intrusion. I just wanna know if Sir Cloud wants to join your nation or mine. Much as I wish we could share, I doubt that's in the rules. No grudge if he decides to stay with you guys...just want a firm answer. Thank you and good day.

Trumpet Thief
08-30-2004, 04:07 AM
chaos: Hopefully he'll log in and check back to this thread.

Rubedo: I'll tell you when we should start fighting over him!

08-30-2004, 09:10 AM
Sorry guys giga gave me a spot first so i'm his. anyone know where the rules are so i can read before i mess up again?

Trumpet Thief
08-30-2004, 09:02 PM
chaos: I'm pretty sure this is the rules thread: http://forums.eyesonff.com/showthread.php?t=48770

Rubedo: And no worries, you didn't know that you could only be part of one nation. Have fun in Myst!

Max the Man
08-30-2004, 10:57 PM
I would like to join Vincentland.
me too!

Trumpet Thief
08-30-2004, 11:36 PM
chaos: Sure, both of you can join. And if Vincent (Phil) doesn't check back to this thread, I'll send him a PM.

Rubedo: Have fun at Vincentland guys!

08-30-2004, 11:41 PM
Rub your doing a great job :D

Trumpet Thief
09-03-2004, 12:04 AM
chaos: Say thanks!

Rubedo: Alright, CloudLeonhart and Max the Man, you can both create a city if you want. All you have to do in give the name, and someone will add it to the map with the location on it.

Trowa: *Sits and stares and sits and stares and sits and stares*

The Triumphant Hero
09-03-2004, 12:44 AM
Ok then.. how about Blackstone Village?

Trumpet Thief
09-03-2004, 12:52 AM
chaos: Alright. Nait will update it.

Rubedo: Oh and when you make a city, you are the ruler of it. Not like you'll have any responsibilities.

Trumpet Thief
09-08-2004, 01:07 AM
chaos: Alright, the new city owned by CloudLeonhart is now called Forge City, located near the area of Revlis.

Trumpet Thief
09-08-2004, 01:25 AM
chaos: Alright guys! Here is the most recent map of Vincentland! Enjoy!

09-08-2004, 04:11 AM
I am here to join Vincentland...yep. No one else has asked me to join, so why not? :p

*twiddles thumbs* Yes? No?


Trumpet Thief
09-08-2004, 04:13 AM
chaos: Oh kikimm! What a surprise! You decided to join! Why, how did you find out about Vincentland ^__^

Rubedo: Okay, first of all, do you want to create a city. When we have a city, it boosts our Nation Posts, so, all you have to do is give a name for a city you want, and I will do the rest!

09-08-2004, 04:18 AM
It suddenly just came to me, one day. "I think I shall join Vincentland". Very mysterious.

ANYways. Herm...my city...how `bout Burgleficklia? If that doesn't work, then...Vvendnelle. Don't ask why.

Yay, I joined!


Trumpet Thief
09-08-2004, 04:20 AM
chaos: Burgleficklia it is. Okay, a new city is now in VincentLand called Burgleficklia! I will add it to the map!

09-08-2004, 04:23 AM
I don't think I understand about the cities... What's that all about?

Trumpet Thief
09-08-2004, 04:30 AM
chaos: Oh yah, Selphie666 I wanted you to create a city too. Basically, when a new person joins a nation, they have the option f creating a city. The city is their's and goes on the world map. As a bonus, it boosts the nation's "Nation Points".

Rubedo: So, Selphie, give me the name of the city you want, I will do the rest. And here is the newest map! Viola!

09-08-2004, 04:34 AM
Oh, I get it! ... I think...
Umm... How about Kiraville? (Kira is my name :D)

Trumpet Thief
09-08-2004, 04:35 AM
chaos: Alright! Kira is now an official city of Vincentland! I'll add it to the Vincentland map right now! And for making a city, I award you selphie, and you kikimm with 300 Rubey Points! Time to update the map!

EDIT: Can I call it KiraCity instead? Thanks!!

Trumpet Thief
09-08-2004, 04:37 AM
chaos: Here is the map! I made it KiraCity, 'cause they pretty much have to be cities!

09-08-2004, 11:01 PM
someone create a city in the lake adjacent to that middle one! D: *omgchokingdeathomg*

Trumpet Thief
09-12-2004, 07:49 PM
chaos: Thank you for all you have given me. Now I am quitting as your Vice President, and giving the Vice President role to kikimm. I will now be the leader of Super Shiny Land. Goodbye :cry:

09-12-2004, 07:52 PM
*gasp* WHat is this....this blasphemy!!??


Trumpet Thief
09-12-2004, 08:02 PM
chaos: Sorry kikimm. I know I did a lot in Vincentland, but now I gotta leave. Perhaps you should write down "Vice President of Vincentland" in your sig. *Pats kikimm on the back* Goodbye!

09-12-2004, 08:06 PM
Oh....allright. I can't stay mad for very long. :love:

Do we have an alliance, or no? Or do we hate each other?

Heh heh...Vice President? :evilking:


Trumpet Thief
09-12-2004, 08:11 PM
chaos: I dunno. I was thinking about betraying and crushing you guys :D

The Triumphant Hero
09-12-2004, 10:21 PM
are you sure? we do have a pretty easily defended chokepoint that you have to enter... but, it's your call, rubedo.

Trumpet Thief
09-12-2004, 10:24 PM
are you sure? we do have a pretty easily defended chokepoint that you have to enter... but, it's your call, rubedo.

chaos: I was only joking :D

Rubedo: And I gave you 1000 Rubey Points. Put that in your sig.

09-12-2004, 11:32 PM
Okeley dokeley.....okay, we gotta take Revlis off the map, now. Do I do that, or does someone else? Sorry, still fairly new to this whole lollapalooza.


The Triumphant Hero
09-14-2004, 10:36 PM
And now today's top story:
Field Reporter Bob: Well, it's pandemonium, it seems that the Eizon nations are developing sea-faring devices.
Anchorman Joe: Can you tell us more about these mystical water-traveling devices.
Bob: I heard them being refered to as "boats." This will revolutionize travel!

Sea travel is now possible!!!!! We can buld a Navy!

Trumpet Thief
09-15-2004, 01:05 AM
chaos: Revlis stays on the map. Or, do you want to lower the NP's? Besides, you can't remove it anyhoo, it's on the official map. Just think of it as a gift from me to you.

The Triumphant Hero
09-16-2004, 02:54 AM
I've submitted ship ideas to our vice pres... we should be able to build a respectable navy soon enough. Be expecting loud cries of 'You sunk my battleship!!!!!' in the near future.

09-17-2004, 04:57 AM
Revlis stays, then. My bad.

Righto. Ships are good to go. If we ever need them, we got `em. Now that we're all prepared for battle, I feel like battling....


Trumpet Thief
09-17-2004, 05:30 AM
chaos: I really miss you guys :cry:

Trowa: But still, it's all worth it for that shiny banner under our name...

Rubedo: Yeap. Anyhoo, just wanted to say hello.

The Triumphant Hero
09-25-2004, 12:54 AM
OK, vincent06 resigned and let kikimm take his spot. Can I be vice president now, kikimm?

Trumpet Thief
09-25-2004, 01:07 AM
chaos: Yes you can CloudLeonhart.

Max the Man
09-25-2004, 04:32 AM
OK, vincent06 resigned and let kikimm take his spot. Can I be vice president now, kikimm?
This is going crazy! :eek:

Trumpet Thief
09-25-2004, 04:51 AM
chaos: You think that's insane? I own Super Shiny Land now!

Giga Guess
09-25-2004, 05:11 AM
Hrmmm...it appears Vincentland is on the verge of collapse...

Honestly, I hope I'm wrong, though...

Trumpet Thief
09-25-2004, 06:02 AM
chaos: That is because I always did the work for it..

Rubedo: And one member less made a huge impact, plus a lot of other things... Sorry I ditched you guys... :shame:

09-25-2004, 07:19 AM
Yeah, you better be..... :p

Anyways. I liked just being a regular ol` member---no responisobilities. I don't know if I'll stay or not. If it doesn't pick up...I don't know, I might leave anyways. What's Vincentland without Vincent?


Giga Guess
09-25-2004, 05:03 PM

C'mon, don't tell me that doesn't have a certain ring to it...

Trumpet Thief
09-29-2004, 05:46 AM
Hey guys. You may remember me as the to-be leader of Vinentland, and former Vice President. Well, I was supposed to advertise the voting of the Eizon Overseer over here. Vote for who you believe has the good ideas, and great plan that could revive Eizon. Vote for whomever you please, just remember, make sure that you believe they can do good for Eizon. Thanks! The link to the thread is in my signature, now get voting!

chaos: Yaep, that was the only post with no personality.

09-29-2004, 05:53 AM
Yarg, you beat me to it.

EDIT: Hey, I didn't even realize there wasn't any other personality till now.

Anyways---even though we still don't exactly have a leader, I'm going to take it upon myself to really encourage you guys to vote. It won't help anyone if only 10 people get around to doing it.

No offense to him, but just because he posted here, doesn't mean you have to vote for Seiken. Vote for whoever you think is best.

Now get on over there and vote! "mush, mush!"


Trumpet Thief
09-29-2004, 05:55 AM
Yarg, you beat me to it.

EDIT: Hey, I didn't even realize there wasn't any other personality till now.

Anyways---even though we still don't exactly have a leader, I'm going to take it upon myself to really encourage you guys to vote. It won't help anyone if only 10 people get around to doing it.

No offense to him, but just because he posted here, doesn't mean you have to vote for Seiken. Vote for whoever you think is best.

Now get on over there and vote! "mush, mush!"


chaos: I agree, vote for who you think will do a good job. But still, that doesn't mean you should completely ignore me either. Think about who you think will do agood job, post your reason if you want, and vote away.

Rubedo: Thanks for listening to me. I know I left you guys, but you still feel like a large part of me.

10-01-2004, 01:30 AM
Okay-since I really, really do't want to be the sole leader of this place, why not just all kind of rule together...like a council, parliament, congress, whatever you want to call it. That way it'l be easier to know what you guys are thinking; if you don't like this idea, and would rather have a definite leader, though, then tell me. I, personally, would rather have it be a collaborative thing, however.


Trumpet Thief
10-01-2004, 01:35 AM
chaos: Hey, it's your nation, you can do whatever you want with it.

Rubedo: And Giga and me are Overseer's. Congrats to him too.

The Triumphant Hero
10-01-2004, 11:04 PM
Okay-since I really, really do't want to be the sole leader of this place, why not just all kind of rule together...like a council, parliament, congress, whatever you want to call it. That way it'l be easier to know what you guys are thinking; if you don't like this idea, and would rather have a definite leader, though, then tell me. I, personally, would rather have it be a collaborative thing, however.

Ok, I call military strategist/commander/development- I do the military stuff

10-02-2004, 01:27 AM
Righto. You got it, I guess...

You'll do you're job well, I know, if we're ever in battle. :) Which sounds fun right now, but hey.


Max the Man
10-02-2004, 02:23 AM
can I be something??????????? :tongue:

Trumpet Thief
10-02-2004, 02:31 AM
chaos: What's the occupation you want to be? You can be.. um... Government Official?

Rubedo: I could think of more, but I'd ask for a little more specificness.

Max the Man
10-02-2004, 02:35 AM
Hmmm. That guy would make keep track of laws and stuff right? :confused:

Trumpet Thief
10-02-2004, 03:34 AM
chaos: Darn tooting!

Rubedo: Now, about what you want to be?

Max the Man
10-02-2004, 03:35 AM

20th post! :tongue:

Trumpet Thief
10-02-2004, 03:36 AM

20th post! :tongue:

chaos: Erm, your role?

Rubedo: In any case, whatever.

10-02-2004, 04:12 AM
A nation recovering after their leader abandoned them.

*makes invasion plans* :evilking:

Trumpet Thief
10-02-2004, 04:18 AM
chaos: We had a peace trity, too late Carnage.

Albedo: *Laughs maniacally*

10-02-2004, 04:21 AM
A nation recovering after their leader abandoned them.

*makes invasion plans* :evilking:

Shoo! YARG MATEY! :p

Hrm....I should probably think of some positions, then, huh? Maybe later.


10-02-2004, 04:25 AM
Any peace treaty is now void due to the new leader. youll hafto talk to my national ambassador. Good luck talkin to him though. even I cant get a hold of him.

Trumpet Thief
10-02-2004, 04:31 AM
chaos: Meh, in any case, I'm supposed to be in favour of all nations, so, I'll let it go. VL on the other hand, no matter if a new leader comes, can not destroy it's peace trity with you. You are the leader, so, unless you are replaced, there's no use.

Rubedo: In any case, this area is still quite powerful, and the war hasn't begun because neither of these two nations are inactive, so, technically, all you can do is make funny faces at eachother.

10-02-2004, 04:33 AM
How many members does vincentland have?

Trumpet Thief
10-02-2004, 04:37 AM
chaos: Hm.. Vincent resigned as leader, but I'd say he's still a member. I'm more of a helper, or random member of Vincentland. Then there's kikimm.

Rubedo: Max the Man, CloudLeonhart and Selphie666. Yaep, that's them. In any case, do what you want.

10-02-2004, 04:43 AM
Just wondering. I thought you were in myst or super shiney land.

Trumpet Thief
10-02-2004, 04:46 AM
chaos: Leader of Super Shiny Land; great friends with Myst and Vincentland.

Rubedo: That's all there is to it.

10-02-2004, 04:49 AM
o0o k. JW

10-02-2004, 04:51 AM


10-03-2004, 02:10 AM
Righto guys, here's the deal:

We need to come up with a couple of events, specifically for Vincentland alone. Like....a....turn all the lights on and off at the same time event (but not that-something serious, and fun, that we ALL can participate and have fun in). If you don't understand what I'm saying, then go read Seiken's thread on this.

Any suggestions are greatly appreciated.


Trumpet Thief
10-03-2004, 02:12 AM
chaos: Remember!! Only five holidays maximum, and not more than two can be in the same month!!!

Rubedo: And there is a two holiday minimum! Once the day comes of your holiday, you may make a thread about it!

10-04-2004, 06:35 PM
Okay, here's the delio---I'm leaving Vincentland. CloudLeonhart, she's all yours, if you want. Or you can go ahead with the "collaboration" thing we had going for....a few days. :D

I'll probably come around once in awhile, though, to see how things are going. Have fun, good luck with everything! I'll miss you all, I promise. :cry:


Trumpet Thief
10-04-2004, 11:32 PM
chaos: Oh for god's sake kikimm, just try to stay. This won't even be a nation anymore at this rate...

Rubedo: But it's still your free choice...

10-05-2004, 12:56 AM
I'm surprised it lasted even after Vincent left.

I would stay, but I barely ever come in here. I'm not exactly being a good member, so.....


Trumpet Thief
10-05-2004, 01:08 AM
chaos: kikimm, stay, and I will become the President of Vincentland, as well as the President of SSL.

Rubedo: This nation is worth way more, so let's get it back on track! So stay, kikimm!

10-05-2004, 02:08 AM
I convinced Kikimm to leave Vincentland and join my nation, a nation (and planet) covered indefinately with a 3' deep spa; It's called "SPAwesomeland" and NO ONE ELSE is invited. Except Ultima-Shadow if he sweet talks me.

Trumpet Thief
10-05-2004, 02:11 AM
chaos: In any case, kikimm can stay for that is not an actual nation of Eizon. She can stay in your area if she wants, but I want to hear her word on if she wants to stay in Vincentland. She will not have to do any work here, either, as I'm taking my role as President here back...

Rubedo: Her choice though.

10-05-2004, 02:16 AM
SPAwesomeland is about 95% joke, 5% fantasy. How awesome would an entire planet of hot spa be? And it would have to be a little planet, like that one in Dragonball Z... At least I think there is a little planet in Dragonball Z, I only saw 4 minutes of one episode. Every day on SPAwesomeland would be a PARTY AT MY PLACE, oh wait, I guess I couldn't have a place... Okay new rule: There are lilypads, big ones... And one is my place, and every day there is a PARTY on it, WOOHOO.

Trust me, SPAwesomeland needs no thread!

Trumpet Thief
10-05-2004, 02:18 AM
chaos: In any case, I edited my first post with more questions, and some answers. Anyhoo, she can join your planet, I'm just asking her if she wants to stay in VL.

Rubedo: Nice idea of a place BTW :D You can actually make it a nation of Eizon, by going in the "Wanted: New Leaders" thread.

10-05-2004, 02:19 AM
A planet made up of 95% joke-goo wouldn't hold up as a real planet I'm afraid :cry:

Trumpet Thief
10-05-2004, 02:21 AM
chaos: Just claim an area in the "Wanted: New Leader's" thread, and you could turn the whole business into some Spa district.

Rubedo: At least then kikimm would truly be in a nation. Besides, you would get that shiny title under your name. And sorry for being so nozy, just doing my job. *Points to double custom title*

The Triumphant Hero
10-05-2004, 11:48 PM
Whoa... I forget to check this thread for a day and... Well, anyway, Seiken, are you sure you are allowed to be president of 2 nations at once? Wait, you make the rules, don't you? And do I still get to be battle advisor?

Trumpet Thief
10-06-2004, 12:31 AM
chaos: Yes, you are battle advisor, and if kikimm doesn't want to be VP, I will give you that role.

Rubedo: I will also think up some holidays for this nation later... SSL and Overseering are taking up too much of my time.

Trumpet Thief
10-06-2004, 02:48 AM
chaos: I am hereby merging Super Shiny Land with Vincentland. All current members are to stay with the conjoined nation, and we will truly become a powerful nation! All of the rules will be the ones that SSL currently uses, thanks!

10-07-2004, 06:26 AM
*sigh*. You guys are making it so hard to leave......

All right. I'll stay. But I'm not sure if I want to be VP. I think Cloudleonhart is better suited for the job; but that's only my opinion, and I'm not the one running the show, here.

I'm cool with just being the regular ol` member. I don't come here often enough, and don't know as much as the rest of you. But hey-it's your call, either way.


Trumpet Thief
10-07-2004, 07:25 AM
chaos: Of course, you can be a regular member if you want.

10-08-2004, 01:16 AM
Yeah, I think that's what I'm going to do. For now, at least.


Trumpet Thief
11-06-2004, 08:31 PM
chaos: I've been searching for a while, and now I've found a leader for Vincentland. He is Ultima Shadow, and I just asked him if he wanted the job.

Rubedo: So now I am in control of only Super Shiny Land.

Trowa: We'll still stay as regular members though.

The Triumphant Hero
11-06-2004, 09:46 PM
Would you like to form an alliance with Aquanacus?

Trumpet Thief
11-06-2004, 09:53 PM
chaos: Of course, we would be honoured to :D

The Triumphant Hero
11-06-2004, 09:58 PM
Okay, thanks. And, how long would it take me to build a wingship right now? If you don't know what a wingship is, check my thread.

Trumpet Thief
11-06-2004, 09:59 PM
chaos: You can say 1-3 days, but, it will be of little use until wars are allowed. Still, you are quite creative with those things, so us Overseers might contemplate the usage of machinery like that.

The Triumphant Hero
11-06-2004, 10:01 PM
I didin't make it for war. It's just for exploration purposes. The weapons are for killing any creatures that attack the ship. I might make a warship next time, though. And the sail engine does work. I put something like that in a cardboard tube and pushed it, the tube sped up for about 15 seconds before it capsized.

11-07-2004, 04:43 AM
Whoa...wow. Okay then...I'm still..here...righto. Ultim Shadow as president....*cowers back in the corner*


Ultima Shadow
11-10-2004, 04:15 PM
That's right! I'm YOUR NEW RULER!!! *thunder*


11-11-2004, 01:59 AM
Hee hee hee....parTAY!!! This will so be the funnest nation eVAR!

...so, who we gonna crush first?

Just kidding. Any new plans, Ultima Shadow the Ruler?


Ultima Shadow
11-11-2004, 10:09 PM

I'm Ultima Shadow... your new ruler... let me introduce myself...
Name: Ultima Shadow
Intressts: Lurking around in the shadows as the "ultimate lifeform"!!!
Plans: Stealing all ice cream in THE WHOLE WORLD!!!!! :) And... find the asskicking power of ultimateness that don't actually exist... but I still think it does... because... well, I'm dumb. ;)

Oh, and don't forget to buy "green" lawnmovers for the "green" fields. :greenking

Trumpet Thief
11-11-2004, 10:10 PM
chaos: And I'm his helper that makes approvals/suggestions for certain decisions, chaos!

Rubedo: And us other personalities are left out :(

Trowa: Meh...

Albedo: *Laughs maniacally*

Ultima Shadow
11-11-2004, 10:16 PM
Rubedo: And us other personalities are left out :(

That's because I live "in the chaos"!!! :chuckle: ... erm... whatever... :shifty:
*lurks back into the shadows*

Trumpet Thief
11-11-2004, 10:18 PM
chaos: Different meanings there, Mista! *Blows hair out eyes, and walks away mockingly*

Rubedo: I just thought you needed a nation of your own Ultima. I mean, owning two isn't as great as it sounds :rolleyes2

Ultima Shadow
11-11-2004, 10:59 PM
Rubedo: I just thought you needed a nation of your own Ultima. I mean, owning two isn't as great as it sounds :rolleyes2
Yea, I guess it's funnier to just own 1. ;)

And you've given Vincentland a great leader! :D
Really... a great, supreme, amazing, invinsible, purehearted, trustwhorthy and perfect leader. :)

Secharock: Actually... you're just a cruel, mad, selfish and dumb little...

Shhhhhh... (stupid Secharock :mad2: ) He's just talking about himself. ;)

Secharock: Bah! Oh, well... "I" am Secharock... and atleast "I" am cruel and selfish... but not mad and dumb. :)
I was born as a wizard with extreme powers. Only my brother, Charo, was stronger than me. But Charo was insane and killed alot of people... but used my intelligence to beat the crap out of him and now "I" am "the most powerfull". :D

Blah, blah, blah... yea, yea... sure...

Secharock: *cold laugh*

Trumpet Thief
11-11-2004, 11:01 PM
Albedo: Hmm... this new one you've got there might be the best one I've seen so far! *Laughs maniacally*

chaos: Nice to join the group Ultima. Just don't let others think they can do the same, and try not to do it too excessively either, or SomethingBig and the other "Anti Split Personalities that aren't Seiken" group might hunt you down :D

Ultima Shadow
11-11-2004, 11:12 PM
Don't worry. He can only travel trough Vincentland and usernotes. And he stay away from the usernotes most of the time... I'll make sure he won't be too much trouble... :D

Secharock: *casts mind-controll magic*

And now... let's all bow before the almighty Secharock! :) *bows* :bow:

Secharock: You're so pity Ultima... *cold laugh*

Trumpet Thief
11-11-2004, 11:17 PM
Albedo: *Laughs maniacally* High-five! *slaps*

chaos: Urgh... what've you done? :shame:

11-13-2004, 04:49 AM
Hi, can I be a citizen? If so I would like to build my port city just South of where the river and lake meets. Can I be the Minister of Astrology? If so I would name my city Venus Blue. Do we have any holidays yet?
Any landmarks. I really don't know anything about this country except the basic intro Vincent06 made and it changes rulers a lot.

11-13-2004, 05:48 AM
Holy! xD It's cool that you're actually here. The more the merrrier. All of that sounds pretty good, but as I have no real power anymore (long story) I'll wait for Ultima...for some reason....



Trumpet Thief
11-13-2004, 06:15 AM
chaos: You're in. I can still make the OBVIOUS decisions for Ultima :)

11-13-2004, 06:31 AM
Pssh. man, we really need more members here.


Ultima Shadow
11-13-2004, 03:09 PM
That's right, man! Welcome to Vincentland! ;) *gives theundeadhero a green lawnmover* Use it with care. ;)

Secharock: Minister of Astrology? Sure... just tell me if you find a meteor close enough to the earth for me to summon it. That means... if it's less than 140800m from the place where I'm currently standing... then I'll be able to summon it... if you point out the exact direction for me that is... :cool:

Why do you want to summon a meteor? :eek:

Secharock: *giggles* Erm... I mean... *cold laugh*

Oh, well... as for holidays... we have the "DAY OF THE ICE CREAMS" :)

11-13-2004, 08:25 PM
Green Lawnmowers! I've always wanted something green. Theres a meteor there *points up* but it isnt' close enough yet. I guess the first thing I need to do is build a bridge across the river and start making a road to Revlis.

11-13-2004, 08:35 PM
I have one too, you know. It looks like this:::


No joke. Take it or leave it, it's all yours.


11-13-2004, 10:31 PM
@_o, does it glow in the dark?

Ultima Shadow
11-14-2004, 11:04 PM
@_o, does it glow in the dark?
Only if it's happy and healty! So take good care of it. ;)

11-15-2004, 04:53 AM
Is it okay if we name the wide open space in the SE corner of our country the "Vast Plains of Solitude"? Would it be okay if I made an offer to Sai Estrana that I will trade grains collected from this plain to be allowed passage down the river that flows through the country? If all goes well I would like to propose a trade of a rare mineral (which needs a name, any suggestions) only found in our lake (which also really needs a name) to Zhem, that they might use in their jewelry making, for magical items, trade the magical items to Fiorensio and see what they might have to offer in trade. With the profits I could pay for the grain working and begin work on an astrological temple I plan to build called the Astronomy Domain within my city.

Ultima Shadow
11-15-2004, 08:40 PM
Is it okay if we name the wide open space in the SE corner of our country the "Vast Plains of Solitude"? Would it be okay if I made an offer to Sai Estrana that I will trade grains collected from this plain to be allowed passage down the river that flows through the country? If all goes well I would like to propose a trade of a rare mineral (which needs a name, any suggestions) only found in our lake (which also really needs a name) to Zhem, that they might use in their jewelry making, for magical items, trade the magical items to Fiorensio and see what they might have to offer in trade. With the profits I could pay for the grain working and begin work on an astrological temple I plan to build called the Astronomy Domain within my city.
Yea, sure! :)

Secharock: Sounds resonable. :cool:

11-16-2004, 11:04 PM
The Sai Estrana trade has been accepted. Now on to Zhem.

Edit: Rebels in the mountains are making hostile threats about smog coming from our country. We need to find what's causing the smog. How do we do that? Pm agent proto?

11-17-2004, 02:16 AM
Righto. We need to figure out this smog-problem, or else mah beautiful city is goin` down in flames!


The Triumphant Hero
11-17-2004, 02:20 AM
Or you could just tell them to stop their whining or you'll sic your armies on 'em

11-17-2004, 02:22 AM
That could cause an uprising of all the rouge people that roam our countysides. Not that I'm against squashing them, but my town isn't ready yet to fight off revolutionaries.

Ultima Shadow
11-17-2004, 10:27 PM
but my town isn't ready yet to fight off revolutionaries.
That's right. We have to be carefull until our country grows stronger. We'll have to try to end this without causing trouble. But if they act to agressively we'll have no choise but to take them down.

11-18-2004, 01:20 AM
We need a member of our country to lead as a military role. Preferably a new member of course, but someone should do it. Are the 3 of us the only members?

11-19-2004, 03:59 AM
I think so. There are supposedly two more members, but we three are the only active ones, so..yeah...maybe we should try out some recruiting?


11-21-2004, 11:28 PM
I want to join VincentLand (which usedto be UltimaLand which was cooler) But anyways, how'd i join and what do i do... :confused:

Trumpet Thief
11-22-2004, 12:20 AM
I want to join VincentLand (which usedto be UltimaLand which was cooler) But anyways, how'd i join and what do i do... :confused:

chaos: It never used to be UltimaLand. And secondly, Vincent06 was the ruler, until he stepped down and gave it to me. I own Super Shiny Land, and share Vincentland with Ultima Shadow.

Rubedo: In any case, you don't have to do much or anything, so, do you want to be a member? If so, then you're in! :)

11-22-2004, 12:26 AM
I remember Ultima Shadow having his own country, what happend to it?
And if i don't have to do much of anything then what am i to do at all?

Trumpet Thief
11-22-2004, 12:27 AM
Rubedo: He never had his own country. When he started, he was VP of Evergreen. Now, I'm sharing VL with him, so he can have a shiny title :D

11-22-2004, 12:41 AM
So... Do i get a fancy Tittle?

Trumpet Thief
11-22-2004, 12:45 AM
chaos: Tittle? :D

Rubedo: But seriously, you have to own your own nation to get a shiny title. You can go proclaiming that you are the "insert job of Vincentland", but you won't get a title.

chaos: And I am not just a Nation Leader, but an Eizon Overseer (Higher Role, makes Rules) Along with Giga Guess, and Proto, so don't get those mixed up. You MIGHT be still able to control another nation. Post in the thread "Wanted: New Nation Leaders". It isn't all play though, so watch out. But, if you want, you can still be a member of Vincentland instead :D

11-22-2004, 12:53 AM
OK let me get this straight, You are a nation leader (the whole continent?) And along with the other 2 people, you are the Overseer? And i can make up a job tittle for myself, ok i got that, so one last question: As i see there are only 3 members in VincentLand, what do THEY do?

Trumpet Thief
11-22-2004, 01:00 AM
chaos: Nation Leaders only own portions of the continents. Large portions though.

Rubedo: The other members of Vincentland help with suggestions, votes, etc.

11-23-2004, 06:10 AM
So....do we now have a fourth member? :) It would be greatly appreciated....you can even have yer own city. Just make sure you don't let too much "gas" or whatever it was come out of it.


Trumpet Thief
11-23-2004, 06:15 AM
choas: Ultima obviously gets a city, so I just put down what came to mind :D

11-23-2004, 06:19 AM
Who is this "choas" *glares*

Oops. I competely forgot about Ultima getting his own city. Meh. ANy word on if the smog problem's fixed? *searches thread*


Trumpet Thief
11-23-2004, 06:20 AM

Trowa: Hey kiki ^___^

11-23-2004, 06:28 AM
Yes...the smog problem that we might be invaded for....or something. I read it awhile ago, and now I don't exactly rememeber it. But smog's apparently coming out of Burgleficklia. *growl*

kiki: :joey: How you doin`?


Trumpet Thief
11-23-2004, 06:30 AM
Trowa: By kiki I meant kikimm, but apparently, you are confusing yourself for a weird, and un-sophisticated version of yourself... :mad2:

11-23-2004, 06:34 AM
kikimm: *cough* Sorry. Very sorry. It happens, can you really blame me? Can you? I meant...

How are you doing on this fine, glorious day!?? Hmm...

*checks if the smog is gone*...*sigh*


Trumpet Thief
11-23-2004, 06:35 AM
Trowa: Very well thank you, and I believe the smog is gone :D

Ultima Shadow
11-23-2004, 10:52 PM
Rubedo: He never had his own country. When he started, he was VP of Evergreen. Now, I'm sharing VL with him, so he can have a shiny title :D
Actually... I DID make my own country... but I gave it up because I didn't have the time back then...
So... that contry was never actually made into the EoFF world. But I still "made" it. :p

Trumpet Thief
11-24-2004, 12:36 AM
chaos: From what I remember, it was in Eyesonia correct? 'Cause Eizon wasn't made too far back...

11-24-2004, 01:23 AM
Ah, so I wasn't crazy. I thought UltimaLand sounded familair....*twitches*


11-24-2004, 03:15 AM
Hey all. sorry I've been out so long. On vacation means I don't have access to my super uber fast computer and have to deal with my parents super-slow hard stuff. I can't even log on like every 2 hours like my addiction needs. withdraws :( My city wasn't on the map?! Well, at least the smog cleared up.

11-24-2004, 03:38 AM
I get a city, yay! :beer: But since the only name i was thinking of naming it was taken, i mustuth thinketh... Now what is this "SMOG" you speak of?

Trumpet Thief
11-24-2004, 03:47 AM
chaos: Map making isn't that easy...

Rubedo: Give me the name of your cities, and I'll add them, and there is no smog, so forget that.

11-24-2004, 04:49 AM
Ohh no... It seems that we are screwed... While other nations are making alliances, we are siting here picking our nose, thus doing nothing! I really don't want to be over-run by moombas, if not worse... Whatever shall we do... BTW who got the city named "Ultima City" (I wanted that name. :cry: )

Trumpet Thief
11-24-2004, 05:03 AM
chaos: Erm, we have an alliance with more than half the nations of Eizon. This is page 6 of the thread, remember?

Rubedo: Ultima Shadow got Ultima City, and none of us are "picking nose". Maybe you.. :p

11-24-2004, 05:10 AM
Exaclly what i mean... Those NATIONS can rebell and overthrow this place at any time... And they're actually DOING something

and none of us are "picking nose". Maybe you.. :p
That's just an expression :\

Trumpet Thief
11-24-2004, 05:14 AM
chaos: I know, I was joking :p

Rubedo: We aren't doing nothing. There isn't anything to do. We've participated in every thread, we are planning a war on Teardrop, we've already named all the areas around Eisgaea, and are the top nation over here. Franktly, I don't see any other nations doing more, and getting crushed isn't that easy either. We are supported by the three largest nations (Super Shiny Land, which is owned by me), we have quite a bit of members, updated maps and etc. You cannot call that nothing, and perhaps, check out what the others are doing before you say that.

chaos: Also, all the "weaponry" that has been made doesn't even count, which I've said dozens of times. Some people just have too great imaginations :rolleyes2

Rubedo: And with an alliance, you cannot attack that nation either.

11-24-2004, 08:28 PM
So... i decided on a city.

Name: Genji tokai
Location: Can it be in the middle of the mountain range? on the teardrop/vincentland/aztopia/sai estrana border?
Description: Uh... it's a city, but it could be a trade center of some sort :confused:

11-24-2004, 08:38 PM
Venus Blue, found just SE of where the lake meets the river. Eizon overseer, the nation I proposed to trade to has been inactive for 3 months. Is it possible to assume they would trade with my offers?

Ultima Shadow
12-01-2004, 04:24 PM
Whoa! Long time no see... I haven't been here much lately. oh, well...

Is it possible to assume they would trade with my offers?
Hmmm... I don't think so... but I leave it to you. It's up to you dude! :cool:

Secharock: *hugs baby bear*

What!? What was that? You huged a baby bear!? Awww... how cute! :love:

Secharock: It's an... EVIL bear!!! :mad2:

Oh... I see... :rolleyes2

Secharock: LOOK!!! LOOK INTO THOSE TERRIBLE EYES!!! Can't you see the evil force in the baby bears eyes?

Well... no... they look cute and innocent...

Secharock: EXACTLY!!! It's looking cute... none suspect a cute baby bear...

Yea, yea sure... :) :p :love:

Secharock: :mad2: ... just wait Ultima... the night to come... :)

Fate Fatale
12-02-2004, 10:48 PM
Why are we against each other?

12-03-2004, 12:13 AM
Because i don't like you (R? Country) Or Moombas... Plus i want that liviathan :p

Fate Fatale
12-03-2004, 12:25 AM
why moombas? I have none at all in my country... and we killed the leviathan, you can have it...

12-03-2004, 12:31 AM
You killed it?! :crying2: Now i really don't like you... :mad2:

Fate Fatale
12-03-2004, 12:35 AM
Where were you gonna put it?
BTW we found its egss and we're selling them on eBay
I.E. Do you want one?

Trumpet Thief
12-03-2004, 01:24 AM
Why are we against each other?

chaos: It's not about hating eachother, but if all nations are allianced, there is no point in war.

Rubedo: Thus, I wanted to spice things up :D

Fate Fatale
12-03-2004, 01:28 AM
Allright, but I don't think its fair to put 5 against 1 nation... because apparently, all of your allies have decide to join you, and thussome of those allies are myine and they chose the side with more power, whick is yours...

Trumpet Thief
12-03-2004, 02:34 AM
choas: Erm, Siric never gave military assistance, and Karlin didn't have to either. I own the other two nations, so they should count as one, truly, (or whatever) so, how is that five?

Rubedo: If you look at the way of battle, then, you should know that power doesn't play too big a role. Sheesh.

Trumpet Thief
12-04-2004, 08:09 PM
chaos: Vincentland is currently in the process of making a large battle-ship plated with steel, making it nearly indestructable. Many cannons are being attached, as well, a crew of only the finest soldiers will be given roles on it. Estimated time to create- Five Days

Rubedo: As well, new type of bombs are being made, inspired by Carnage's idea. Minituare globes will be filled with some of the most deadly things, making large explosions occur with something so small. Estimated Time- 7 Days

Ultima Shadow
12-04-2004, 08:35 PM
Secharock: MWAHAHAHA!!! Excellent!!! :cool:

Trumpet Thief
12-04-2004, 08:36 PM
chaos: That's good :D

12-06-2004, 01:02 AM
Okay, I'm home. Give me a few days to catch up and I'll be active again.

Trumpet Thief
12-06-2004, 01:04 AM
chaoRSL: No problem theundeadhero. Just to tell you, we are at war with the nation "Teardrop".

12-08-2004, 03:15 AM
I'm setting up ambush positions around the SE and Eastern borders. Noone will invade. How long until my trade ships can be equiped for war? I wish to use a few of them as spy ships. I can use my astrology equipment on them to spy on the enemy.

Trumpet Thief
12-08-2004, 04:37 AM
chaos: About one day, as the forces of SSL and Vincentland are working very hard. One more thing: 4 days until we conquer Aquanacus!

12-08-2004, 01:56 PM
Aquanacus? Not on the map. Or is that the planet?

12-08-2004, 09:56 PM
Its where new canada was. Below desierto.

12-10-2004, 12:58 PM
Zhem finally accepted my trade proposal. Now onto the last stage.

12-10-2004, 04:10 PM

12-10-2004, 06:23 PM
TOTAL ANNILATION!!!????NO not yet!. That's step seven. Next is step 4.

12-11-2004, 12:52 AM

12-12-2004, 05:42 AM
My trade has been proposed to Fiorensio. I assume my bridge over the lake to Revlis has been completed and I can travel to the cities around by the roads they built. My people have begun gathering wheat from the Plains of Solitude and the mineral from the lake. Once my trade has been accepted I'll have work begun on my astrological temple "Astronomy Domain".

12-12-2004, 06:52 AM
We think that trade would be sufficient to our current agenda. We will supply you with top quality Fiorensean Steel and fine Desiertian Glass for lenses.

May this trade mark further association and brotherhood between our nations.

Aleksandr Zmiroff
Vice Minister of Knowledge and Dean of the Mystical Arts of Metareason Academy.

12-15-2004, 02:27 PM
While harvesting the Plains of Solitude to the East of my town we've found the land to be very fertile and begun farming in sections of it.

12-20-2004, 04:26 AM
It probably goes without saying that we fish in the lake and river.

Ultima Shadow
12-22-2004, 01:34 PM
Good job, theundeadhero. :)

Secharock: I want war! :(

Fate Fatale
12-22-2004, 10:34 PM
So... er... Wanna be allies? the war is over, and I'd like it if we could be allies... Well, wat do say?

Ultima Shadow
12-22-2004, 11:34 PM
Well, sounds like a good idea... :)

Secharock: NO! :( If we're allies we can't kill each other! :cry:


Secharock: Let's start a REAL war! :)

No I don't think so... :rolleyes2

Secharock: But... but... :(

Well, I'll let my people give voice to their opinions. :) I'll accept an alliance but I'll check what the other think first.

Secharock: :mad: :mad2:


Secharock: *kills random living obeject*

Hey! That was my cirkus ant steve! :(

Secharock: :tongue:

Fate Fatale
12-23-2004, 01:28 AM
ok thanx for at least thinking about it...

12-23-2004, 03:33 AM
no! Teardrop and everyone with it must die! Your crops shall be burned and your government overthrown. Your very seat will be wiped from existance. Don't even dare make an alliance with them because i'll take it to the councel and even rebel if it comes to that... I'm sure others will support me

12-23-2004, 04:05 AM
It seems your nation is divided. Decide amongst yourselves and let us know what you want. Then we'll make a decision.

12-23-2004, 08:17 AM
I offer an alliance to you. If you want to accept, do. If not, don't. Still, i like to way you've been running the place....at least i'd like to be friends.

12-24-2004, 06:19 AM
I don't see why not. The final say isn't mine though.

Ultima Shadow
12-24-2004, 04:24 PM
Both alliances accepted.

Secharock: NOOOO!!! :mad2:

12-24-2004, 07:45 PM
No! you fool! how could you?! :mad2:

Trumpet Thief
12-24-2004, 08:43 PM
chaos: Ultima Shadow, VL and Super Shiny Land recently had a war with these people, and with my half of the authority with you, I will have to make you think over this decision a bit more.

Fate Fatale
12-24-2004, 08:49 PM
Ok, I shall wait longer I guess...

Trumpet Thief
12-24-2004, 09:03 PM
chaos: Gah, there is no need for war now. Both Alliances accepted. And ChaosCalibur, don't start shunning me because of my decision.

Ultima Shadow
12-24-2004, 09:23 PM
No! you fool! how could you?! :mad2:
Secharock: Yea... whatever was you thinking, Ultima? Your acts doesn't make sense at all!!! :mad2:

Awww... c'mon...

Secharock and ChaosCalibur: :nonono: :nonono: :twak: :twak:

Ouch! Hey, calm down... if there would be need for war later we can break the alliance... right? :laughing:

Secharock: :mad2:


Secharock: :mad2: ... :mad: ..........


Secharock: ............. :) LET'S START A WAR!!! :spin: :chuckle: :joey:


12-27-2004, 02:01 AM
We should start negotiations and have compromises and stuff. If we can come to an agreement, then their can be an alliance.

12-27-2004, 06:55 AM
Alright, what good can they do? They have Nothing, they make... Nothing, and soon they will be Nothing

12-27-2004, 07:09 AM
You were here while everyone was on vacation. You left and don't know our secrets... yet.

12-27-2004, 07:15 AM
When did i leave?... And what do you mean by "Our"?

12-27-2004, 07:17 AM
You joined another nation, you left.

12-27-2004, 07:21 AM
Eh no i didn't, my request for the new nation leader was not approved so i'm still here...

Trumpet Thief
12-28-2004, 12:19 AM
chaos: Proto didn't approve it? That's awfully weird. Well, either way, I guess you're stuck here, and it's not like you'll get a promotion for even thinking of leaving us :D

01-01-2005, 10:56 AM
Hello people. As the Minister of Astrology it is my duty to learn of all that I can in my field of interest. With this in mind I plan to take a worldwide trip across Eizon to see other nations astrological developements. As close as I can figure it will take a year ( since thats how long I'm really going to be gone :( :cry: ) The next few weeks will be spent preparing for my journey. My astrological temple, Astronomy Domain, (please add it and my city to the map. Read prior posts for my location and the temple is to the NE of my city) is nearly complete and will be fully operational by the time I leave, if all goes according to plan. Once I leave I will be sending occasional letters to our country to let you know of my progress. Farewell sweet home.

Trumpet Thief
01-03-2005, 09:08 PM
chaos: Goodbye, and thank you for all your hard work. We will await your return.

01-05-2005, 02:54 AM
All right then. I know I've been away for a really, really long time, but I can still say Buh bye, no?

*sigh* Time for me to get back on track, then.


Ultima Shadow
01-11-2005, 10:51 PM
Goodbye great hero!!! undead hero!!! THE undead hero!!! Goodbye theundeadhero!!! Goodbye... :cry:

Secharock: :) !? *poisons a flamingo and watches it die* :greenie: !!! :D

01-17-2005, 05:53 PM
My journey begins tomorrow. I'm off.

Ultima Shadow
01-25-2005, 01:05 AM
Farwell great hero! :cry:

Secharock: *turns on Gundam SEED Destiny ending theme* :cool: