View Full Version : [Graphic Design] OK here WE go....

08-19-2004, 07:42 PM
Here it is Demonic FF v.1 I haven't uploaded any Guides/FAQ's yet and the sigs and avatars are very sparce but will grow very soon but tell me what you think, suggestions and stuff.

Thanks to GLR for the layout..he is awesome...

Demonic FF (http://www.angelfire.com/hero2/demonicff)

EDIT: If anyone has a FF site how about some linkage?

08-19-2004, 08:53 PM
I don't like the layout much to be honest.

The borders around the tables look kinda ugly. The black background is a bit plain and boring. I don't like the font much either.

And there's a lack of images, other than those you've used to represent each game. Even those images don't look particularly good quality. The FFVII one you can't read the VII part, the FFVIII one has a horrible background, the FFIX one is squashed up out of ratio.

Basically it just looks a little
- plain
- inconsistent
- unattractive

And not brilliantly organised.

That's just my opinion though.