View Full Version : "Brotherly Love?" *possible spoilers*

09-08-2004, 04:48 PM
We all know that Brother has a thing for Yuna which is kinda icky since she's his cousin. There's a part in the game where Brother calls Gippal a backstabber because he stole his "first crush". Gippal and Rikku were supposedly a couple, so with Brother's track record of loving his family members is it too far off to think that Rikku could've been Brother's "first crush"...eww

09-08-2004, 09:07 PM
No, Yuna is one thing. Brother never knew Yuna, so it's like they're not even really cousins, except they are. Kind of like finding out when you're twenty that you suddenly have this cousin you never really knew existed. But I'm under the impression that Rikku and Brother grew up together, so they have that whole brother-sister relationship, so I think it's far fetched.

Dark Songstress
09-11-2004, 07:45 PM
I think they add the "Brother has a crush on Yuna" thing just to add alot humor. :laughing: like for example: 1.he was really excited when Yuna was getting back on the airship from Besaid Island in Chapter 1.
2.when Shinra was installing a Commsphere in Besaid Island in Chapter 3, Brother saw Yuna though the Commsphere on the airship and he was like "More! More!'.
3.when they were talking about the Farplane energy, Shinra said that it would take ages to get it to work and Yuna was disapointed. and Brother said, "Shinra! Don,t make Yuna sad! :laugh:

09-12-2004, 01:03 AM
Or during the hot springs scene where Buddy has to knock out Brother.

09-12-2004, 09:28 AM
There's a part in the game where Brother calls Gippal a backstabber because he stole his "first crush"

Ooh, when does he say? I must of missed it. :confused:

Big D
09-13-2004, 02:37 AM
We all know that Brother has a thing for Yuna which is kinda icky since she's his cousin. There's a part in the game where Brother calls Gippal a backstabber because he stole his "first crush". Gippal and Rikku were supposedly a couple, so with Brother's track record of loving his family members is it too far off to think that Rikku could've been Brother's "first crush"...eww
Yeah, I noticed that one. I was gonna make a thread, but thought it'd gross people out:p

It's possible, and there's about as much solid evidence as there is for the infernal R=U theory. No, Yuna is one thing. Brother never knew Yuna, so it's like they're not even really cousins, except they are. Kind of like finding out when you're twenty that you suddenly have this cousin you never really knew existed. But I'm under the impression that Rikku and Brother grew up together, so they have that whole brother-sister relationship, so I think it's far fetched.But then, he's had two long years to get used to the idea of being related to her - and that's just made things worse.

Something else that troubles me is this: when, exactly, did Gippal and Rikku have their thing going? I'm guessing it was at some time during the two year's after Sin's defeat, before the events of X-2. Until the collapse of the Yevon religion, Gippal would've been hiding so that Kinoc's forces couldn't kill him. I'm hoping that the relationship wasn't earlier, i.e. before Gippal tried out for the Crimson Squad, because that would've been when Rikku was very young indeed.

I guess it's possible that Brother's first crush was someone else entirely; after all, Rikku "always knew" that Gippal is a "player". I must say, that confession drained a little of my respect for her - why'd she like him if she knew? - but it does suggest he's the kind of lowlife sleaze who'd backstab another man just to satisfy his own desires. If he's a "player", then he's undoubtedly had or pursued many partners, one of whom was Brother's first crush.Ooh, when does he say? I must of missed it. When the Machine Faction at Djose Temple call for help because of the fiend infestation. Brother orders the Gullwings to swing into action and do absolutely nothing. Talk to him then to learn the shocking details...:roll: