View Full Version : Fable

09-16-2004, 10:26 PM
Who else is completely in love with this game? I've only just returned to Oakvale and I love it. It's realistic as far as gameplay goes. I mean, you can't go into peoples' houses and just pick stuff up; well you can, but if you're seen you're arrested and have to pay a 750 gold fine. If you refuse, or can't, you're killed. Fun, fun.

What about the rest of you?

09-16-2004, 10:40 PM
its not out over here yet, but its been on my list for about two years since i heard about it. along with sudeki its the only rpg worth playing on x box. which i bought instead of a ps2 but im getting a ps2 and FFX and FFX2 next weekend, i cant wait for fable though

09-17-2004, 01:35 AM
I didnt pre-order sadly :( , so my Wal-Mart sold out before I could get there (I live in the country so Wal-marts all I got lol.) I ordered mine from Ebgames today and im having it overnighted so I will be pacing the floor tommorow waiting for FedEx. Im hearing awsome things about it so I cant wait. My Xbox is finally gonna see something besides Halo and Crimson Skies. I can tell yall what I think Tomorrow night after ive played for a good 4-5 hours. :D :tongue: :D

Edit- Got the game now and been playing for about 2 hours. Game starts out kinda slow but is fun as hell. Just finished all my training in the guild and im on my way to the good side even though I did do a few bad things. I love farting in front of all the ladies :p .

Lord Chainsaw
09-18-2004, 01:18 AM
Got it yesterday, but haven't had much time to play it due to Final Fantasy XI.

I just started out, got the first village scene out of the way. So far it has been a bit slow. I know it's going to pick up though.

Haven't decided, but I think I'll give it two run throughs. One evil, and one good.

09-20-2004, 11:49 PM
Now that I've beat the game, I'm very disappointed. It was great in the beginning, but towards the end it fell into the RPG stereotypical plot. It was horrible. Though you can continue after completing the game, I only logged 15 hours before I beat it. 15 hours!

I was looking forward to this release, it was this game that made my decision to buy an Xbox over a GameCube and it was just a major let down. I suppose I can play through with a different alignment and a different battle specialty, but even still, if I log the same hours, that'll be 45 hours, and I get close to 70 hours out of most games I play.

09-21-2004, 12:07 PM
Now that I've beat the game, I'm very disappointed. It was great in the beginning, but towards the end it fell into the RPG stereotypical plot. It was horrible. Though you can continue after completing the game, I only logged 15 hours before I beat it. 15 hours!

I was looking forward to this release, it was this game that made my decision to buy an Xbox over a GameCube and it was just a major let down. I suppose I can play through with a different alignment and a different battle specialty, but even still, if I log the same hours, that'll be 45 hours, and I get close to 70 hours out of most games I play.

Yeah everyone is griping about the length...hell, the game clock said 8 hours 55 mins. when I beat the game. Although I think I played more like 12 hours. Game clock must count all the loading screens. Im not completly disapointed, but at least ten more hours worth of solid main quests would have been nice. Im just glad I didnt buy into all that hype for three years, It was way to dramatic for this game.

Overall I say it was worth my $50, but didnt live up to all the stuff we heard about it for years.

The Shoeless Hobo
09-25-2004, 10:21 AM
I pre-ordered GTA: San Andreas (Only have to pay $10 more off it) and Fable today (Payed all of it off). Tomorrow, I'm going to pre-order Halo 2 and leave only $10 for me to pay off. I might also buy GTA Double pack on Xbox. :p

Anyway, I hope this is worth my money. Personally, I haven't had a good gaming experience in a while, I hope to change that...

09-25-2004, 03:47 PM
I played through it front to back as an Evil toon and took my sweet time doing it, 30+ hours to completion, I got everything. No mafor disappointment in this game, I love it. I must say, playing through it as a Good character is much more of a challenge in terms of collecting everything, you need to win back all those alignment points after ripping people off and opening certain doors and whatnot. On a side note, you don't earn Evil points for refusing to pay your fines, and the guards are far slower than you. Good or Evil based, I'm still playing a criminal, and I tell ya, I just run for the hills if I get spotted ;)

Now, to get into the things that irritate me... sry to anyone who hasn't played it yet, but I can't think of anything not sensitive to put in, soooo.....

Hairstyles: There's so many to chose from, yet if you want your toon to hit on the ladies and be as un-scary as possible, you're pretty much gonna have to go bald with a standard beard, and a power moustache later when you find it. The same is pretty much true of Tattoos.

Some of the Demon's Gates are a real pain. I had to use the hero save exploit in conjunction with the rock troll in the 1st witchwood quest just to get my multiplier up high enough the 1st time. 2nd time, on the other hand, I just used Enflame through the entire Hobbe Cave then booted it to the Door just outside. Other pain in the arse doors include: Commiting act of evil door (was full evil and it wouldn't open till later in the game regardless of what I did... Opened for my good toon after eating 15 Crunchy Chicks in a row, thus making me 75 pts more Evil in 5 seconds), The Obese door... the food is easy enough to aqcuire with normal killing, but fighting off the weight can take hours afterwards.

The drinking titles disappeared when you sobered up after all that hard work, and there was never enough beer to gain the "Alchoholic" rank in any one town at any given time... Would have been nice to drink a keg, too, but they were just trading items... speaking of which...

Traders told you to trade everywhere you went, but the profit (found few and far between) was seriously not worth the effort.

Skorm's bow is seriously frustrating to aqcuire, and at the same time, if you get it first chance you get you can actually walk around and one-hit almost everything for the rest of the game.

Lastly, I actually expect to die once in a while in an RPG. Despite my other gripes, which are really just small little things that by far do not make it a bad game, this one actually bothered me a fair bit. Should have been a difficulty option or something. Who knows, maybe I'll pick it up again someday after I'm done with it and play through in my Union Jacks ;)

Might I add that this game has one of the most fitting soundtracks I've ever seen in an RPG and, believe me, it's great. I wound up at work with the track to Bowerstone stuck in my head and I actually didn't get tired of it...

Well, that's it. I'll come back and say a little more about my experience and point of view between Evil and Good toons one I'm done with the Good side of the game... if I remember I have a post here.

PS: I roofed a chicken!!

Az Lionheart
09-27-2004, 07:24 PM
Who else is completely in love with this game? I've only just returned to Oakvale and I love it. It's realistic as far as gameplay goes. I mean, you can't go into peoples' houses and just pick stuff up; well you can, but if you're seen you're arrested and have to pay a 750 gold fine. If you refuse, or can't, you're killed. Fun, fun.

What about the rest of you?
Dam you it is not out here yet:(
i think it could be better than FF........

The Shoeless Hobo
10-10-2004, 08:36 AM
I got it yesterday, finished it this morning as Evil. The ending was way too sudden for my liking.

Anyway, a user above (Can't remmeber who) said you could continue after you've defeaded Jack. But I've killed Whispher in the arena, and killed my sister to get the sword and dominate the world as Jack wanted to, but is there still a way to continue after that?