View Full Version : Linkshells

09-18-2004, 10:02 PM
hey all. Just wondering what do you think is the best way to get into a linkshell? Ask a friend? Ask a party member? Just wondering thanks for your help.

09-18-2004, 11:51 PM
Start your own? That's what me and a friend did. Other than that. I don't know really. I've had other offers from people, but I've never asked for one. I guess if somebody likes you enough, they'll offer you one.

09-19-2004, 04:48 AM
I say from a friend
that's how I got my Linkshell

09-19-2004, 05:46 AM
Generally for me, if your nice enough of a person, you will get a pearl. Thats pretty much it.

Lord Chainsaw
09-19-2004, 06:13 AM
Unfortunately, how to get into select groups/guilds in MMORPGs has always been a problem for me.

I tried getting into a high end guild in Everquest but just couldn't do it. I don't think it was the personality. That wasn't it. Everyone who knew me knew I was something else. I was Indagario, but I gave myself the nickname "T-BIG" which stood for "The Big Indy G" cause I was a giant barbarian. To this day I am still helluva fun to group with in that game. I make boring exp grinds interesting with my random comments. I knew I was a particularly desirable character to have in a high end guild. I was a maxed 60 Barbarian Berserker, arguably the best melee class in the game. So what's the problem?

I guess the problem is I never really ASKED to join a guild. I always thought the invite would come to me. I thought that if I grouped with these guys and they saw that I didn't have a guild, they'd offer to invite me into their guild. That's not how it works. If you want in to a good guild you just have to ask. The really, really good guilds won't invite you unless you ask. You might get invited to a linkshell/guild during a grind by someone in a group who thinks you're a good player. There's nothing wrong with that. But if you want in a really good group you just have to muster up the courage and ask. More than likely they'll let you in.

I am fortunate enough to know people from here on Final Fantasy XI, so I had no problem finding a good linkshell in the game. I'm not going to encounter the same problem, but even if I did I'd know how to handle it now.

09-19-2004, 11:57 AM
If you're somewhat good in party, or you know, people just likes you and they notice you're not member of linkshell, it's very likely that you won't have to be looking too long. Especially after level 25 you barely see LS-less people. Of course, odds that you'll actually get into good and active linkshell aren't maybe that good. I guess I was just lucky enough that my first LS has been good since the beginning. The other pearls I've had has pretty muchy sucked.

09-19-2004, 11:07 PM
Linkshells are very hard to start. People won't stay active in your linkshell unless there are a lot of people logged in. You'll never have a lot of people logged in unless people stay in your linkshell. You need people to get people. It's a catch 22. I started a linkshell, and am having trouble competing with second linkshells that people have. Besides the fact that I'm very selective in accepting members (the top tier of my friend list only, and that my membership criteria is already restricted to Windurstians only, I don't have any really high level players. My LS essentially started as my first Sarutabaruta party, and my real life friend, and expanded from there. People don't seem interested in linkshells unless there's a group of highlevel players to baby them through to rank 5, RSE and AF armor. It's a big "what can you do for me" sort of mentality. Fortunately, while small, I've managed to avoid adding members in it solely for their own hasted advancement.