View Full Version : I read one of the best books this weekend.

09-21-2004, 11:04 PM
Last Friday I picked up "The Long Hard Road Out Of Hell" written by Brian Warner, more popularly known as Marilyn Manson. Whether you're a fan of Marilyn Manson or hate everything you think he stands for, I suggest this book to you. The book is extremely well-written and oftentimes even poetic. As such, it is also incredibly detailed, and most of the stories in Warner's life are not what you'd call pretty or clean.

I don't suggest this book to anyone who has lived, or does live a sheltered life. While I think this book is very important and entertaining, It is in nature openly vulgar, grotesque and morbid. Well it's also something else, and that is truthful. Warner displays a very accurate account of how alot of things are, whether most of us decide not to look or pay attention. He doesn't beat around the bush, and it makes it all that much more brutally truthful and out there in the open.

If you can bring yourself to go into this book objectively I think you'll really find that you enjoy it. I read the entire book on Friday night and Saturday morning, I simply could not put it down. It was a New York Times Bestsellar, so I guess I'm not alone on my opinion of the text. Just wanted to let you all know about the positive experience it was for me, and suggest it to anyone who is interested.

09-22-2004, 01:12 AM
Marilyn Manson dresses like a girl sometimes.

09-22-2004, 01:51 AM
Yes, he most certainly does. This book goes ALLLL over that and much, much more.

Zell's Fists of Fury
09-22-2004, 08:25 AM
I didn't know he wrote a book. I'll be sure to pick that one up sometime. The man is a genius, despite what most people say.

But first, Dark Tower. Of course.

09-22-2004, 07:40 PM
I had a conversation with a kid the other day in computer class about Mr. Manson. I was like "he's weird." and he was like "yeah but he's smart." and I was like "but still you gotta admit he's weird." and he was like "that's just his individuality what if someone called you weird" and I said "but still he's weird."

I need to stop posting. Everywhere.

Moose Knight
09-22-2004, 08:28 PM
He's smart. Not because he has anything "insightful" to say, but because he knows how to make money.