View Full Version : SP2 installation is pissing me off.

09-26-2004, 05:22 AM
Everytime I install SP2, my computer screws up and freezes during installation. Then when I uninstall, it freezes again. I defragged, so the last uninstall completed well. Should I try to reinstall? I expect the usual "no" from the usual people, so give me a case for reinstalling it for once. Thanks. ;)

09-26-2004, 05:28 AM
Reinstall Windows.

Actually, just don't install SP2. Jeez.

09-26-2004, 05:34 AM
I had that happen on one computer. It would have trouble reading a certain compressed file, and then the installation would die. I am still not sure what the problem is, but I would expect that it was because of a corrupt download of the install file. (I wish MS would give out MD5 checksums so you could verify the integrity of the download...oh well. :mad: )

In your case, it could be any of a bunch of problems with software or anything, so I'll second Doomgaze's motion to reinstall windows. ;)

If you do get it installed successfully and turn off the new Microsoft annoyances, then it is a bit better than SP1. I have already found a few bugs from SP1 that are now fixed in SP2.

09-26-2004, 11:08 AM
Reinstalling will give you a clean (and faster) installation to work from, instead of one clogged up with junk and broken incomplete installations like SP2 :D

Dr Unne
09-26-2004, 02:49 PM
Defragging should not affect whether SP2 installs or not. Defragging doesn't change a single thing on your computer other than physically rearranging bits on your hard drive. The Scandisk that Windows sometimes forces you to do before you defrag, that might fix an error, but defragging itself doesn't.