View Full Version : Whats up with the mog game in golden saucer

09-26-2004, 10:51 AM
HELPPPPPPP!!!!!!!!!!!!.Sorry,but im so confused with FF7.Although its my fav FF i still am so confused with that stupid flying mog game.ive completed everything else.i even beat all the weopans(including Ruby and Emerald).When your in golden saucer go too wonder square (i think).Then go too the end where theres a man standing and says you can go on the machine.then a silly sequence happens and you have too feed the mog with kupo nuts.until it fly.But mine always FALLLLLSSSSSS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!. help!!!!!!!

09-26-2004, 11:08 AM
Calm yourself. :cool:

I know what game you're talking about; it's easy. Every time you feed the little mog, his stomach will growl (which means give him another nut). After 3-5 nuts, he'll squeak instead of growling, which means wait awhile and don't feed him anymore. You have to feed him on two different occasions. When you finally succeed (after a multitude of long boring sequences), talk to the guy next to the game to get 30GP. He'll only give it to you this once, and since there's no other payoff for the mog game, you're better off beating it once and ignoring it forever after. If you want fast GP, get good at the Submarine game.

I personally hate this game because it's tedious at best, and like I said only pays out once, indirectly. But that's just my humble opinion.

I think I remember now: I'm pretty sure it was 5 nuts the first time and 3 nuts the second time. Just follow the sound cues.

Dark Matter
09-27-2004, 12:39 AM
Yeah, that's easy, I say. (I can't even beat Ruby & Emerald. :tongue: )
I won the game on the first or second try.
My only tip: watch his aniamtion !!!!!!
:mog: is cute!!!!!!!! :greenie:

09-27-2004, 01:38 AM
If you want FASTER GP, get good at chocobo racing.

09-27-2004, 04:39 AM
I'm unbeatable at Chocobo racing up until S-class--then it all falls apart. It's not just Teioh, usually everyone beats me there for some reason. So I breed a Chocobo, feed it some greens, get it to S-class, ditch it, and repeat. One of these days I'm going to max out Choco's stats and start getting the good stuff, but that's next summer's project. Or maybe this winter...

The motorcycle game's fun, too, but the highest possible payout is 10GP plus maybe an item, so I stick with the sub.

The snowboarding game... now that's hard! My little sister sucks at video games but even she can beat me on that minigame. In fact, I had her take over briefly at the Great Glacier part.

Of course, the fastest way to get GP with the least effort is to track down that GP-scalper dude at the front. (I guess he'd be considered a scalper.) :confused: The downside, of course, is that you need patience (and deep pockets) and can't get items directly through him.

09-27-2004, 05:05 AM
One time I played the virtual boxing (rock paper scissors) game until I fainted. If anyone has beaten this game all the way through I would gladly bow to you and build a temple in your honor.

09-30-2004, 05:40 PM
gp scalper :eek: first i ever herd of that 1 what location does he dwell