View Full Version : Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind [FILM]

09-29-2004, 03:20 AM
As promised, I saw this tonight. What can I say, I am in love with Charlie Kaufman. Adaptation and then this, this guy is a genius. It addresses a really crazy thought and it's beautifully, beautifully made. Honestly, if I say even one thing about the film, I've given too much away. It's best if you see this movie and have no idea about it at all. I suggest it, great film.

09-30-2004, 07:44 PM
I have to say that this movie is up there in my 10 favorite movies of all time. I loooove this movie. Everything about it, the acting, the screenplay, the AMAZING visuals, everything just fell together perfectly. Kate Winslet and Jim Carrey were phenomenal, it was a treat to watch them give such amazing performances. And I can't say enough good things about the visuals in this movie, it was bordering on genius.

The scene within Joel's memory with the bird was cute, and disturbing and oh so poignant. It wasn't really a sad scene but it made me cry. Kids can be so cruel :(

It isn't the romantic comedy that the trailer and the commercials make it out to be (it's much more of a drama than anything else) but I thought it was the most romantic and *realistic* relationship I've ever seen on screen.

It was beautiful to watch.