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View Full Version : What kept you here?

09-30-2004, 03:58 AM
We've always got threads about how/why you came to EoFF, but we rarely discuss what kept you coming back. Every day we get a couple new members, and most of them post once and then disappear forever. Some accounts don't even have posts.

What is it that kept you coming back instead of running off absolutely terrified?

For me, it was the writer's corner, I loved the place. By the time it was smushed down, I'd already been here for quite some time, so I wasn't too upset.

09-30-2004, 04:02 AM
Well originally I only joined, posted a few times, and left. But when Mandee took me along to '20 Minutes from Mills Day' and I met some of the other members, I felt comfortable so I started posting, and all that kept me around. I made friends, and that's why I stay.

Meat Puppet
09-30-2004, 04:03 AM
I have nothing else to do, and I had also just got banned from somewhere else. :)

Trumpet Thief
09-30-2004, 04:06 AM
chaos: The insanity, the randomness, and those shiny, shiny titles!

Albedo: *Laughs maniacally*

Trowa: But seriously, normally when we were bored we used to come here. Before, I just find this site in an MP3 search, and decided to join the board. I posted quite a bit but got tired of it. Then, started posting again to share my love for Xenosaga and various animes.

chaos: I suppose... Also, we got quite attached to it anyways..

Rubedo: I've made quite some neat friends here, and they seem to cheer me up. I feel like a part of a great community by being here, so I guess that's what kept me here.

09-30-2004, 04:10 AM
Rubedo: I've made quite some neat friends here, and they seem to cheer me up. I feel like a part of a great community by being here, so I guess that's what kept me here.


Plus, another forum I had joined was getting very, very dull, and even after being there over a year, I didn't know anyone better than I did when I first joined. But then again, they didn't (don't) have separate places just to chat, or post your problems....

It's just the people, mostly, that keep me coming back. That and being bored out of my mind 90% of the time. And when there's a compiter, I'm gonna use it....


09-30-2004, 04:10 AM
I keep coming back because I love the people here. And this was the first message board I ever joined :)

09-30-2004, 04:18 AM
I come back because I like the people here, even the weird ones. And I've met some friends here, too. And, EoFF is a lot nicer than any other message board I've been to. Usually.

09-30-2004, 04:26 AM
I honestly dont know...

The people are crazy, the food is bad, there are no rsturants, n equal rights, and the moomba's are treated badly... i guess im one of those people who like bad things...

09-30-2004, 04:55 AM
I started coming here for advice on FF X. Then, once I beat that game, I started looking around at the other areas of the forum, and found myself often frequenting the Eyes On Each Other section.

I won't delude myself by saying my self-effacing gibberish actually helped anybody, but I did enjoy having a place where I could pretend to give counsel to people who seemed to need it.

Then my wife sold my computer for $70. :mad: :shame: (sigh) ah well. probably for the best. Now I check here between times when I'm not doing library research or designing studies.

Ancient Goddess
09-30-2004, 04:58 AM
Well, originally, I had joined and looked around and felt a little...overwhelmed by the number of sections and how many members there were here, so I didn't post anything for about three days after I had joined. I had come from FFaddicts' forums in search for a new one, since the quality there was going down, and I was looking for a replacement (because I love forums). After reading some of the stuff here, I started posting...and it is definitely a refreshing difference than the many rules at FFaddicts. Don't get me wrong...I still love that site...but I like this one as well.

So what keeps me coming back? The people here. There's your silly, fun, and random posters and the people who like to get into philosophical debates about life in general.

09-30-2004, 05:06 AM
I dont know why I continue to come here even though I dont even play FF games anymore...

09-30-2004, 05:09 AM
I stay for the deep Final Fantasy discussion.

09-30-2004, 05:20 AM
I come here to sharpen my spamming skills. And check up on some of the familiar personalities around here.

(Can't really say familiar faces, as I haven't really seen them, now have I?)

This is also the only online board I really visit. I really don't use the internet for much, so this actually counts as one of my resources everytime I need to find new information out about things. Individually, you all may be a bunch of stupid loons, but together, you all can be pretty helpful sometimes.

Giga Guess
09-30-2004, 05:22 AM
Gen. Chat, and the oddball personalities. Not to name names here...*looks at Seiken/Rubedo/whatever....*

09-30-2004, 05:22 AM

Giga Guess
09-30-2004, 05:34 AM
Y'mean like this? (And PoD is one more reason I stick around...)

09-30-2004, 06:13 AM
Dunno the people and lack of anything else to do

09-30-2004, 06:17 AM
I enjoy giving newbies a hard time for their ignorance and I also like exposing people to my cynical ways of thinking.

Del Murder
09-30-2004, 06:23 AM
I stay for the yams.

Erdrick Holmes
09-30-2004, 06:27 AM
I fell off the jungle gym and when I woke up I was here. They won't let me leave.

09-30-2004, 07:29 AM
I keep coming back because the pink is so nice to look at. *glee*

09-30-2004, 09:20 AM
I keep coming coz is the only place where I feel like home, when I talk about my EOFF friends, I feel like I know them I already meet them (I actually don't but well you understand) and I love to be here speaking english, coz I can't speak on my school, neither in my house so I just come here to comunicate with other people and speak english!

09-30-2004, 10:20 AM
The sex. What sex you ask? Why it's behind you!


Sacred Phoenix
09-30-2004, 03:42 PM
I originally joined cause I had a problem with FF8. But then I started to look around, and I enjoyed reading about what people had to say. Plus, you are all so nice.

09-30-2004, 03:47 PM
I came back because my PS2 broke, and I needed something to do while it was getting repaired. :p

Seriously though, I come back when life gets dull, and I'm instantly cheered up by all the great people, the amusing topics, and the memories of discussions past. I stick around for 2-6 months, then get tired and leave. Repeat until death.

09-30-2004, 04:03 PM
the people, definitly the people... and the amazingly well orginized forums. What hooked me in the begining was me making sigs and showing them off to all you guys though :D not so much anymore seeing as how i dont have PsP anymore. After a while i started visiting the eyes on each other forum. This place is just so great... arent you guys glad i stayed? :D

09-30-2004, 04:33 PM
I stayed to hail Bruckner *hails Bruckner* and then I stayed to try help win the elections for the Newbie Party and then there was the MikArt (and Mik, of course) and all the other good people and conversations and debates that kept me here and still do. HOOTERS was here and he always made me laugh, too bad I had to ban him. :( Oh well. :smash: Also, after I got Knighted, all of that power that I suddenly had over all of you took over and now it just won't let me leave. :cat:

09-30-2004, 04:41 PM
Aww, thanks Leeza. :)

Well, this is my first messageboard ever...and even after almost four years, this is my only messageboard I could say. I just like/d the people. I just keep coming back and I haven't really had too long breaks from here either. :) This is where I belong, of all the messageboards. It's my online home, if you don't count Final Fantasy 11.

Doc Sark
09-30-2004, 04:41 PM
You banned HOOTERS? I thought I hadn't seen a post of his lately.

I joined because I liked the site, left when the EoFF Army FFXI thread got closed and then came back about a year later. I stayed because....um, well I really had nothing better to do. But it's nice, I like the site and um yeah its nice. Nice is good. That's why I stayed. Nice.......

09-30-2004, 06:41 PM
I stay because... uhhh.

That's like asking why you're friends with someone. Because you like them. Well, why do you like them? And you can't really specifiy one reason over all, because there are thousands of reasons. That's why I keep coming back to EoFF. Too many reasons to try and sit down and define them.

Loony BoB
09-30-2004, 09:25 PM
Well originally I only joined, posted a few times, and left. But when Mandee took me along to '20 Minutes from Mills Day' and I met some of the other members, I felt comfortable so I started posting, and all that kept me around. I made friends, and that's why I stay.
I must look pretty damned cute when I sleep. :)

As for me... wow, I don't even know where to begin, so I'll begin at the most recent thing I read here, this thread. See princeofdarknez and Giga Guess' posts? Simple things like that. The fact that this place is a community and, while it's moderated by a great sexy group of people, we can all still have a laugh and make the odd comment and carry on. The moderation means that it doesn't end up looking like b, or something similar, but at the same time people can have good fun and make friends here. That's just one of the reasons, though. The real feel of a community.

Eyes on Each Other. This was where I started posting on a larger scale. The ability to talk about things like love and life with anyone and everyone was really nice. It still is, really, although I haven't been there too often. If I ever feel like getting to know someone, I always check if they have posts there. This is probably an emphasis on the first reason, but EoEO definitely deserves emphasis.

The Staff. Not just their rules and how well they run them - although God knows we do a good job and we put a hell of a lot of heart into EoFF - but more so that the Admins and Cid's Knights here are actually a part of the community. I go to so many boards where the moderators are only there to moderate or hang around with other moderators. Here, everyone can post about anything and anything. Even now, as an Admin (man that sounds weird), I come to EoFF first and foremost to talk with my friends and to meet new people. For the staff and the non-staff to just post as if they never had any seperation to begin with is great. I noticed this as a newbie, and, well, we all know I'm still a newbie. :D

Something in that last paragraph brings me to the next bit - people. Zaphier, fire of avalon, Evelia, David, Baloki, Citizen Bleys, Princess Usa, Rusty, Giga Guess, Rainecloud, Alixsar, Rinoabella, BM121, clout, Xander, and so many more. Everywhere, people that I can talk to either in thread or on chat programs. You can never, ever take away the fact that the most attractive thing about EoFF is by far the people who post here. I could go on forever about this with all the people I've met here, but I won't because I'd get bored. :p But yes, not just the people being here, but the ability to meet them and get to know them. I count hundreds of you as my friends, and that number can only increase.

Magic. So often people say that it's gone, but it's just a personal thing. The magic has never left this place for me. I love it. I live it. Almost literally! I work here, I've had four girlfriends here, I've had best friends join up to see what all the fuss is about. I've had a cousin, a sister and even my mum register and post here. And people here have changed my life. When I moved from NZ to Scotland (partly because of a now-ex-girlfriend... that I met at EoFF), the one thing that stayed the same in my life was EoFF. This place gives me stability and I know I can always rely on it. Well, so long as the server isn't down. ;) I've been having a stressful time at work lately and I finally found the time today to really just kick back and post in all these threads, and I can well and truely say I feel the magic just as good as I did when I first joined. I love this place.

I can trust people here. Sometimes I have a very hard time and I know that I can log in and post my problems. If I want to do it on a more private scale, I just post it into the Staff Forum. The amount of trust I have particularly in the staff forums is immense. We might not know everything about each other's lives and we might not even all know each other's names, but the trust I have with my fellow Cid's Knights (and Cid) makes me proud to be a CK. As I was saying to someone just the other day, I'll always be a CK - I just have a different title and can do more now, but just being part of the group is something I love, and I love the people I work with. Ah, how sappy.

The colour scheme. It's so cool. :D I love the EoFF style. Always have. Particularly the forum colours and the label (the way 'Eyes on Final Fantasy' is displayed in the forum banner, the frontsite banner, etc).

The family. Because even though I've never met some of you I feel like you're all just one big part of my adopted family. Man, I'm really getting sappy now, I think I should stop.

Giga Guess
09-30-2004, 11:54 PM
Heee...I'm a reason Loony Bob stays...*swoons*

10-01-2004, 11:22 AM
The people. They keep me on two feet and not in a crematorium.

EoFF has more going for it.

10-01-2004, 11:29 AM
Its just like real life, no-one really knows the truth

Edit: Thats why I'm here, not that I think your all conspiricy theriosts although I know some of you are :P

10-01-2004, 01:29 PM
Because it was such a friendly place compared to the forums I'd been at before, I made some friends and I enjoyed posting here so I kept coming back.

10-01-2004, 02:31 PM
I kept coming back mainly because of the ff forums but then I discovered the other forums like the general disscusion one and then I was hooked. Plus it is just plain enjoyable to be here.

10-01-2004, 02:39 PM
umm me, I guess it was the fact that I came here for one piece of information (ff7) but found I could help so many more in other forums with their games

10-01-2004, 03:03 PM
I keep coming back because I love the people here. And this was the first message board I ever joined :)
That + friends, YAY! :joker:

10-01-2004, 04:26 PM
EoFF was the first forum I joined. I joined LOADS others but i stopped visiting after a few weeks. It's just so friendly.

10-01-2004, 04:46 PM
I have kept coming back, because of the friends I have made! You peoples are awesome :) And because this forum doesn't have to many Aussies, only a few, so I also stay to keep a bit of Australia here. And for everything about Final Fantasy...yep.