View Full Version : I offer my help to you lot on FFVIII

10-04-2004, 07:19 PM
I thought I would open another help topic as everyone seems to be getting stuck...so post here if ya need help...and I'll help. :D

General Zod
10-05-2004, 12:09 PM
Zod doesn't need help from pathetic humans. All you have to do is kneel before Me.

10-05-2004, 01:13 PM
Zod doesn't need help from pathetic humans. All you have to do is kneel before Me.

Hey, clown, stop it. Act normal. And if you cannot go away.

And now my help ask question for FF VIII. I want Bahamut, but I cannot seem to beat him, he keeps killing me with his Mega Flare. Please help me.

10-05-2004, 03:15 PM
I'll fill in for lonely because we all did it in the last thread anyway.

Bahamut is pretty strong but the only thing you need to worry about is Mega Flare, everything else should be doing next-to-nothing damage. The easiest way is to get a GF to block. I'm also pretty sure that Shell or Protect would help against it. Bahamut also has pretty limited HP so Aura-ing Squall early on and just letting him do his thing usually sufficed for me. If your Zell has a good strength stat, then you could use Armageddon Fist which is more than enough to take out Bahamut.

10-05-2004, 04:23 PM
For those having trouble with the Ruby Dragon's final attack of Meteor, just Card it (or if you already have it, use Devour, although I don't know the effects of Devour on Ruby Dragon). Just thought I'd give that little tip.

10-05-2004, 06:13 PM
About Bahamut:

1. You can draw Curaga AND Full-Life from him, so you can heal for free.

2. His max HP are 90.000 so even at a high level he can't take very much.

3. You can slow and blind him (50% chance). Dommtrain and Meltdown work as well.

4. Casting Haste on your Characters may help (especially if you cast Slow on Bahamut). Protect and Shell are useful too.

5. Use G.F. and limits (Squall even has a different animation). If you need it cast Aura.

6. His MegaFlare does 4000+ damage so keep at least one character at about 6000 HP.

P.S.: I guess single Threads for each problem would be better...

10-05-2004, 07:16 PM
i hav a question, how do you beat the omega weapon (the one in ultemecia's castle)? I'm not very gd at FF8, only recently managed to get the hang of it. Any help would b appreciated!

10-05-2004, 09:00 PM
Easy ways:

1. Selphie's "The End" might work. But I've only heard that...

2. Refine the Gilgamesh card to get 10 Holy Wars. Junction 100 Deaths to St-Defense if Death Lv5 can hit your characters.
Now cast aura or have your characters at low HP before you use the Holy Wars to be able to use Limits. Now you just have to use the Holy Wars at the right moment (when the previous Holy War lost its effect) and you won't have a problem.

There are some strategies to beat Omega Weapon the hard way without making your characters invincible but the rewards for beating it are hardly worth the effort.

Ultima Shadow
10-05-2004, 09:10 PM
What if he don't have the Gilgamesh card and don't want to rely on luck to get the cheapest move in the game?

Good junctioning is the key to win every battle in this game with ease.
Make sure you have alot of magic to junction + characters at high level. Then he should be pice of cake.
Also... remember that Omega attacks in a special order...

Omega Weapons attacks and how to avoid them without using cheap hero items:
1) lvl 5 Death. Either, don't be at a level multiplised by 5, OR junction 100 Deaths to your stat-def.
2) Meteor. Have high spr (shell halves the dammage).
3) Megido Flame. This is Omegas mos deadly attack. It does exactly 9998 dammage to the party and neither protect or shell will work. To survive... either Block with a GF or have 9999 HP before the attack (make sure to heal with megaelexir after this attack, but you may wait until Omega Weapon does his next move since it won't hurt you at all if your hp is1).
4) Gravia. This attack dammage 3/4 of your current HP (this attack can't kill so if HP is 1, this attack will do 0 dammage).
5) Terra Break. This may be your end. If you'r not prepared that is... but all you need is the ability Defend. If you use Defend when Omega Weapon uses Terra Break... then you will take 0 dammage! So you should get the Defend ability to as many party members as you can.
6) Ultima. Same as Meteor.
7) Ligth Pillar. Since this attack does 9999 dammage to one of your party members, no matter what, the one who is hit will die. But worry not, since Omegas Ligth Pillar is predicable, you just need to be prepared to revive the one who dies.
After all this Omega Weapons attacks will repeat... all but lvl5 death, so you will always be prepared. Oh, and one more thing... He may use a psychical attack at random(wow RANDOM) betweene the other moves, but don't worry, it's a weak attack and it may miss!
Location: Ultimecias Castle
Draw: Flare, Holy, Meteor, and Ultima

My personal, special way to figth him with only 2 party members without spending magic: Have 2 party members junction the Defend, recover and revive abilities. Now FIGTH! after Megido Flame your 2 characters will have 1 HP, now's the time for the LimitBreaks! (Have high Evade so that IF Omega use his normal attack at this time, then it will miss) after Gravia, make sure to Defend. As soon as Terra Break is casted, then use recover to restore HP fro 1 to full, after the Ligth Pillar, use Revive. Then Keep going this way until you beat him!

10-05-2004, 09:27 PM
Zod doesn't need help from pathetic humans. All you have to do is kneel before Me.
Don't you have something else to say except kneel and kneel.. :rolleyes:
anyway..Ultima you should make really a faq on it..

10-05-2004, 10:15 PM
What if he don't have the Gilgamesh card and don't want to rely on luck to get the cheapest move in the game?

You should still be able to get the card at that point (if you have the PC verison you could also use the Chocobo World trick to get 10 Holy Wars in no time). And I don't know why you have to rely on luck when you use Holy Wars. With the Holy Wars I just needed one single try and WITHOUT using them I felt that I had much luck when I finally beat it after a few tries (but if I had read your tips before I tried it, I would probably have beaten it much faster because when I did it I almost did everything like you just described...).

10-05-2004, 10:28 PM
Don't you have something else to say except kneel and kneel.. :rolleyes:

It's spam is what it is.

You can always use a gameshark to give yourself 100 The Ends in your magic list :D

Ultima Shadow
10-06-2004, 06:52 AM
You should still be able to get the card at that point (if you have the PC verison you could also use the Chocobo World trick to get 10 Holy Wars in no time). And I don't know why you have to rely on luck when you use Holy Wars. With the Holy Wars I just needed one single try and WITHOUT using them I felt that I had much luck when I finally beat it after a few tries (but if I had read your tips before I tried it, I would probably have beaten it much faster because when I did it I almost did everything like you just described...).
When I talked about "luck" I mean "the end". You'll get that if you'r "lucky".
And it's just me who think invinsible making items are cheap. :p

10-06-2004, 09:09 AM
anyway..Ultima you should make really a faq on it..

Yeah, you should make a FAQ. And then about all the Weapons and mabye all the Superbosses. You really know much about it. You are a Weapon-Know-It-All. So,if you do send it to me

10-06-2004, 02:13 PM
When I talked about "luck" I mean "the end". You'll get that if you'r "lucky".
And it's just me who think invinsible making items are cheap. :p

Ok, I got it wrong because I didn't even know for sure that "The End" works... ;)
And yes, those items are cheap! :D But as I mentioned above the rewards for beating Omega Weapon are "cheap" as well!

Ultima Shadow
10-06-2004, 04:02 PM
SephirothNL and beatrix9... thanx, I'll keep that in mind and I'll tell if I feel like doing it.
But I don't know where I should post it.

Braindead... I never fight super bosses because of the rewards. That's just completely pointless.
I mean... if you already can beat all the super bosses, then why would you want to get even stronger?
I never save after beating Omega. I fight him because I enjoy the battle and I don't save because I may want to battle him again. In a harder way. But some people just don't enjoy challanging battles... :shame:

10-06-2004, 04:40 PM
SephirothNL and beatrix9... thanx, I'll keep that in mind and I'll tell if I feel like doing it.
But I don't know where I should post it.

You're welcome..tell it to me too if you decide to do it..and i know this may be off topic but please change your avatar,put a Cloud or something..

10-06-2004, 05:17 PM
SephirothNL and beatrix9... thanx, I'll keep that in mind and I'll tell if I feel like doing it.
But I don't know where I should post it.

Braindead... I never fight super bosses because of the rewards. That's just completely pointless.
I mean... if you already can beat all the super bosses, then why would you want to get even stronger?
I never save after beating Omega. I fight him because I enjoy the battle and I don't save because I may want to battle him again. In a harder way. But some people just don't enjoy challanging battles... :shame:

Ok, of course you are right. E.g. Beating Omega in FFV was completly useless but I did it for the challenge of it.
I just mentioned the easy ways cause I don't know if Darkangel863 is looking for a challenge or just wants to beat it (eventually expecting a cool reward for it). And if he wants a challange maybe he wouldn't have asked for help.

Anyway I agree with you. I also like challenging battles (mostly winning them at last ;) ) and beating Omega Weapon without any Holy or Hero stuff felt quite good...

10-06-2004, 05:30 PM
You do get 250AP, if for some reason you haven't already learned everything...and "Proof Of Omega" is added to your "Tutorial -> Information" thing. Not great rewards/awards, but something ;).

10-06-2004, 07:29 PM
You do get 250AP, if for some reason you haven't already learned everything...and "Proof Of Omega" is added to your "Tutorial -> Information" thing. Not great rewards/awards, but something ;). And you can win a "Three Stars". However, at that point I've already had about 10 "Three Stars" from Chocobo World and didn't need even one of them. And I didn't need the Ap either... :(
In my opinion the battle would be worth a special weapon or G.F. or maybe an additional FMV...

10-07-2004, 06:05 PM
I can't play Chocobo World, I don't have one of those little thing-a-ma-bobs to play it. That, and my computer refuses to let me play FFVII or FFVIII very long before it locks up :mad2:. So that Three Stars could be helpful to me.

10-07-2004, 07:23 PM
You can get a lot of them even without Chocobo World or beating Omega Weapon:
- Refine the Squall Card (you can win it from Laguna inside the Ragnarok) into 3 Three Stars
- Do the Lake Obel Side Quest for 1 Three Stars
- Mug Ultima Weapon to get 1 Three Stars instead of the 100 Ultima Stones

And maybe there are even some more...

Ultima Shadow
10-07-2004, 07:31 PM
Three Stars really isn't that usefull...
Omega Weapon really isn't that hard at all. Megido Flame is one of the most deadly attacks in the game but since you will know when it will come, it really isn't that dangerous... if your characters have 9999 HP that is...
I've beated Omega Weapon without all junctioning except Commands (item, magic, GF etc) and with only the first weapons + none of the drawable GFs AND no card refining=only 2 hero-items. Now THAT was hard!

10-07-2004, 07:31 PM
Actually, I already have the Squall card (I'm near the end of the game), and I drew 100 Triples from Cerberus with everybody. So, I don't need a Three Stars from Omega...oh well. I still want "Proof Of Omega." :D

10-08-2004, 09:06 AM
Thanx for your help every one, it's much appreciated. :D any more questions.

10-08-2004, 03:00 PM
hmm lonely your offering help now? still seems a very short time ago you asked me for help on 8. if you need any back up on this then feel free to ask. :moomba:

10-08-2004, 07:48 PM
hmm lonely your offering help now? still seems a very short time ago you asked me for help on 8. if you need any back up on this then feel free to ask. :moomba:

I know that...but that was when I only knew a little about VIII and now that I know loads, I wanna help...and erm any one can help out with the questions if they like. I jes wanna help people who are new to VIII and even to those who have played VIII always....It's to everyone so yeah lol. :D

Del Murder
10-09-2004, 05:57 PM
If you have a uestion about the game, just make a thread about it. Having these types of general help threads makes things too confusing and someone's question might get skipped in pile. I'll close this one and lonely can field questions as they come up in the board. Thanks for your willingness to help, lonely.