View Full Version : Do we actually need this game?

10-05-2004, 12:27 PM
Now here's a topic for you. It may or may not have been discussed, but frankly I'm to lazy to look.

does anyone actually WANT this game? Do we NEED to know about vincent? The mystery surrounding him was, pretty much, the only thing that made him an average character. Otherwise he would have been one of the worst characters in the game. So, S-E,obviously bored with FFXII, have decided to, in the same year, announce a film sequel to FFVII, in order to make a shitload of money, a mobile game, to make a shitload of money, and, oh, guess what, now another console game to make a, um, shitload of money.
omg square how smaert!1

Evidently S-E like Vincent. Unfortunately, he wasn't a good character, as previously stated. He was optional. His entire story was told in two five- minute conversations plus the bit where you got him, and the two conversations were optional. Now, is this a good character? No. Is this a MYSTERIOUS character? Yes, because no- one could be bothered to make a storyline up. Ergo, seven years after the game's release, we're being told a story. Any story, as long as it in some way involves Vincent.


10-05-2004, 02:42 PM
The very same question was raised when FFX-2 was announced. And for that series, I thought that FFX wrapped up very nicely and just because Tidus "died" doesn't automatically warrant a sequel where he had to be brought back

Anyway, SE knows that everyone loves FF7 and I think it's obvious that they're trying to milk some more money out it. Kudos to them, I know I'd do it if I were them. You're right in that Vincent's a very vague character and this means SE can basically do anything with him. More likely than not, it'll have nothing to do with the original game except for a couple of people and place names.

I don't think there's enough information out right now for me to decide whether or not I want this game. But from what I've seen, it's going to look more like a game of DMC than a game of FFVII. If I do decide to buy this game, it will probably be because I enjoy dark, many-a-zombie, action shooters and not just because it's a sequel to FFVII.

10-05-2004, 04:16 PM
First of all, I'd like to say that Vincent was my favorite character in the game. Vincent has his fans, just like all the other characters have their fans. His story intrigued me and I wanted to know more. SE bringing in a new story, and they'll probably expand on what happened to Vincent through his back-story.

Do I feel that we need the game? No. But I'm going to enjoy it.

10-05-2004, 08:08 PM
Well... do we really need any games? Does Final Fantasy need to exist? Of course not.

Yes, I am being a smart ass. But basically, Square is doing this to make money. As Mo already said. But if you dont want your thoughts of VII ruined, or you dont like the thought of playing Vincent, then dont buy it. If everyone whose complaining about this game doesnt buy it (which I highly doubt will happen), it may send a message to Square.

But, all things considered, Square is giving fans what they want. They wanted a sequel to VII, they got AC. That wasnt good enough, it wasnt a game, so they got BC. THAT wasnt good enough, it was on a cellphone, so they got DoC. Of course this makes them money-grubbing assholes to half of us. Why? They gave us what we wanted. What we'd been begging for for years.

Do I want this game? Yes, very much. Vincent was very interesting in my opinion, and I want to know more.

But again, the bottom line. If you dont want it, dont buy it. No one's forcing you to buy it.

10-05-2004, 08:21 PM
well said abominatrix. i would gladly fork out for a remake of FFVII. Im gladly going to fork out for AC when it arrives, and as more news developes, i might end up forking out for DOC. I dont know. its looking like a metal gear solid style game which im not a big fan of. i agree with what a-bom (my new nickname for abominatrix coz thats too big to type) said, if you dont like the idea behind it, dont buy it

10-05-2004, 08:29 PM
*yays at her new nickname*

And I would like to make it clear that I am a bit annoyed that VII needs three continuations. Annoyed in the 'shake my head and groan' type. But this does look very interesting, and I'll more than likely buy it. Who knows what sequels and remakes for different games these will warrent?

Black Mage
10-05-2004, 08:57 PM
I'm upset that they even made Advent Children, so I guess that explains how I feel about the 'recent' developments centered around FFVII.

However, I'm not the type care enough to talk about this very often, but I noticed an interesting argument in a post a bit earlier in this thread.

"But if you dont want your thoughts of VII ruined, or you dont like the thought of playing Vincent, then dont buy it. If everyone whose complaining about this game doesnt buy it (which I highly doubt will happen), it may send a message to Square."

I agree to some extent; if everyone who doesn't like the idea of the game didn't buy it, it would send a message to Square. And probably one I would deem quite deserving.

But, the other half of the arguement is what gets me. If I don't want my thoughts on VII ruined, I shouldn't buy the game. That sounds fair. But, if that's the case, I would have to also close my ears to other people, avoid certain posts, topics, and threads, and avoid conversation in regards to general FFVII all together.

That's pretty much impossible, especially for the avid fan of FFVII who likes discussions.

Regardless of how hard they try some sort of information is going to make its way to them. In which case all would be for nothing.

Not buying the game makes sense to make a statement, sure, but not in terms of avoiding the content. Just knowing the game/movie exists hurts my opinion of VII somewhat, and may even change how some look at it.

As someone else sort of said, this is just another X-2. Only I suppose it'd be akin to X-2, X-3, and an X-4.

The whole thing just seems ridiculous to me.

10-05-2004, 09:03 PM
Then let it hurt your opinion if you cant shut it out. It all seems a bit melodramatic to me, so many people screaming that DoC and the others are 'destroying the FFVII universe'. Not to mention, you can avoid it simply by staying out of the DoC forums.

10-05-2004, 09:15 PM
Thing is, Advent Children, Before Crisis and Dirge of Cerberus are going to affect how other people discuss Final Fantasy VII.

Advent Children has already changed how some people viewed the ending. It kicks out the theory that humans were destroyed in the end. Before Crisis is going to change how people look at the Turks. Dirge of Cerberus is going to change how people look at Vincent. More information replaces what fans had to guess at, and in the end, you kind of lose some of the originality that fueled discussions.

10-05-2004, 09:27 PM
Thing is, Advent Children, Before Crisis and Dirge of Cerberus are going to affect how other people discuss Final Fantasy VII.

Advent Children has already changed how some people viewed the ending. It kicks out the theory that humans were destroyed in the end. Before Crisis is going to change how people look at the Turks. Dirge of Cerberus is going to change how people look at Vincent. More information replaces what fans had to guess at, and in the end, you kind of lose some of the originality that fueled discussions.

That's true, but now that it's been done, there isnt much we can do about it, right? So the options are; either do your best to ignore it or accept it. No amount of complaints and curses at Square will change any of this.

Black Mage
10-05-2004, 09:33 PM
That's true, but now that it's been done, there isnt much we can do about it, right? So the options are; either do your best to ignore it or accept it. No amount of complaints and curses at Square will change any of this.

That is true, but if no one speaks up about their dislike for the concepts and practices, no one will know that there are some who don't like it, especially those who need to know, like Square.

I'm not saying they will necessarily pay attention or do anything about it, but it's still a good idea to be able to get both sides of the story.

Everything in moderation, they say.

10-05-2004, 09:37 PM
Well said. But do note we are the American (and elsewhere) market, and Im pretty sure that the Japanese market has more say in what Square does. So yeah, it would be best to express your dislikes to Square, and to boycott the sequels. A lot of people are complaining but still planning to get AC and DoC, which I think is silly.

10-05-2004, 10:53 PM
(before the announcement of Advent Children)

Final Fantasy VII "Fans": Final Fantasy is stupid, why can't they just make more games like Final Fantasy VII? They made a sequal to that crappy Final Fantasy X game... Well I didn't play it but it looked stupid, and it didn't involve a big sword and materia so screw it! WHERE IS OUR FINAL FANTASY VII-2 HUH? I'm gonna keep complaining until I get it, BOOHOOOO

(after the announcement of Advent Children)

Final Fantasy VII "Fans": A DVD??? Final Fantasy X get a whole stupid sequal and Final Fantasy VII, the best game ever made gets a DVD MOVIE!? This is stupid, I hate you Square, at least give us a game, jeez! This whole company is stupid, why don't they make more Final Fantasy VII games!

(after the announcement of Before Crisis)

Final Fantasy VII "Fans": A CELL PHONE GAME!? I hate you Square, you're so stupid, I don't want a lousy cell phone game, give us a DECENT Sequal to Final Fantasy VII! Final Fantasy X, being the crappy game that it was got a console-sequal, why can't Final Fantasy VII? You guys are a bunch of idiots, give us a REAL game!

(after the announcement of Dirge of Cerberus)

WHY are you ruining our perfectly good story with these new games and movies, why can't you just leave Final Fantasy VII alone and give us new stuff you big bunch of sell-outs! You only want money don't you? Not as if every proprietary company ever created in the history of the world has been to raise money, ugh I'm so pissed off! I'm gonna keep complaining! And it MAY NOT BE AN RPG!? JESUS CHRIST! Are you guys idiots or what!? Don't you know that everyone wants a perfect clone of Final Fantasy VII on PS2 with improved graphics!? I HATE YOU SQUARE

(6 months into the future after the announcement of Final Fantasy VII: Replica With Improved Graphics + Sephiroth's Sword Increased in Length by 2 Inches)

Final Fantasy VII "Fans": What the hell? This is the same damn thing you released on PS1??? Are you guys just a bunch of Sell-Outs or something???! I'm not gonna shell out my money for this garbage, who the hell asked for a duplicate! I hate stupid Square, always just doing anything for a quick buck! The least you could do was hire staff to give every fan of Final Fantasy VII a personal, individual back massage!

(8 months into the future at the new Square-Enix back massage parlor with free coupons to those who enjoyed Final Fantasy VII)

Final Fantasy VII "Fans": Square has crossed the line now, look at these sell-out losers with no ideas! Why can't they ever just do what WE ASK THEM!? God I hate this company, what ever happened to the good ol' days when they were making those good games like Final Fantasy VII, and... Well, You know, Final Fantasy VII... on PC! GOD! What happened to them, now all they do is run around like bums trying to milk every dollar they can out of everyone! I HATE THEM DIE SQUARE DIE!!!!

10-06-2004, 12:21 AM
You're a bit of an extremist.

Kawaii Ryűkishi
10-06-2004, 12:55 AM
Seems right on to me.

10-06-2004, 12:59 AM

10-06-2004, 03:27 AM
yup yup pretty much how it went,we just can't get what we want, and when we do, we bash it to the ground saying this isn't wat i want. basically that's what Necronopticous wrote short hand

Dark Dragoon
10-07-2004, 03:19 PM
XD That seems about right. It just seems to me that Final Fantasy fans, moreso than any other I've seen, are REALLY hard to please(I don't mean that in an offensive way, and it's not to say other fans of other games aren't). No one ever seems to point out the fact that pretty much all the FF's have SOMETHING good about them. Square Enix is so far ahead of the compitition in RPGs that it's almost laughable. Nothing really compares. Any good RPGs from other developers can't maintain the long term quality that SE has all these years. Sure, when you compare them with eachother, one will be better than the other. But when you compare them to the compitition......it's not even close.

I'm sure AC, BC, and DoC will all have something good about them. Everytime SE makes something new, people have doubts. And everytime, SE comes through. Atleast that's how I look at it. Maybe I'm to simple minded. :p

Just give it a chance. We barely know anything about it. I'm really looking forward to it, seeing as Vincent was one of my favorite characters. And the change in gameplay? I'm fine with it. Would you rather see them simply rehash FFVII's unbalanced Materia system? Atleast they're trying to mix things up here. If they were truly just trying milk FFVII, they'd just rehash everything. The sheer variety in the styles in this 'compilation' tells me that they are actually trying to make quality stuff here and please the fans. Give 'em a little credit here, folks.

10-07-2004, 11:00 PM
This game has a star team working on it... I mean a STAR team. Check it out.

10-08-2004, 04:18 PM
personally, i thought IX was a hell of alot better than VII.
So im not really bothered with this game

Lost Heretic
10-08-2004, 10:18 PM
Lets just remember that Deus Ex, with its first-person shooter style, is more of a roleplaying game than any of the 'mainstream' Final Fantasy games.

10-09-2004, 01:49 AM
well some ppl may agree with you, IX was better then VII, but MOST, not all people, will dissagree, and say VII was the better, me, I couldn't even finish IX cause i just didn't like it

10-09-2004, 03:12 PM
I am one of the biggest FFVII fans out there but even I see this game isn't needed I'll buy it for three reasons though
1. Square will probaly surprise us and it'll be a great action game.
2. I want to know more about Vincent
3. I can't resist it I am sucked into the FFVII universe now and forever more :mog:.

I'm pissed because I want FFXII a new game not a sequel and the sequels aren't even RPGs!!! What up wit dat?!?!?! Ugh :mad: Square your making some bad choices stop trying to get new people into it stick with your many hardcore fans like us!

10-09-2004, 04:59 PM
compaines are always trying to get more ppl to follow them, so, they'll attempt to get more ppl into FF universe, commen sense. But in the sense of that, they're making games somewhat ez enough for noobs, but still challenging for the hardcore FF ppl

Del Murder
10-09-2004, 05:23 PM
Yes I need it. I would die if I didn't have this game.

10-10-2004, 09:41 AM
(before the announcement of Advent Children)

Final Fantasy VII "Fans": Final Fantasy is stupid, why can't they just make more games like Final Fantasy VII? They made a sequal to that crappy Final Fantasy X game... Well I didn't play it but it looked stupid, and it didn't involve a big sword and materia so screw it! WHERE IS OUR FINAL FANTASY VII-2 HUH? I'm gonna keep complaining until I get it, BOOHOOOO

(after the announcement of Advent Children)

Final Fantasy VII "Fans": A DVD??? Final Fantasy X get a whole stupid sequal and Final Fantasy VII, the best game ever made gets a DVD MOVIE!? This is stupid, I hate you Square, at least give us a game, jeez! This whole company is stupid, why don't they make more Final Fantasy VII games!

(after the announcement of Before Crisis)

Final Fantasy VII "Fans": A CELL PHONE GAME!? I hate you Square, you're so stupid, I don't want a lousy cell phone game, give us a DECENT Sequal to Final Fantasy VII! Final Fantasy X, being the crappy game that it was got a console-sequal, why can't Final Fantasy VII? You guys are a bunch of idiots, give us a REAL game!

(after the announcement of Dirge of Cerberus)

WHY are you ruining our perfectly good story with these new games and movies, why can't you just leave Final Fantasy VII alone and give us new stuff you big bunch of sell-outs! You only want money don't you? Not as if every proprietary company ever created in the history of the world has been to raise money, ugh I'm so pissed off! I'm gonna keep complaining! And it MAY NOT BE AN RPG!? JESUS CHRIST! Are you guys idiots or what!? Don't you know that everyone wants a perfect clone of Final Fantasy VII on PS2 with improved graphics!? I HATE YOU SQUARE

(6 months into the future after the announcement of Final Fantasy VII: Replica With Improved Graphics + Sephiroth's Sword Increased in Length by 2 Inches)

Final Fantasy VII "Fans": What the hell? This is the same damn thing you released on PS1??? Are you guys just a bunch of Sell-Outs or something???! I'm not gonna shell out my money for this garbage, who the hell asked for a duplicate! I hate stupid Square, always just doing anything for a quick buck! The least you could do was hire staff to give every fan of Final Fantasy VII a personal, individual back massage!

(8 months into the future at the new Square-Enix back massage parlor with free coupons to those who enjoyed Final Fantasy VII)

Final Fantasy VII "Fans": Square has crossed the line now, look at these sell-out losers with no ideas! Why can't they ever just do what WE ASK THEM!? God I hate this company, what ever happened to the good ol' days when they were making those good games like Final Fantasy VII, and... Well, You know, Final Fantasy VII... on PC! GOD! What happened to them, now all they do is run around like bums trying to milk every dollar they can out of everyone! I HATE THEM DIE SQUARE DIE!!!!
You got it right on alright. :<3:

Del Murder
10-10-2004, 05:05 PM
Don't forget the group who like to point that stuff out at every opportunity.

10-10-2004, 10:25 PM
First of all, I'd like to say that Vincent was my favorite character in the game. Vincent has his fans, just like all the other characters have their fans. His story intrigued me and I wanted to know more. SE bringing in a new story, and they'll probably expand on what happened to Vincent through his back-story.

Do I feel that we need the game? No. But I'm going to enjoy it.

10-11-2004, 02:50 AM
i agree to ur agreeing lol i liked vincent alot too

10-19-2004, 11:45 PM
I was a Vincent fangirl when I was 13.

I NEED this game. Its orgasm in a case.


To be honest this is my ideal game, it has Vincent in. I don't care if its terrible...it ahs Vincent in. I'm stoked about it, I really am.

So all I say is gimme. I don't care if theres no percieved need for it. I want it. I'm gunna get it.


10-25-2004, 12:52 PM
well, as FF fans i thought u would be happy about this, my fav character is zac, but vincent is my 2nd...and i think that the game based around him will be awesome, hes so cool...and it will havta hav sumfin 2 do with vampires so that will be even betta...i cant wait...and i kinda like 1st person shootas..haha

10-26-2004, 08:18 PM
Is it actually 1st person shooter? Even if it is I don't care it'll be a good game anyway in my mind! ;)

10-26-2004, 08:40 PM
I'm pretty sure it's not a first person shooter. It will definitely be third person, but as for the gameplay I don't think anyone is sure yet (unless they are and would like to say so). I'm certainly going to get this game because I want to. Not because it's a Final Fantasy sequel, but because I want to get it. It's all a matter of personal opinion and free choice.

Quin [2]
10-27-2004, 03:58 AM
I do want this game. I think Vincent is a cool character and this game takes a new turn and looks awsome. Besides, do we really need any game?

10-27-2004, 04:03 AM
do we need ANY final fantasy game?not really,but life is so much better with them :D :D :D

i don't personally venture outside of video games taht aren't final fantasy or RPG's, but this looks intriguing(?)

10-27-2004, 06:11 AM
Final fantasy VII left alot to the imagination, I want to know more about the world what happened after I worked so hard to save it? thats the thing about the sequels to me. I will probly buy it and play it and if it sucks then I just wont play it again. Though with the movie however im going to try and find a download of it still in japanese before they cast ben aflect to do the voice of cloud and ruin final fantasy for the entire planet.

Wuggly Blight
10-27-2004, 02:55 PM
I loved ff7, and I doubt they could capture the magic they got in another game but im willing to give it a chance, this game can easily go both ways to good, or another terrable square sellout.

10-27-2004, 08:26 PM
I don't understand why everyone is putting this game in doubt :mad: I've seen alot of screens for this game and the screens show that I doesn't exactly look like a first person shooter!! The question isn't "Do we need this game?" its "Do we WANT this game?" :confused:

10-28-2004, 10:21 PM
Hey, i'm a huge fan of ff VII, and i got vincent. he is not only one of the strongest guys in the game, but my second favorite, only the one winged angel is greater than vincent, in my mind... any way, this game shoud be a smash hit. I think it's gonna be a rpg/ 1st person shotter. it should be intersting. BTW, did anyone see the screen where it showed Cait without Sith? OR was is Sith withour Cait? It was the cat without the big white dude.

10-29-2004, 02:10 AM
Do we really need anything? Do we need you? I would be happy to end your existence for you if you cant do it yourself. http://forums.eyesonff.com/images/smilies/lovesmile.gifhttp://forums.eyesonff.com/images/smilies/lovesmile.gifhttp://forums.eyesonff.com/images/smilies/lovesmile.gifhttp://forums.eyesonff.com/images/smilies/lovesmile.gifhttp://forums.eyesonff.com/images/smilies/lovesmile.gif.

10-29-2004, 05:07 AM
see, now its all posotive so inside u all really want this game then hahaha

10-29-2004, 09:20 AM
I say we don't need this game because it has a decicive lack of Heidegger.

One winged angel of death
10-29-2004, 10:54 AM
nanio? you don't like vincent?? I wanna know all about vincent's past... anyway... you get to shoot ppl!!! that's the fun part! hmm... i wounder....i can't wait till vincent meet's up with cait Sith will he be surprised and like me shoot his head off or will cait sith be running bump into vincent and vincent pick him up and say "What are you doing here?" and cait sith'll say "L-looking for you."
who thinks that will happen! I have a fealing a lot of dark comedy is on the way! i'm good at that! haha

10-29-2004, 12:02 PM
nanio? you don't like vincent?? I wanna know all about vincent's past... anyway... you get to shoot ppl!!! that's the fun part! hmm... i wounder....i can't wait till vincent meet's up with cait Sith will he be surprised and like me shoot his head off or will cait sith be running bump into vincent and vincent pick him up and say "What are you doing here?" and cait sith'll say "L-looking for you."
who thinks that will happen! I have a fealing a lot of dark comedy is on the way! i'm good at that! haha

I had no clue what you just said then. So I'll just answer that with a simple 'no'.

One winged angel of death
10-29-2004, 12:13 PM
Omecle you don't like vincent??? i said "what=nanio?" ummmmmm........eheh.....oh well.......why do ppl quoet me so often...??? :confused:

10-29-2004, 12:22 PM
I do like Vincent, but I don't understand what you are saying most of the time. =P

One winged angel of death
10-29-2004, 12:29 PM
that is because.....i'm hard to understand.....i lost my communication to ppl so....i talk funny.... or it could do to the fact i know japanese.....french...spanish...latin...a little german...a little italian....some chinese like nihao and bie liao. heh....oh well one of many cultures.....i can also write and read japanese hand writeing a little.... :)

10-29-2004, 04:10 PM
Why do so many people say it's a first person game? If any of you have seen the screenshots you would've seen that it's obviously third person!

BTW, did anyone see the screen where it showed Cait without Sith? OR was is Sith withour Cait? It was the cat without the big white dude. Cait Sith is the name of the small cat. The large moogle remains nameless throughout. However, you could solve all the name problems by referring to him as Reeve.

10-29-2004, 08:03 PM
that is because.....i'm hard to understand.....i lost my communication to ppl so....i talk funny.... or it could do to the fact i know japanese.....french...spanish...latin...a little german...a little italian....some chinese like nihao and bie liao. heh....oh well one of many cultures.....i can also write and read japanese hand writeing a little.... :)

Thats nice but i think he meant the red writing. Although im probobly wrong.

10-29-2004, 08:05 PM
Once you get vincent, he is bound to intrege you. I wanna learn all about his past, and i'm exepect some split second flash sceans, like in the movie to ff7, when you see flashes of the train

One winged angel of death
10-29-2004, 11:37 PM
I adore vincent and sephiroth.....i am a goth unfortuneately................oh well....vincent is very intrigueing.....and so is sephiroth...hey think of this...! what if they based a game on sephiroth...where you play as him form a young age to adult hood and make him known as the great sephiroth....wouldn't that be awsome?

10-30-2004, 12:27 AM
i am a goth unfortuneately
You choose to be a goth and then you say that it's unfortunate? That doesn't make much sense.

hey think of this...! what if they based a game on sephiroth...where you play as him form a young age to adult hood and make him known as the great sephiroth....wouldn't that be awsome?
I'd play it. Go through the war between Wutai and Shin-Ra. You'd get to see Wutai with more influence across the world and an inside look at Shinra as well. No doubt that'd mean Zack would be a playable character.

I sure hope it doesn't happen.

10-30-2004, 12:57 AM
Now im exited

10-30-2004, 02:26 AM
I always thought they would make one, and it would make at least 59.99, from my wallet. It would be great.... as my signiture says, it should be

One winged angel of death
10-30-2004, 04:59 AM
wow! people actually agree with me...oh yeah any posts i wrote today except the one with sephiroth's game and this one ignore 'em! i was only half way awake and i still am...! oh and i wasn't a goth untill i became afraid to leave my room and be around my dad.

10-30-2004, 08:59 AM
Thats nice but i think he meant the red writing. Although im probobly wrong.

The red writing as well as the incoherent english.

One winged angel of death
10-30-2004, 01:58 PM
what you can't red this?? wow! i cahn wounder what that's about is your screen darker than mine?