View Full Version : grafic, goood!

ff babe
10-09-2004, 07:33 AM
i love ffX and think the grafics r awrsome, who agrees?

Big D
10-09-2004, 08:39 AM
Absolutely. FFX's visuals are beautiful; they bring the world to life with so much detail.

Some people were skeptical about having an FF with all 3D environments; they said there'd not be enough room on disc for a big or detailed imaginary world. They were wrong, and people said the same thing about FFVII anyway.

There are lots of neat details that make Spira such a memorable world: the grasses and plants waving in the wind, on Besaid Island and the Mi'ihen Highroad in particular. Then there are the bird colonies, and the waves and tides near the Besaid coast. Little details of life that are easy to overlook, but add a whole lot to the experience.

There are some effective sinister locations, too - Baaj Temple is a good example, as are the underwater areas.

The character graphics, too, are the best yet. The detailed clothing and movement is very precise, and the lifelike faces convey emotion well. In fact, FFX and X-2 might have the best character graphics we'll see for a while - FFXII's characters are going to be made with about half the number of polygons compared to FFX.

10-25-2004, 02:46 AM
I agree, I just love the graphics. I love watching the scenes with the water XD i watch them over and over in the sphere theater. the characters are awesome too. I'd write more but i have to leave v__v

Azure Chrysanthemum
10-25-2004, 04:10 AM
I actually prefer the backgrounds on FFVII-FFIX, though the cinematic sequences in FFX are by far the best. In FFVII-FFIX the background graphics are near or at cinematic quality pretty much all the time, whereas FFX is a significant step down. That isn't to say that I don't like FFX's graphics, and I do freely admit that the 3D does offer more possiblities than it did on FFVII-FFIX, but I still prefer the others to FFX.

10-25-2004, 07:15 AM
Yeah, i reckon that the backgrounds are really good. <like the grass and flowers and stuff moving in the wind> It looks really awesome.
The characters facial expressions are good too.

10-25-2004, 07:44 AM
When I first played Final Fantasy X I thought "My god... How could it possibly look any better than this?"

... And then I played Final Fantasy XII at E3.... Visual euphoria.

10-25-2004, 02:32 PM
I actually prefer the backgrounds on FFVII-FFIX, though the cinematic sequences in FFX are by far the best. In FFVII-FFIX the background graphics are near or at cinematic quality pretty much all the time, whereas FFX is a significant step down.
The backgrounds in FFX and FFX-2 cannot be prerendered as they were in previous instalments as they are animated. Big D gave examples of this (waving grass, lapping waves, etc). If you look closely at the previous games you will notice animated objects such as chests are made of polygons like the characters, and not like the backgrounds. Although prerendering does provide excellent detail, it seems the producers have chosen to favour animated backgrounds. This hasn't happen only to the Final Fantasy series. Resident Evil 1-3 had prerendered backgrounds, but these were dropped in Resident Evil: Code Veronica X in favour of the ability to create flickering light effects, etc to add to the atmosphere. I also think it has a lot to do with the graphical capabilities of the machine eg FF VII-IX and Resident Evil 1-3 were on PS1 whereas FFX and FFX-2 were on the PS2. Perhaps now the programmers have more power to play around with they decided to experiment with interactive backgrounds.

Anyway, I think they're all great, prerendered or otherwise.

Big D
10-25-2004, 09:01 PM
Resident Evil 1-3 had prerendered backgrounds, but these were dropped in Resident Evil: Code Veronica X in favour of the ability to create flickering light effects, etc to add to the atmosphere.Alone in the Dark IV, on the old PlayStation, used pre-rendered backgrounds but also had amazing lighting effects. I hear that was a programming ordeal, though.