View Full Version : Quick! In here!

10-10-2004, 01:36 PM
I just wanna start this off by saying room inspection time is filled with stress and anxiety. ok. Me and my roommate were having a room inspection by a Sergeant one time. His side of the room was being done first and as I waited for my turn I was drinking a cup of orange juice. While I was waiting, I was looking over my room to make sure it was done as much as possable and I overheard the Sergeant saying, "you can't have open change laying around, it's against regulation" to him as she started heading my way. Quickly looking around my room I saw I had some change laying around and not knowing what to do with it I threw it in my cup of OJ just in time. Then continued to drink it like nothing was wrong. Ever do anything like that in desperation?

10-10-2004, 04:34 PM
I have but it was stupid. My dad was inspecting my brother's room and was yelling at him bcuz it was really messy. He said that if he finds the room like that again, that my brother would be sleeping in the laundry room or outside. I freaked out cuz my room was exactly like my brother's. I slipped by my dad and went into my room and stuffed everything into my drawers. My dad knocked on my door and i paniced. i still had trash everywhere. so i grabbed the trash and stuffed under my shirt and in my pants( my trash can was out by the kitchen) i opened my door and let him in and i went out trash and all. after i dumped the trash my mom comes out and says" I saw that"

told you it was stupid. :eep:

05-04-2022, 12:37 PM
I was on my way to inspect some lowly foot soldiers' room when I realized I dun have my chastity armor on because one of the soldier that drinks orange juice is a lecherous undead pervert. :(

Out of desperation, i offered Quin as the sacrifice. :(

Quindiana Jones
05-04-2022, 02:36 PM
I volunteered as tribute, thank you very much.

05-05-2022, 11:05 AM
I am fairly certain I made this up. I didn’t have any female sergeants.

05-05-2022, 11:31 AM

05-08-2022, 04:06 AM
You probably didn't even have any OJ and instead were drinking a cup full of pennies.