View Full Version : Extreme Makeover: Home Edition

Dark Songstress
10-14-2004, 01:04 AM
anyone know about the episode with the girl named Shelby who had some illness that force her not to go outside and feel or see the sunlight? I think it horrible, like hell :cry:. just think, trap in the darkness while your friends and family are playing outside and you can,t go outside, just because of that stupid illness :(. I fell very sorry for Shelby, anyone feel the same?

10-14-2004, 01:19 AM
She didn't really have what I'd call an "illness;" she was allergic to UV rays. Didn't seem that allergic either, since she didn't have to wear her hat on that boat when it was overcast.

Personally, I thought the guy and his wife who were taking care of their own children and the guy's siblings (1 autistic) after his mother was murdered and was about to loose all the kids because the house was in bad repair was much more deserving.