View Full Version : Laws

10-14-2004, 02:04 AM
Okay I seriously love this game...but the law cards make me so pissed.

What do you think about them?

It's I know I can replace them with different things, but they make me so mad.

10-14-2004, 03:38 AM
It's not too difficult to work around them, but they are still kind of frustrating. I prefer fighting in Jagds.

10-14-2004, 09:28 PM
yes i thought that once upon a time, but i found a way round it i check the laws of that battle then only use players taht cant break the laws but to do this u must have a lot of people in youre clan and somtimes it doesnt work like if target area law is active (this annoys me) :mad2: or you could simply use laws cards youre choice :D

10-14-2004, 11:18 PM
This is for everyone:

Get a friend with FFTA + GBA + Link Cable, tell him you're going to "borrow" his game real quick. Link up, go to your save file and save it in both slots, now you have two identical games, for future reference: game A and game B.

Start up game B and go to the trade screen. Trade your friend all the Almighty cards you have, even if it's just one. Back out, start up your game again and load game A this time, trade with your friend and have his game trade you back the Almighty card(s), you just doubled your supply. Save over game B again and then load up game B, repeat until you have a full stock of Almighties, that should keep you going for awhile.

10-17-2004, 02:07 AM
Yeah, which is always a good thing, I have beaten this game, and I know that they made the card system to make it more challenging...but it annoys me...

Like one of the laws said when I was playing it..."cannot use mele attacks"

that just made me so incredibly mad because all of my characters at the time were mele fighters except one..who was the mog.

10-17-2004, 03:55 AM
*scoffs* u think that was bad i was doing this one mission a while ago against all flan, and one of my laws was like 'can't damage monsters' or some other crazy sheit like that, and alls i had was magic and physical. i was pissed