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View Full Version : PLAYING hard to get..

Precious Garnet
10-15-2004, 09:29 PM
What is it about the chase that men enjoy.
Simple scenario would be like this, boy meet girls, there is mutual attraction Boy says to girl, Hey I like you, and girl says to boy "I like you too"....blah blah blah... happily ever after....
NOOOOO it does not work like that, in real life Boy and girl like each other, Boy say's he likes girl, girls plays hard to get, then boy tries harder, and girl acts coy, and guy feels more attracted to girl. I do not get it, If I do not like the guy I will say NO, I do not like the guy, If I like the guy I flirt, It is that simple, Very appropriate as well, I think But due to some men being like puppies one has to engage in this tedious tiring game of playing hard to get so the guy really really apreciates you, somehow men will appreciate you if they have to work very hard and do lot of begging for you. I do not get that, why do you have to pretend to say no when you mean yes.
What is your view?

10-15-2004, 09:35 PM
I point you to my response to the crush thread....but:

Pursuing somebody who is challenging and fun is also fun. But if the person has no interest, then it's silly. Being aloof and challenging is something that both genders generally like (the others being those who don't like playing games), but I have a problem with your choice of words. Playing hard to get is just 'acting' aloof instead of being aloof, which will backfire on you, because you are being deceitful and manipulative to get your own way.

Big D
10-15-2004, 10:02 PM
If a girl was 'playing hard to get' with me, I'd interpret her behaviour as meaning she's simply disinterested, unless there were clear signs otherwise.

10-15-2004, 10:16 PM
Playing hard to get hardly makes me more interested, it's just kind of like egging me on. In most situations, I decide to ignore it and call it her loss, but my current situation, which has other factors I'm not going to get into, is turning out differently.

If a girl tells me no, then I take it she means no.

If a girl tells me she's not sure, then I'll do what I'm doing now: chasing.

Del Murder
10-16-2004, 01:38 AM
I chase supervillains. Not much time for anything else.

10-16-2004, 05:32 AM
It all depends on the guy, really. Me, personally---I act differently around different people. In little ways....it's hard to explain. I wouldn't say I play hard to get....or maybe I do, but only in the beginning---if you do it for too long, it gets boring for both parties. Personally, it bugs me when other girls play hard to get, and try to be "sexy". It's annoying to watch.

But now, I don't have to play hard to get. I'm just not interested. :rolleyes2


10-16-2004, 07:09 AM
Some people enjoy the challenge, I guess. If a guy was chasing a girl just for fun, instead of a genuine, serious interest in her, then he probably wouldn't mind if she wasn't so straightforward. And if the girl didn't have any strong interest in being with the guy, then there wouldn't be any problem for her to mess around a little.

Personally, it's not something I'd enjoy doing to a guy. But, y'know, people come in a lot of different flavours. :P

10-16-2004, 08:18 AM
I wish I had time for pursuing a girl (a girl who is cool and worth pursuing, that is) but I just don't...studies and projects take too much time. :(

Giga Guess
10-16-2004, 08:18 AM
I'm horribly clueless. Someone plays hard to get with me, and I just assume they're disinterested. And I don't like playing hard to get myself as I dislike playing games. If I like you, I go for it. If not, I don't. Simple.

10-16-2004, 08:31 AM
Some people just have no interest in all this boyfriend-girlfriend, gf-gf, bf-bf crap.

I dislike all that formal stuff that people do. The whole 'we gotta go out every weekend, and put aside other things in our life.'

As for the 'playing hard to get' stuff, that almost always backfires on girls.

Guy likes girl, girl likes guy but doesn't tell him or his friends. Guy pursues girl, girl resists. Another girl shows up in the picture with an interest in the guy. Guy goes for Girl #2, Girl #1 in turn feels bad for never telling the Guy, and ends up losing Guy.

So, I like it when girls are more open about their wants.

10-16-2004, 08:43 AM
I've never seen the hard to get thingy work out okay. The girl overdoes it and the guy gets annoyed or the girl really doesn't care for the guy and he can't get the hint. :greenie:

10-16-2004, 09:32 AM
Most guys get the hint.

Most girls dont get that if they like they guy they better speak up, or the guy will move on to someone that likes him. :tongue:

Precious Garnet
10-16-2004, 01:01 PM
If I liked a guy, I wouldn't mind if we were b/f and g/f. But the fact that we always have to go out to the movies, or doing stuff everyday in the weekend is not very cool. ...to me that is.