View Full Version : Rufus the guys with red head...

10-20-2004, 09:45 PM
I think it is Rufus is name..The guy with red head we see in some picture and trailers...I don't remember very good is name...Well anyway...I think he will be in the "good guys team" because he fight against the "SHM"...It is just theoric maybe he will only fight alone against them

10-20-2004, 10:48 PM
The guy who I *THINK* you're talking about would be not Rufus but RENO of the TURKS. The TURKS are the men who are like bodygaurds of ShinRa but in FVII:AC, yes, they are most likely to be helping out Cloud and the Gang cuz you see shots of him with Cloud and fighting the S.H.M. No shots of him has been seen fighting Cloud either. Fight alone? Well, he's got his partner RUDE (the black guy witht the sun glasses) fighting w/him as well...

10-20-2004, 11:11 PM
ah thanks for the notice...lol:D
And i wasn't knowing it was the children that tifa got "like the orphelins" I was thinking the "SHM" was doing a "school" for the shinra lol but he kidnapp them and...yeah well out of the subject....lol