View Full Version : You know you've got a good LS when...

Citizen Bleys
10-22-2004, 03:39 PM
...your teams wind up reminding you of a stand-up comedy.

Here's a couple of screens from last night's game. For background, me and Clyde were helping Luniver, a 54 RDM in our LS, finally get rank 5. (Note: Clyde did Rank 5 at level 33. I did it at level 30. We're currently WAR35 and WHM30, respectively, and we're the ones helping the 54 RDM, because I knew where Go'Bhu Gascon spawned and I know the way through Castle Oztroja) After we got the last Magicite at Oztroja, Luniver warped out and me and Clyde realized that we'd forgot warp scrolls and had to walk back to Jeuno. (It never occurred to either of us that it would be safer to walk to Windurst and take an airship)

And then, right at the gates to Jeuno, Clyde decides that he wants to kill a Skink. Bear in mind that this is at the level range where Easy Prey is anything but, and skinks were conning as T to me.


(and the aftermath)


10-24-2004, 01:02 AM
When the entire LS Surprised me for my birthday ; ;



Us looking out at a place i like to sit down in..


*cough* damn armando trying to elvaan male strip dance..*cough* :P So i did something cool XD