View Full Version : Post a Christmas Joke

11-23-2004, 03:14 AM
I know it's a bit early yet for this, but I heard a really good one the other day, so I thought I'd share it.

--Why we put little Angels on top of Christmas Trees.

One day, 2 weeks before Christmas, Santa had been working late the night before since he's only got half the orders filled for Christmas. He's in need of a new matress, so he wakes up tired, grouchy and with a sore back.

As he's going through his morning Routine, Mrs. Claus comes up and says, "Santa, 75% of your elf workforce is out with the flu today."

This was terrible! So Santa rushes down in a bad temper to try and motivate his elves. when he gets down there, most of the remaining 25% of the elves come up to him and say, "Santa, it's because of your adverse working conditions and unreasonable deadlines that most of us are sick today. So we're forming a Union and are on strike until a fair deal has been reached. You'll be hearing from our attourney."

Well, this made Santa even madder! so he decides to go outside and let the fresh air clear his head for a bit. While he was out there, he decided to check on his reindeer, only to find that half of them had jumped the fence and run away.

As Santa rushed up to the house to try and organize a search party, he sees the remaining 4 elves that were still working trying to load what toys they had onto the sleigh. Only, the bag was too heavy, and they slipped on the ice, the bag split and the toys went all over the ice and snow, ruining all of them.

So now Santa's rushing around like mad, in an absolutely foul mood, trying to get all this done before Christmas when a little knock is heard at the door.

Santa rushes over and throws it open and finds a little Angel standing there with an enormous Christmas tree. "Santa," says the Angel, "In the spirit of the season, we Angels have pulled together and brought you this Christmas tree. Where would you like me to stick it?"

and so, in rememberance of that day, we now put a little Angel on top of the Christmas tree.


11-23-2004, 03:35 AM
I don't know any jokes, but my friend has the last name Schmidt, and every year at least one person sends her family the card that has Santa scolding the reindeer, "No! I said the SCHMIDT house!" and he's crashed into an outhouse.

It's sort of a joke. :(

11-23-2004, 12:33 PM
I heard a differnt verson of the angel and the christmas tree :D

do you like the christmas special in pizza hut?
deep and crisp and even :D