View Full Version : Sub Job(again)

12-14-2004, 09:43 AM
ok, quiestion..

im a lvl 15whm, when i get to lvl 18 and get a sub, befor i choose a job, can i just change my job to a blm, lvl it to 9, then change back to a whm, and select my lvl 9 blm as my sub? is that possible?

i know sub is only half, so if i choose my whm as my sub.. would it lvl down to half of my main?

12-14-2004, 11:27 AM
It is. Your subjob will not affect you primary job lvl, it will only half it if it is selected as your sub.

Example: lvl 18 whm gets subjob quest done, all subjobs are at lvl 1

lvl blm to 10

BLM/WHM 1/1 2/1 3/1 4/2 but whm will always remain at lvl 18

WHM/BLM 18/9 20/10 22/10 BLM will remain at 10 unless further leveled.

Citizen Bleys
12-14-2004, 12:50 PM
You'd want to level your sub more than the bare minimum, though. If you're level 18, level your sub to 10, that way you're good until level 21, when you'll have to level your sub again.

If your sub is underlevelled, you're gimped, and the invites you get (and more importantly, do not get) will reflect that, even with a whm.