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12-14-2004, 03:28 PM
How hard is it to beat FF1 with four BBs? 'Cause I just did, even tough FFclassic (http://www.planetnintendo.com/ff1/faq.shtml#bb) says it's the worst party ever (http://www.planetnintendo.com/ff1/parties.shtml).

12-14-2004, 03:36 PM
It isn't hard. It's very easy, in fact. It just isn't fun.

12-14-2004, 03:44 PM
I guess you're right, even tough the sight of four martial arts-experts going through monsters like a knife in hot butter (mostly) was sorta cool.

Captain Maxx Power
12-14-2004, 04:59 PM
Brian REALLY doesn't like BBs for two reasons:

1. They have no magic
2. They have to go without Prorings/Ribbons

Seeing as how Brian, he love the magic, and won't play a game without using a Proring, then his rating of -43/10 is somewhat understandable. Me I don't mind BBs at all, I just honestly prefer Fighters because they get the job done as quickly and can take a hell of a lot more punishment. The whole lack of magic thing doesn't paticularly bother me, as I'm somewhat "anti-magic" in RPGs, prefering to use brute force if possible.

12-14-2004, 05:33 PM
It's harder in the beginning and gets easier as the game goes along.

12-14-2004, 06:37 PM
I wouldn't say that.

Black Belts have crap for armor. They die ALL the time. It was a lot harder when monsters could do heavy damage in the late game then when they just slapped you around in the beginning.

Wizards were hard. But, like FF Classic says, be prepared to be lugging a few dead bodies around throughout the whole game. I prepared, and I carried them around. The BBs usually have high enough damage to get through a labrynth even if 1 or 2 are all that's left.

Black Mage FF1
12-14-2004, 09:52 PM
4 Black Belts isnt hard at all. Yes it is boring but so are all the other 4 character parties. I mean what is the difference between playing 4 BB and 4 Fi? Nothing really. On both parties you basically do one thing, hold the A button.

I dont see why everyone cries that the BB die so much. I have done a 4 BB party and only had like 3 or 4 deaths and they were by INSTANT kills. Hell with my current party, Fi/Fi/BB/BM, my BM has died 3 times so far and they were NOT by instant kill attacks.

Anyways my points

4 BB = easy but boring
any 4 same person party = easy but boring
BB rock
Bm suck.

Oh yeah and RM rock too. :cool:

12-15-2004, 07:10 AM
It depends on how much time you spend leveling. Me, I spend countless hours leveling at the end of the game, so I am usually at level 30-something by the end. At that point, your Black Belt has gone from "weak pummeler" to "Ryoga and Ranma would be jealous" in respect to offensive power. Their defense is still rather weak, but with their decent speed and amazing attack potential, I can see where it would be fairly easy by the end.

12-15-2004, 12:10 PM
Black Belts have crap for armor.Not just that, but you should NEVER equip them with anything. It lowers their stats.What makes it hard or easy would be your playstyle I guess. I've beaten the game a million times so I pretty much got it down. 4 BB's is one of the easier parties and 1 BB is usually in my favorite party of FI,BB,RM,WM.

12-15-2004, 02:07 PM
I dont see why everyone cries that the BB die so much. I have done a 4 BB party and only had like 3 or 4 deaths and they were by INSTANT kills. Hell with my current party, Fi/Fi/BB/BM, my BM has died 3 times so far and they were NOT by instant kill attacks.

Kary and Kraken ALWAYS kill one of my blackbelts. When I have 4 of them, one drops every turn. Seahags wax black belts so badly that, when a party of kyzouku occasionally pops up, I'm always too weak to fight. (As though it matters. The concept of making money for cool wepaons and armors is totally shot when it comes to BBs.)

Wizards kill Black belts. The marsh cave is probably only a little easy with 4 because the lack of a white or red mage makes you think of buying lots of pures and heals. (More than you generally need) And when a wizard smashes one BB for 75 damage, he's dying the next turn whether or not you try to "heal" him.

Black Belts are like black mages at the front of your party. Minus attacks that hit every enemy. They die fast and do a lot of damage. A hater of BMs, like yourself, Black Mage FF1, should disapprove of BBs too, I'd think.

Captain Maxx Power
12-15-2004, 04:14 PM
BBs are all attack, no defense. That's pretty much how they were designed I think. There are quite litreally the physical equivalent of BMs, and such reflecting some of their qualities. Either that or Square just wanted to make a class availble that didn't rely on equipment, but forgot to check if he was any good.

Flying Mullet
12-15-2004, 04:17 PM
Does anyone know if Origins fixed the BB defense bug that the NES version had? I remember that on the NES version at higher levels when your BB would gain a level their defense would go to crap but if you unequipped and reequipped their armor that the defense would be brought back up to the proper amount.

Captain Maxx Power
12-15-2004, 04:27 PM
It's a bit...odd in DoS at least. His defense isn't equal to his level anymore, but it starts higher (5). Armours now work inversely i.e. an armour with 6 absorb and a BB with a base of 10 would have 10-6 = 4 absorb, so really armours CAN be equipped, they just don't offer any benefit for the most part (thankfully you can use ribbons now without losing a heck of a lot of defense).

O, almost forgot, there's a bug whereby shops selling armour equippable will display that it will improve his defense (up arrow). Same goes when you use the "Optimal" command.

Black Mage FF1
12-15-2004, 06:18 PM
Does anyone know if Origins fixed the BB defense bug that the NES version had? I remember that on the NES version at higher levels when your BB would gain a level their defense would go to crap but if you unequipped and reequipped their armor that the defense would be brought back up to the proper amount.

No the bug is still in Origins.

12-16-2004, 11:36 AM
Huh, I equipped all my BBs with prorings and equpped all the ribbons too. It worked fine for me.

Maybe I level up too much for my own good...

Speaker To Kzinti
12-30-2004, 08:39 PM
I hate Bb's almost as much as I hate elves... Rm's are much better, and can use magic!

12-30-2004, 11:16 PM
Me, I spend countless hours leveling at the end of the game, so I am usually at level 30-something by the end.

30-something? That's all? I levelled my guys up all within the 80-82 range before I took on Chaos. And it really wasn't hard to do. Although, I'll admit, all the aimless wandering I did at the beginning of the game, trying to find my way around the world and beating the crap out of every monster I found helped. (I never realized I had a map feature. I'd been trying to do it all by memory :rolleyes2 ) Plus I scrounged around all the dungeons for every bit of treasure I hadn't collected. I'm one of those people that likes collecting all the stuff. :D

Kawaii Ryűkishi
12-31-2004, 02:28 AM
In the original version of FFI, levels only went up to 50. So, 30-something is really high in that context.

12-31-2004, 02:32 AM
I'd think beating the game with a party of four white mages would be a hella lot harder than a party of four black belts, but I never tried either, so that's just a guess.

12-31-2004, 02:39 AM
Yes, it is.

12-31-2004, 10:44 AM
Ah yes, the old white mage-challenge. I think I'll try that next...

01-01-2005, 12:57 AM
Anyways my points

4 BB = easy but boring
any 4 same person party = easy but boring
BB rock
Bm suck.

Oh yeah and RM rock too. :cool:

try 4 thieves. no class change. Or, you can do class change, just don't use savestates (I doubt you'll be able to get to class change)


I think I'll do a white mage challenge after I'm done with my thief challenge, which will be much harder. Most people think of the thief as so crappy they forget him when they are thinkin gup horrible parties. the WM is pretty easy because of RUSE and INVS.


On DoS, I've noticed that stuff like Cap and gloves lowers EVA and DEF by one (they should raise by one), but Ruby/Silver Armlet raises DEF by a bunch, and lowers EVA by one point. wierd huh?

01-01-2005, 12:59 AM
4 Black Belts isnt hard at all. Yes it is boring but so are all the other 4 character parties. I mean what is the difference between playing 4 BB and 4 Fi? Nothing really. On both parties you basically do one thing, hold the A button.

Fighters can upgrade to knights, who have l337 h34l!ng $k!llz0rz. 4 Rm party = "hey, I can do ANYthing this turn..... what should I do?" Meaning you can actually plan strategies and stuff instead of just holding down the A button. I mean, in a sense, yes, all you're doing is pressing A repeatedly, but you'd have to say the same thing about every other FF game ever made.

01-01-2005, 02:21 AM
The I hate TH/BB rivalry that has spawned in these forums is hilarious.