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View Full Version : Tales of Phantasia

12-14-2004, 09:59 PM
Ok, i'm at the stage of the game where my next objective is to sneak into Alvanista Castle to kill/save/rescue the prince.

I'm in Alvanista Town right now, and the local Supplies shop has some nice goodies:

holy rune
battle rune
body amulet

etc...that cost 20000 to 65000 gold each.

I don't have that kind of money. I did the 3 sprint races to get me three cat eyes which I sold for 6000 each. But I still don't have enough money to buy the above accessories.

One of the NPC's suggested that I do some trading (buy low, sell high) to make, apparently, a lot of money.

I'm just wondering whether it's best to just keep fighting boring battles to rack up gc's (at a rate of 400 gc's per battle on average...slow...) or if I should try to see how this trading works..

If you suggest trading, please let me know which items I should trade and from which town I should buy and sell from to make money?

12-16-2004, 01:17 AM
I can only think of Oden and the ingrediants that make Oden that can be traded for a profit, I think.

Radish in Euclid
Seaweed in Venicia
Eggs from Olive Village

And something else I think. I really haven't played in a long time. Sorry.

I can tell you that I can find Holy Runes and Battle Runes all over the place. I don't think I've ever needed to buy it.

12-16-2004, 04:51 AM
Thanks for your reply.

By the way, do you know if mantle or leather mantle play any role at all?

They seem to be useless and taking up previous accessory space.

12-16-2004, 10:45 PM
I always sell my useless accessories, so that's what you should do too.

Wuggly Blight
12-16-2004, 10:50 PM
Sell things, trade things and also battle things, level is also important as alot of outside leveling has to be done for alot of bosses and you'll be doing yourself a favor.
Any old weapons obviously can go.

12-17-2004, 12:38 AM
I'm at the stage of the game where you have to follow bush babies' path...and i'm getting really lost...

i feel like i'm going in circles but i don't really know...and the monsters there are tough...

any suggestions on how to find my way through? trying to go where bb's are isn't helping...they seem almost scattered...

Wuggly Blight
12-17-2004, 12:44 PM
from the Save Point are:
Go north three times, then east twice, then north
twice, then east twice again. Go south twice and exit that screen by
the lower right exit. Follow the path and you will get to the Stone

12-17-2004, 10:28 PM

i'm now at the foot of the 12 F tower north of freland.

There doesn't seem to be any neighboring towns I can go to to heal myself! The closest towns are midgard and the "really hot sweaty" village. Midgard's inn is closed, and the sweaty village is so far away from the 12 F tower...

is there some place closer I can rest at?


Wuggly Blight
12-17-2004, 11:31 PM
Nope. You need the cash for items to make it easy.

12-18-2004, 08:57 PM
Im not doing too well in the tower...

i'm at level 35...

sometimes those little fast buggers do 900 damage on me per hit.

where do you go to get the best armor? and is my level high enough?
