View Full Version : FFXI Story Time.

12-16-2004, 03:05 PM
Stuff that happens to you, good stuff... bad stuff... funny stuff... newb stuff... stuff stuff... whatever, just post some awesome tales from your adventuring. ^_^

"The nice WHMs that you love... to HATE!"
Bloodporting, some WHM comes along and sees you without any gear getting attacked by 352 monsters that you had to run all around to find to kill you, as you're stuck in some place, and as you're a nice high level that can easily take them out... SO THEY DECIDE TO BE NICE AND CURE YOU! I hate that. ;_;
"No! No cures, I'm trying to bloodport. ><;"
"lol oh sry"
I'll LOL your FACE! ... :(

Anybody else have some nice stories? Story stories? ^_^_^___^__^__^

12-16-2004, 03:06 PM

.... and nobody believes me >:/

12-16-2004, 03:27 PM

.... and nobody believes me >:/
That's because you're a half naked hume freak. ^______^

12-16-2004, 05:32 PM
My old linkshell is full of know it all morons. I've been playing for little over a month and I've levelled Red Mage to a respectful 26. Now every time I talk on the ls a certain person mentions how red mages "are useless until 41". Admittidly refresh is good, but its not the only reason rdm exists! The other day all was quiet on the ls and someone asked why to which I replied "Im busy levelling". They told me they were as well but they were still talking. I responded by mentioning that they use macros only whereas I play without them. Que the mass mocking he incited about a "useless rdm who is even more useless because he doesnt use macros". I give you the one finger salute mr know it all. Dont criticise my methods. You want to discuss useless? How about a 62 whm who fails to notice his comrades are on low hp and lets them die? Wonder who I could be referring to!

I am currently recruiting members for my new linkshell ^^ Going slowly, but at least im happy.

12-16-2004, 06:38 PM
Levian and I were in the dunes and some guy in our party goes: "brb, dinner"

Then promptly goes AFK.

For some reason I thought that was just hilarious. I couldn't stop laughing. He comes back 20 minutes later after he's been booted and does a /cry - it was so funny!

Hee. :p

I have lots of stories about these two whacked out Tarus, but I don't want to get into all that. ;)

12-16-2004, 07:31 PM
I have lots of stories about these two whacked out Tarus, but I don't want to get into all that. ;)
Someday I will have more MP than you and Levian put together...

12-16-2004, 11:05 PM
Nobody has more MP than me! I have 820 and I'm just a Hume. :rolleyes2

12-17-2004, 03:47 PM
lets see one of my best memorys on this game is the first time I soloed a non boss nm I was lv 22 mineing to feed my lust for all things shiney when who should show up but ashmaker gotblut (or what ever to lazy to check spelling) i was at about 75% hp but since everything else was ep I thought what the hell at least i can say i tried if i die I attack it and it uses manafont (this being the first monster I see that can use a 2 hour) I panic and hit my 2 hour we fight I get in the lead and another orc attacks me ashmaker casts bio I kill him I get PRIEST ROBE !!!!!!! I also kill the other orc but with 20 hp left i slowly die of bio since every one in the grotto was a bot but still I came out of the mine with 70k includeing all the ore i got and the robe it was a good time unlike my time with jaggedy eared jack Im out lving my whm (lv 7 at this time) and I see jack unclaimed I freak out forgetting im a lv 7whm/blm I attack and was killed one day ill get that dam rabbit