View Full Version : VH1's 20 most awesomly bad songs of 2004

12-17-2004, 11:50 AM
I saw Dingo's Thread (http://www.eyesonff.com/forums/showthread.php?t=53710), and I'm also a big fan of VH1, so I thought back to when I was watching VH1's 20 most awesomly bad songs of 2004.

Jimmy Buffett - Hey Good Looking

Christina Milian - Dip it Low

Eamon - ***k it (I don't want you back)

311 - Love Song

Trapt - (Dunno which one, I think it was Echo or Stories)

Mase - Breathe Strech Shake

Limp Bizkit - Behind Blue Eyes

Clay Aiken - Invisible

Hilary Duff feat. Haylie Duff - Our Lips Are Sealed

Josh Groban - You Lift Me Up

Juvenile - Slow Motion

Toby Keith - Whisky Girl.

Widelife - All Things Just Keep Getting Better.

R. Kelly - U Saved Me.

Ruben Studdard - Sorry 2004

Ludacris - Splash Waterfalls

Clay Aiken -Invisible

JC Chasez - Some Girls (Dance With Women)

Kevin Lyttle - Turn Me On

Britney Spears - My Prerogative

Nickelback - Figured You Out

I bolded the ones I agree with. They were pretty accurate this time, but 311 - Love Song was NOT terrible. And they totally forgot like, every Avril Lavigne song that came out this year and "I'm still In love" by Sean Paul and that girl who has that annoying voice. I didn't even hear that song by JC Chasez, R.Kelly, or Rueben until I saw this (Though I gotta admit, even just by the title alone, JC's song is horrible.)

What do you think?

EDIT: That Wildlife song is the theme for Queer Eye for the Straight Guy if you don't know. And I like it too. Both the show and the song are awesome. :)

Dingo Jellybean
12-17-2004, 03:02 PM
Jimmy Buffett - Hey Good Looking

Christina Milian - Dip it Low

Eamon - ***k it (I don't want you back)

311 - Love Song

Trapt - (Dunno which one, I think it was Echo or Stories)

Mase - Breathe Strech Shake

Limp Bizkit - Behind Blue Eyes

Clay Aiken - Invisible

Hilary Duff feat. Haylie Duff - Our Lips Are Sealed

Josh Groban - You Lift Me Up

Juvenile - Slow Motion

Toby Keith - Whisky Girl.

Widelife - All Things Just Keep Getting Better.

R. Kelly - U Saved Me.

Ruben Studdard - Sorry 2004

Ludacris - Splash Waterfalls

Clay Aiken -Invisible

JC Chasez - Some Girls (Dance With Women)

Kevin Lyttle - Turn Me On

Britney Spears - My Prerogative

Nickelback - Figured You Out

Many people don't realize that My Prerogative is a remix of Bobby Brown's 1990's hit. It's nowhere near as good as the original. I didn't know until I scrolled through iTunes' Billboard list.

The only video I like is R.Kelly's. Then again I always liked R.Kelly, so maybe I'm a bit biased. If you don't have iTunes, you should get it. They keep a lot of music videos on the site, including some new ones like Green Day's Blvd of Broken Dreams. Kevin Lyttle's Turn Me On is catchy, but the video was like...WTF?

White Raven
12-17-2004, 04:35 PM
The only song I've listened to on there is the cover of Behind Blue Eyes, by Limpy Bisquet, and yes it was one terrible cover. :(

12-17-2004, 05:41 PM
Hey, I liked "Dip It Low".

12-17-2004, 06:06 PM
Aye, all those songs suck, but Love Song sucked the least out of all of them. Limp Bizkit's "remix" of Behind Blue Eyes was OFFENSIVE.

12-17-2004, 07:37 PM
Yeah. I would've liked it if I didn't know it was Fred Durst. Fred Durst actually sang it good, but his annoying horrible-ness just counters out anything good from that cover.

12-18-2004, 12:39 AM
meh. Call me nuts, call me WAY too musically diverse but i enjoyed that song *blue eyes*. Limp Bizkit is okay if you stop and try to mentally erase the band itself form your mind. The PEOPLE are more horrible than the music, by far.

Love song was good too. Now, you want a few absotively crap songs........
well....you need only one. Jimmy Eat World's christmas song. I dunno the exact title (last christmas, i gave you my heart.. etc) but it is horrendous. horrible. stupifyingly dumb.

12-18-2004, 12:40 AM
I only liked the 311 cover because I am a big fan of The Cure. Though, I can see why people don't think it is good.

12-18-2004, 05:41 AM
We're bolding the ones that we agree are awesomely bad, right?

Jimmy Buffett - Hey Good Looking My husband listens to this quite often -_-

Christina Milian - Dip it Low <<< I really like this song! .-.

Eamon - ***k it (I don't want you back) <<< I like this one too; it's amusing.

311 - Love Song <<< Don't think I've heard it, actually

Trapt - (Dunno which one, I think it was Echo or Stories) <<<Haven't heard it

Mase - Breathe Strech Shake

Limp Bizkit - Behind Blue Eyes

Clay Aiken - Invisible

Hilary Duff feat. Haylie Duff - Our Lips Are Sealed

Josh Groban - You Lift Me Up <<< Haven't heard it

Juvenile - Slow Motion

Toby Keith - Whisky Girl. <<< I like this song! And whiskey <_<

Widelife - All Things Just Keep Getting Better

R. Kelly - U Saved Me

Ruben Studdard - Sorry 2004

Ludacris - Splash Waterfalls

JC Chasez - Some Girls (Dance With Women)

Kevin Lyttle - Turn Me On

Britney Spears - My Prerogative

Nickelback - Figured You Out

I like the Nickelback song even though it's not my favourite one by far. Holy crap, I just stuck a 'u' in my favorite. Curse you BoB! Actually, I kind of like it that way.
I always thought the Eamon song was kind of funny. It's not too often you hear a guy sing a slow song with such angry lyrics, and I thought it was pretty good for what it was.

12-18-2004, 06:36 AM
's good they put Limp Bizkit's version of Behind Blue Eyes as horrible. That was an affront to decent music. I remember a few months ago that rant I made about it when I first heard about it. It made me hate Durst even more than I did before. The worst part about it is how so many people think Limp Bizkit wrote it and think Durst is a visionary. I still think that The Who should've sued them.