View Full Version : The mighty GFs with genders?

12-21-2004, 05:59 AM
Some spoilers, I guess:)

I've wondered this before, but I wasn't at this forum then, so I never bothered to post^^

But anyways, I see people refer to Eden as a 'He' and that gets me to thinking, because in my mind, Eden is a 'She' (because I know a chick named Eden)

So, even if they are mystic beasts that reside in our minds, let's pretend they do have genders. Which do you think are which?

I myself think along these lines:

The Female persuasion: Shiva, Siren, Pandemona, and obviously Eden.

Masculinity: Ifrit, Brothers, Diablos, Carbuncle, Cereberus, Alexander, Bahamut, Leviathan [ griever D: ]

Now, I realize that these are heavily influenced by their appearances and how they affect stat-junctioning, but I can't help the feelings I have?

You'll notice that there are some left off-- quezacotl, tonberry, and cactuar@.@ I just can't place them.

So what are you guys' opinions, and why?

oh, and as a side note, who in your mind fits which ones? like which do you especially love to junction with who? Carbuncle and Rinoa spring to mind, and Diablos with Squall or Irvine, no one else. (unless neither are in the current party...) Selphie, Quistis, or Irvine with Siren and Quezacotl, interchangably, and Zell with Ifrit and Brothers and leviathan^_^ This is something I really can't explain, but I'd like you to, if you would:D

12-21-2004, 06:17 AM
I've thought a bit about GF genders as well. Your list looks a lot like mine, with a few exceptions. While the spelling of Pandemona is femine in some latin-based languages (with the 'a' on the end instead of, say, an 'o'), I would sooner say he/she is male. I'm not sure why, though. Additionally, I think of the Aztec (?) god Quetzacoatl when I think of the GF Quezacotl, so I always thought of it as a male. Also, I've always been undecided when it comes to both Leviathan and Carbuncle.

As for certain GFs being particular to certain party members, I do that too. Squall always, always gets Bahamut, Irvine always get Diablos, and Rinoa always gets Eden. There are a few more cases, but the ones listed have held true on all four or five times I've played through the game. They just seem to "fit". There's nothing more to explain, really :confused:

12-21-2004, 08:26 AM
I'm prety sure Quetzacoatl, Tonbery and Cactuar are males. I also always thought Eden and Pandemona are males too, don't know why.

About junctioning: Squall always gets Ifrit and Zell has to have Quetzacoatl.

12-21-2004, 01:38 PM
I always thought of Shiva and Siren to be females, I think they are quite obvious in their genders. I have always thought of Carbuncle to be female :)

Ifrit, Brothers, Diablos, Cereberus, Alexander, Bahamut, Leviathan and Griever. Quezacotl, tonberry, Pandemona, and Cactuar I have always thought as male.

The only one I am undecided about is Eden. It's either a Garden, a male or female. I have no idea which.

About juctioning Squall always have to have Quezacotl.

12-21-2004, 07:10 PM
I agree - I've always considered them all to be male except Siren, Shiva, and Carbuncle.

And it had influenced who gets what GF, although their colors and imagined personalities influence it too (I don't know why, so don't ask ;) )

Rinoa always has Shiva, Diablos, and Doomtrain
Selphie has Siren and Alexander
Quistis has Levienthian, Carbuncle, and Tonberry

Zell has Ifrit and Pandemona
Irvine has Brothers, Cerebus, and Cactaur

and Squall has Quezecotl, Bahamut, and Eden :)

12-21-2004, 08:35 PM
My party = Squall, Rinoa, Quistis

Quezacotl - Male, Quistis
Shiva - Female, Rinoa
Ifrit - Male, Squall
Siren - Female, Quistis
Brothers - Male, Quistis
Diablos - Male, Rinoa
Carbuncle - Female, Squall
Leviathan - Male, Squall
Pandemona - Male, Rinoa
Alexander - Male, Rinoa
Cerberus - Male, Squall
Doomtrain - Male, Quistis
Bahamut - Male, Squall
Cactuar - Female, Various
Tonberry - Male, Rinoa
Eden - Female, Quistis

Cheshire Wolf
12-21-2004, 09:13 PM
I've always thought of the GF's as having their own individual personalities- so naturally that meant they had to have genders XD; Granted you only actually get to hear..what, one or two of them actually speak to you( e_e it's been a while since I played ;_; ) if only gathering that from their summon sequences.. ^_^;

Male: Quetzacotl, Ifrit, Brothers, Diablos, Carbuncle, Leviathan, Doomtrain, Tonberry King, Cerberus, Jumbo Cactuar, Bahamut, and Alexander.

Female: Shiva, Siren, and Pandemona.

Eden... has always struck me as genderless, no matter how I look at it. @_@; There's just something about watching that long..long..LONG scene that keeps me thinking; "nothing short of a machine, or a god could *twitch* have a summon that long.." XD; maybe that's influenced my decision. ;_; it's appearance too, of course..

As for assigning different GF's per character-- ooooh yes. XD;

Squall: ALWAYS AAAALWAYS has Shiva. Also, he's never without Cerberus, Bahamut, and Diablos. ^_^;

Zell: *ALWAYS* has Quetzacotl. No matter what. Usually also has Brothers, Alexander, and Tonberry King. <--- c'mon, leave it to Zell to have something goofy like that! XD;

Rinoa: *ALWAYS* has Doomtrain, and Ifrit. ( LOL I know. >_>; ) Also, Carbuncle, Cactuar, Pandemona, and Eden.

Irvine: *ALWAYS* has Siren <3 I always thought that Siren fit him the best. ^_^; Also, Leviathan, but he also interchanges with Quetzacotl.
(Zell and Irvine switch a lot in my party- which is why I usually have 4 high-leveled characters. Quistis and Selphie hardly ever get touched. ._. *twitchtwitch* )

When used: Selphie usually get's Carbuncle, Tonberry King, and Cactuar( the cutesy ones. >_>; )
Quistis: hm.. in the beginning, she had Quetzacotl.. she really get's all the leftovers ^^;; she's never had one of her "own" except Quetzacotl, and he switches between Zell and Irvine who are more important. XD;

hur, anyway. ^_^'

12-21-2004, 10:08 PM
I agree with you on the squall->shiva thing. I dunno why-- Logic would dictate that you should give him queza because in the beginning before the fire cave you just have it and shiva, and since quistis doesn't stick around for dollet, and there's so many lit-elementals there. . .

But it doesn't have to make sense, it just has to feel right:D

rinoa should be jealous ;)

12-23-2004, 11:10 PM
my party= Squall Irvine and Rinoa Squall always has Diablos doomtrain Bahamut Quzacotl and Tonberry
Irvine i give him ifrit shiva and eden
Rinoa= siren carbuncle and pandemona

Eden seems like a male to me for some reason Pandemona is a male

why is shiva naked in 8?

12-24-2004, 11:14 PM
Aww I am surprised no one has said Brothers as female :D Ok on a more serious note Cactaur is male. His moustache gives it away.
BTW you forgot about Odin and Gilgamesh. Even though you can't equip them they should have genders too.

Squall always has Diablo, Shiva, and Eden
Zell: Ifrit, Doomtrain, Siren
All others are mixed matched.

12-25-2004, 04:36 AM
I also didn't include Mini Mog or Moomba or the pocketstation gfs:)

besides, they have genders determined by history/mythology^_^ (although I think Shiva was a he in Hindu)

12-25-2004, 09:25 PM
It's true Shiva is a he-god in Hinduism. I think:
Female:Carbuncle, Shiva, Siren, Eden
Male:Ifrit, Quezecotyl, Cerberus, Moomba, the chocobo that follows you around, Bahamut, Alexander (obviously), Leviathan, Doomtrain, Diablo, Tonberry, Odin, Giglamesh, Brothers, Cactuar
Half-male, half-female:Pandemonia, Omega and Ultima Weapons

12-25-2004, 11:11 PM
With reference to Eden being female because it was a female's name - Shiva is the name of a hindu god - and well....shiva looks to posses pretty feminine features the last time i looked :cool:
So in my opinion, to decide on the gender...if any, of eden....i think you really need to decide what eden actually IS, and, well....unless someone's read something i haven't, i think thats pretty open to discussion. I don't really see eden as having a gender....just some kind of huge spiritual machine. Who knows? As for the others...(IMO)

Masculinity:- Quezacotl, Ifrit, Brothers (ha), Diablos, Tonberry, Cactuar, Bahamut, Alexander, Doomtrain, Cerberus, Odin/Gilga

Femininity: - Shiva, Siren, Carbuncle,

Undecided: - Eden, Leviathan, Pandemona

12-26-2004, 02:46 AM
Ah yes, but I haven't gone to school with someone named Shiva since Kindergarten. After a long time, that sort of thing just gets grained in.

What is Eden?

something. . really. . . really. . .Big. so big she can morph time and space X_xxxxx