View Full Version : Final Fantasy Pronunciations

12-25-2004, 10:51 PM
Im just wondering...how do all of you pronounce the names of these final fantasy aquaintances? (leaned towards 7,8,9). I was wondering how other people say these....

NB:- 'a' signifies that you are sounding the sound of the letter a, not saying it i.e. 'AH', not 'AY'. I've only put it in for easily confused parts - not every a.

1.) BAHAMUT :- ba-HAY-mut; ba-HA-mut; or other?
2.) ULTIMA :- ul-TEE-ma; ul-TIME-'a', ul-tim-a; or other?
3.) KJATA :- ku-JA-ta; k-jah-ta; k-JAY-ta; or other?
4.) CACTUAR :- CACK-tar; CACK-tu-arr ; or other?
5.) QUEZACOTL ; quez-'a'-COAT-ul; quez-'a'-COT-ul; or other?
6.) TIFA ; TEE-fa; TY-fa; TIF-'a'; or other?
7.) SEIFER ; SIGH-fer; SAY-fer; or other?

That's about all i can think of for now! Have a great christmas all. Feel free to post any other names you weren't QUITE sure how to pronounce....but just went along with your own interpretation :) (and so you should!)

12-25-2004, 11:25 PM
I pronounce them in Norwegian, so I haven't really thought of how I'd say them in English, but here we go:

1) Ba-HA-mut
2) ul-tim-a
3) k-ja-ta
4) cak-tu-ar
5) quez-a-coatl
6) Ti-fa
7) Say-fer

A-e-ris (I think I'm the only one)

12-26-2004, 12:31 AM
I love you, I've been thinking about making this thread for freaking ever.

1- ba-HA-mut
2- ul-ti-MA
3- kuh-JA-ta
4- Cact-arr
5- kwez-ah-coat-l
6- TEE-fa
7- Seifer I pronounce like Sephiroth.

12-26-2004, 01:09 AM
"Ba-ha-mit" - Pretty simple one.
"Ul-tim-a" - Just like it's said in spanish, basically.
"Ka-Ja-Ta" - I'm strange.
"Kak-twar" - Yes, I pronounce the "u".
"Kwetz-el-cot-el." - That's the way it's originally from what I understand.
"Tih-fa" - I don't know why.
"See-fer" - I had a friend when I was younger with a similar last name. It carried over to him.

12-26-2004, 01:16 AM


12-26-2004, 01:38 AM
I don't know if anyone has met anyone who does this, but I find the most annoying thing on the planet is hearing someone call Chocobos, Chuckabos.

12-26-2004, 01:53 AM
1.) Buh-ha-mutt
2.) ul-ti-muh
3.) ku-ja-ta
4.) cack-tar
5.) ketz-a-qua-till(I know this one's right even though it may look weird :p)
6.) tee-fa
7.) psy-fer

Oh, and Necro: when my friend first introduced me to FF, I said "kachobos" at first, which irritated him to no end. :D

12-26-2004, 02:07 AM
ugh, how can you call him a friend.

12-26-2004, 03:01 AM
Oh, and Necro: when my friend first introduced me to FF, I said "kachobos" at first, which irritated him to no end. :D

12-26-2004, 03:17 AM

Don't talk to me!

(I'm joking of course)

12-26-2004, 04:50 AM
Jaw-tuh (I pronounce it with a silent 'K')
Si-fer (long 'i')

(I always pronounce names like this in a more Japanese-style). Like this Pandemona example, instead of "Pan-duh-monuh". I pronounce the middle with a long 'e' and go over it quickly.

Erv-Ine (long 'i')
Cho-coh-bohs (sometimes I drag the 'o's, and sometimes I don't). My friend says "Chi-coh-bohs", but you can't explain to him that it's really a baby chocobo, and something entirely different.

The one, besides Seifer, that I conciously know I'm pronouncing wrong every single time is Leviathan. I just like the way I say it better.

Every one of my friends pronounces it this way:

Luh-Vih-Uh-Thin, with a long 'i' in the second syllable. I pronounce it like this:

Lee-Vee-Ay-Thin, and I don't think I'll ever change it. But yet...

For a couple years after I was introduced to the series, I used to say "Baw-Maw-Hoot" for Bahamut, because I heard my friend (who could care less about taking the time to actually read anything) say it like that, and I never bothered actually reading the name. I finally took a good look and noticed that the order of the letters didn't even match up, and came up with the correct pronunciation, but it sounded weird to me. It was a good two or three years before it sounded right and I started saying it regularly.

12-26-2004, 04:55 AM
When I was really young playing Final Fantasy IV I didn't know the word "Behemoth" and I thought it was a play on Bahamut so I would always call Behemoths "Buh-hau-muths".

In fact, even when I learned what behemoth actually meant in middle school, I still continued to refer to behemoths on Final Fantasy with my old pronounciation. I started getting heat about it from my friends, so due to peer pressure, I not use the correct pronounciation in all circumstances.

Dragoon Kain
12-26-2004, 03:16 PM
kjata=katia kind of like cat but more pronounced like the word cot. its a german name so thats how i know.

12-26-2004, 07:53 PM
QUEZACOTL - i dont really pronounce it properly ..coz i cant be bothered.i just settle for quez-a -tle
..hey does anyone have problems with pronouncing qustists??soz i cant spel.. i can never pronounce her name! and Levhantian O_o

12-26-2004, 08:07 PM
Tif-a (I used to pronounce it Tee-fa)

How do you pronounce Tidus?!

I pronounced it Ty-dis until Kingdom Hearts said TEED-US. Now I'm not sure if it was Wakka's accent or what?

12-26-2004, 10:17 PM
It depends on if I'm trying to stick to Japanese cannon or mythological cannon.

Bahamut is pronounced "BaHAAmoot"
Quezacotl is pronounced "ke-tsih-ko-ah-tl"
Ragnarok is pronounced "ROON-ya-ruhk", but that sounds ridiculous so I usually just say "Rag-nar-rock"

Now many of the words are changed when the game is translated, (Cactuars are called Sabotenda in the Japanese versions), but the ones that aren't are east to figure out the pronunciation of by looking at the word.

Seifer is pronounced like the word "Cypher" (Germanic languages have "ei" pronounced like we pronounce the word "eye").
Chocobo is properly pronounced "Chokkobo".
Tidus is pronounced "Tee-doos", but that's very awkward for english so "TEE-dus" is probably an okay approximation.

Kjata I can't QUITE remember, but I believe the proper pronunciation was lost in translation (similar to how Typoon should have been spelled Typhoon), and that it's really "KOO-jah-tah".

12-26-2004, 11:59 PM

tifa: tif'- aa
aeris: air'-ess (heiress)
yuffie: yuf'- fee
sephiroth: seph'- er-off (although I have thought this one over many times, and sometimes think it should be seph-ear'-off)
kjata: key-ya'-ta, like a miata.
leviathan: lev-ee-ath'-en (that was back when I was playing ff5 that I thought that one over a lot, leh-vi'-a-thun was an alternative)
bahamut: ba-ha'-mut (occaisional ba-a-mut' sorta like baja california, or whatever)
Shiva: shii'-va (I used to say she'-va, but my dad said 'isn't it shii'-va?' so I sorta started saying that instead)
(I was happy when ffx came out and chocobo was said exactly how I thought it was cho'-ko-bo)
Wutai: woo-ta'-[eih]
da-chao: da' kii'-o

Rinoa: rih-no'-ah (I have a soundclip of someone pronouncing this somewhere. . . )
seifer: cypher. It grates on the nerves to have someone call him 'see-fer', it just sounds weird to me.
irvine: erv'-in (not er-vine)
Quistis: keys'-tis (it was qwest-est(with the t) before I started learning how to speak french:D)
Edea: Eeh-dee'-ah
Ellone: ell'-own
Quezacotl: kweez'-a-coat-ul (I persuade myself I know how to pronounce Tenochtitlan sometimes)
Cactuar: cac'-tar (I can't really remember how they say it in x-2. . . it seems like yuna can't make up her mind which way, if I remember right. )
ragnarok: rag'-na-r-ock (roll that r baby!)
renzokuken: ren'-zo-kuk-en (until another alternative presents itself. this is another I've said over and over, getting all sorts of results, like ray'en-zo-ku-ke'en, ren-zok'-ku-ken, etc)

zidane: zih-dane'
quina: kwen'-ah
steiner: styn'-er
freya: fray-ah (how is this supposed to be pronounced? I'm not too up on my european languages. . . or other languages for that matter)
Lindblum: lind'-blu(m my archnemesis. I never pay attention to the name long enough, so I've been thinking it 'lind-baulm' )

then ul'-tim-ah, kyur'-ag'-a, fir-ag'-a, etc, level three spells fun!

(you know what's really much harder to say outloud than to think it? cheshah.)

(something else that's hard (for me anyways) to say outloud is the word/letter ng. yay for filipino.)

(I'm apt to mispronounce words because I learn most of them on the internet-- a pronunciationless medium-_-)

12-27-2004, 12:17 AM
1.) BAHAMUT :- ba-HA-mut
2.) ULTIMA :- ul-tim-a
3.) KJATA :- ku-JA-ta
4.) CACTUAR :- CACK-tu-arr
5.) QUEZACOTL ; quez-'a'-COAT-ul
6.) TIFA ; TEE-fa
7.) SEIFER ; SEE-fer XD

12-27-2004, 08:56 AM
re-n-zo-ku-ke-n if you want to be really OCD about it ;)

12-27-2004, 12:10 PM
BAHAMUT- Ba-ha-mutt
ULTIMA- ole-tim-ah
KJATA- K-ja-tah (but i reckon it's either Jata(silent K) or Kyatah)
CACTUAR- kak-ta
QUETZACOTL- kwets-sa-kottle
TIFA- Tee-fa
SEIFER- Sigh-fa (because ive got an Australian accent, An american
would highlight the R)

12-27-2004, 02:41 PM
Seifer is pronounced like the word "Cypher" (Germanic languages have "ei" pronounced like we pronounce the word "eye").

That's right. It's pronounced like "Cifer" which is his name in the german version of the game.

Del Murder
01-22-2005, 06:09 PM
1.) BAHAMUT - ba-HA-moot
2.) ULTIMA - ul-TIM-a
3.) KJATA - kuh-JA-tuh
4.) CACTUAR - CACK-tar
5.) QUEZACOTL - kay-zuh-COT-ul
6.) TIFA - TEE-fa
7.) SEIFER - SIGH-fer