View Full Version : Hentai question(

12-26-2004, 01:26 AM
Firstly, if a mod feels this sort of topic can not be discussed in this topic forum, or at all because of under 18 year olds, then i dont mind its removal.

Many of you know i,m a big Anime fan, but i also like some Hentai. I cant say i,d ever buy it ( i have Urotsukidoji, but i define that as Anime 4 reasons i can barely define) but i like sum of it.

I just want to ask other Anime fans their views of Hentai, Yaoi, Ecchi and other such so called *naughty* genres of Anime and Manga.

Personally i see sum of it quite artistic and beautiful. Of course sum is quite disgusting(tentacle, rape etc) but even some of the manga pics and Hentai Anime involving sex can be quite erotic without being obscence.

I know many ppl dispise it 4 soiling the name of anime, sort of the same way all the kiddie anime has, so ignorent ppl just see Anime and Manga as cartoons or porn.

Of course another reason it maybe hated is all the best Anime and video games seem to be turned into Hentai. While its technically brillant... most Anime fans do not want to see Evangelion characters having sex(in that infameous video) or ff characters having sex with each other.

I dont know, i,m just concerned because i,m worried many Anime ppl will assume i,m a perv and not a true anime fan for having an interest in hentai. It also gets annoying when the few times i,m approached by ppl wanting to know about *anime*, they think its hentai and want sum.

What are your views?

12-26-2004, 01:31 AM
I don't really like the idea of it although Mahoromatic wouldn't have been nearly as genius without the nudity.

Dingo Jellybean
12-26-2004, 01:52 AM
Hentai is meant for one thing, to appease the minds of perverts. Hence the name Hentai.

I don't care what people do with it and such. I personally don't watch or care for hentai. A more detailed version of my view has been omitted.

Don't worry if people assume that since you like hentai then you're a perv. Most of the people I know assume people who like anime are generally hentai lovers anyways, it's inevitable. Is this assumption right? No, but you have to expect that when you become an anime fan.

Honestly, I hate anime. It annoys me to no end. I don't hate the people who like anime, I just hate the whole aspect of it. People flame me when I just call them cartoons...but in essence, that's what they are. They're just cartoons with a bit more visual expression. I have yet to see people clearly distinguish anime from cartoons. What makes violent/nude cartoons any different from anime? But eh...I never liked the whole anime/manga culture thing. People that I've been around who like anime are completely obsessed with these things that they interupt class just to talk about it. Sometimes I worry about them.

12-26-2004, 02:02 AM
i guess your right. I just feel most Anime fans wont respect you as a fellow fan, like they assume you only like it 4 the hentai. in reality its just another form of anime, like porn is another form of movies.

12-26-2004, 02:15 AM
Honestly, I hate anime. It annoys me to no end. I don't hate the people who like anime, I just hate the whole aspect of it. People flame me when I just call them cartoons...but in essence, that's what they are. They're just cartoons with a bit more visual expression. I have yet to see people clearly distinguish anime from cartoons. What makes violent/nude cartoons any different from anime? But eh...I never liked the whole anime/manga culture thing. People that I've been around who like anime are completely obsessed with these things that they interupt class just to talk about it. Sometimes I worry about them.
This is the funniest thing I have ever read on the internet.

12-26-2004, 02:25 AM
How so, DMKA? Dingo has more or less expressed my views on the subject as well. Except I don't <i>hate</i> it. I just don't really care about it one way or the other.

12-26-2004, 03:32 AM
In a world where people get sexual satisfaction from visuals of everything from people wearing large headgear to people deficating and urinating on each other, just who can say whether someone's sexually fulfilling medium is right or wrong? I'm against anything that causes any form of harm to anyone, but beside that I don't feel that one can say any of these things are "wrong" to enjoy, regardless if one enjoys it themselves or not.

12-26-2004, 03:36 AM
How so, DMKA? Dingo has more or less expressed my views on the subject as well. Except I don't <i>hate</i> it. I just don't really care about it one way or the other.
Exactly, you don't hate it. I find it funny enough when people just hate things like anime, or baseball, or plad boxers, when there's no real reason or need or anything gained by paying enough attention to these things to hate them.

But, the rest of the post is just funny for too many reasons, which you'd most likely have to be an anime fan to understand. I'll just say that anime is "cartoons", but from Japan. "Anime" is the Japanese term for animated programming. The reason people get pissy or whatever when someone calls anime "cartoons" is because anime has so many things cartoons don't have (which I won't being to preach on here), including the fact that it reaches out to a wider audience and a wider array of situations (I've yet to see a "cartoon" with gay/lesbian romances, for example, which is quite common in anime). Also, when you say "cartoon", it's usually pertaining to animated programming for children, which is a big assumption for all animated programming by many people in this part of the world. Just as there are non-violent, kiddie animes...

Disliking obsessive anime fans is fine. Not caring for it is fine. But hating anime itself? I'm sorry, I just find that too funny to bear.

12-26-2004, 03:37 AM
I agree with Dingo and Leeza.


The reason people get pissy or whatever when someone calls anime "cartoons" is because anime has so many things cartoons don't have (which I won't being to preach on here), including the fact that it reaches out to a wider audience and a wider array of situations (I've yet to see a "cartoon" with gay/lesbian romances, for example, which is quite common in anime).

Cell phones can have lots of various functions and special effects, like taking pictures, writing notes, change logos, change ringtones, but when it all comes down to it, it's still just a damn phone. My point of view.

Disliking obsessive anime fans is fine. Not caring for it is fine. But hating anime itself? I'm sorry, I just find that too funny to bear.

I don't like it at all. I find them annoying, unrealistic, full of clique's and roles. Everything is over-cute, skinny as a needle, or at least a ninja robot. :/ I just find it annoying, or more specifically, tasteless.

12-26-2004, 03:44 AM
I've yet to see a "cartoon" with gay/lesbian romances
I have reason to believe Batman and Robin were partners in more than just crime fighting.

12-26-2004, 03:50 AM
I don't like it at all. I find them annoying, unrealistic, full of clique's and roles. Everything is over-cute, skinny as a needle, or at least a ninja robot. :/ I just find it annoying, or more specifically, tasteless.

Reminds me of Hollywood films...

12-26-2004, 03:56 AM
Reminds me of Hollywood films...

Yep, I agree with that. We see the same old stuff in Hollywood films too, except some of them try another formula every now and then, which probably happens in anime too, I wouldn't know, I don't watch it. I usually avoid watching typical hollywood movies that has been done 1000 times before just with another mask.

12-26-2004, 04:02 AM
Anime are, by definition, cartoons.

Cartoon: a film made by photographing a series of cartoon drawings to give the illusion of movement when projected in rapid sequence.

Personally, I see the difference in anime as opposed to American cartoons just the same as I see the difference in Japanese horror films as opposed to American horror films. Either way, to say that anime is not cartoons is incorrect, just as saying that Japanese horror movies are not horror movies.

DMKA is correct though, cartoons in America are typically targeted at children therefore usually containing material that is entertaining to children. In Japan, they are targeted at a much bigger audience, thus containing relative content.

12-26-2004, 04:09 AM
Technically, yes, Anime are cartoons. I only get annoyed at the negative connotations that arise from Anime being called cartoons.

"Yep, I agree with that. We see the same old stuff in Hollywood films too, except some of them try another formula every now and then, which probably happens in anime too, I wouldn't know, I don't watch it. I usually avoid watching typical hollywood movies that has been done 1000 times before just with another mask."

true, about 10% of hollywood is original and good...while a significantly larger amount of Anime is too.

Dingo Jellybean
12-26-2004, 04:20 AM
But, the rest of the post is just funny for too many reasons, which you'd most likely have to be an anime fan to understand. I'll just say that anime is "cartoons", but from Japan. "Anime" is the Japanese term for animated programming.

It's not short for animated programming, it's short for animation. It can refer to Disney movies as well. Anime is just a term used outside of Japan to describe Japanese animation.

The reason people get pissy or whatever when someone calls anime "cartoons" is because anime has so many things cartoons don't have (which I won't being to preach on here), including the fact that it reaches out to a wider audience and a wider array of situations (I've yet to see a "cartoon" with gay/lesbian romances, for example, which is quite common in anime). Also, when you say "cartoon", it's usually pertaining to animated programming for children, which is a big assumption for all animated programming by many people in this part of the world. Just as there are non-violent, kiddie animes...

Disliking obsessive anime fans is fine. Not caring for it is fine. But hating anime itself? I'm sorry, I just find that too funny to bear.

It's like what other people said, a corvette is a car. A camry is a car. Might be different kinds of cars, but they are cars when you get right done to the bone. Same thing with anime. It's pretty much cartoons with different themes. Aliens 3 reaches out to a limited audience, whereas The Grinch That Stole Christmas reaches out to every audience. Does that make Aliens 3 less of a movie because of that? No. I don't think so. Both of them are still movies. Just because it's intended audience is different, doesn't make it anymore special.

I don't like anime for many reasons. It's like someone who hates rap, I don't hold it against them if they do. I don't see how it's so "funny." You're probably seeing through biased eyes since you, by my sense, are clearly an "anime" fan. I'm not saying I'm not biased, but just because I hate something like anime doesn't mean it's irrational. Reasons I hate anime include how many of these animes are sometimes too over the top. Many of them just throw in gut slicing because it seems to be the norm. It's almost like you'd expect senseless violence in these cartoons. Not that I'm against fictional violence, but most Japanese producers just throw them on there because it's the norm. I find a lot of Japanese anime cheesy as well. They're always sword fighting, or fighting with their eyes close as some dramatic music plays in the background. If anything, American cartoons at least have more variety in their shows than Japanese anime's more serious topics.

Just as you say anime appeals to more general people, I know for a fact that there's thousands of animes that appeal to children only, without nudity or violence in Japan. What makes those animes different from cartoons here? What about violent cartoons here compared to your form of anime? Until someone makes a difinitive difference between the two, I'll always refuse to acknowledge the two as completely different.

12-26-2004, 04:29 AM
The Animation style.

Anime is Beautiful and detailed

Western Animation normally is not, relying on motion over detail.

Dingo Jellybean
12-26-2004, 04:34 AM
The Animation style.

Anime is Beautiful.

Western Animation normally is not.

See, that's an opinion. Why does that distinguish "anime" from "cartoon?" I'm willing to accept that anime is a branch of cartoons, but not willing to accept it as a separate entity like history and science. Although yes, you can say they're apples and oranges, but apples and oranges are still fruits.

I've been in this debate before...and I've never been fully convinced, even though I try to be open minded about these things because anime fanboys can be a bit obsessed with these things. Other than by name, what exactly distinguises these two? I can make a violent cartoon and market it in Japan. What will they call it there? Cartimation?

If a European automaker brings a Lexus here, what makes the car a different entity than cars like Ford? They are both cars in the end.

12-26-2004, 04:50 AM
Well firstly, please drop the bias/insult of *violent* cartoons tag.

Anime is a type of cartoon true. Hence they are both a type of television or seris or movie. Hence, they are all entertainment of equal rights.

So we are agreed that they are all a kind of fruit? so they are the same beast, but with differerent sub species. Western Animation, genrally, is the sour off kind (there are exceptions). Western movies, tv etc are the wild card that must be exactly ripe before being picked. some great, some crap.

Anime is almost always the glorious divine fruit. of course, there is still some crap, but this is the visual entertainment i choose.

We may disagree on how we judge the fruit...clearly you will not see Anime as the divine fruit. But by your logic it is very little different to the cartoons, movies and tv that gets released in the west, and thus should be treated with the same respect.

Of course, the west can not allow Anime to compete on a level playing field at the Oscars or golden Globes. If they did an Anime would almost certainly win best picture every year :p .

Zell's Fists of Fury
12-26-2004, 05:05 AM
I have reason to believe Batman and Robin were partners in more than just crime fighting.
I fell out of my chair laughing at that.

Dingo Jellybean
12-26-2004, 05:06 AM
Well firstly, please drop the bias/insult of *violent* cartoons tag.

Anime is a type of cartoon true. Hence they are both a type of television or seris or movie. Hence, they are all entertainment of equal rights.

I never made that bias towards anime, I was just referrencing to what DMKA called them. Cartoons and anime share the same tag IMO.

So we are agreed that they are all a kind of fruit? so they are the same beast, but with differerent sub species. Western Animation, genrally, is the sour off kind (there are exceptions). Western movies, tv etc are the wild card that must be exactly ripe before being picked. some great, some crap.

Anime is almost always the glorious divine fruit. of course, there is still some crap, but this is the visual entertainment i choose.

I don't know what you mean by "ripe" when it comes to cartoons, but it's like when I grew up on TMNT. I loved the show, thought it was the greatest cartoon ever. I didn't have to wait for it to "ripen", because it was already a show that I was hooked on. When you say anime is the divine fruit, I assume you mean it's more to your liking...not that the actual quality is better or worst than "cartoons." Although if I were to watch "anime" and "cartoons" I can tell the difference, but if a Japanese artist makes "anime" more to the likings of Garfield and an American artist makes a "cartoon" more to the liking of Ronin Warriors...what separates them then?

We may disagree on how we judge the fruit...clearly you will not see Anime as the divine fruit. But by your logic it is very little different to the cartoons, movies and tv that gets released in the west, and thus should be treated with the same respect.

Of course, the west can not allow Anime to compete on a level playing field at the Oscars or golden Globes. If they did an Anime would almost certainly win best picture every year :p .

I don't see cartoons as a divine fruit either. I treat cartoons these days no more than "anime." Although I do admit to being biased, I still try to keep an open mind as to how anime is different from cartoons so much so that it entitles them to a standard above cartoons. As for Oscars, I don't think anime can compete with them...ever. Mainly because animes can't win best actor or best supporting actresses(yes, I know you were joking on them competing for Oscars).

12-26-2004, 05:14 AM
Well yes, most Anime would not compete, and it is personal taste.

But the fact that even the best films ever made, imho,(and believe me...i like my films) cannot beat the best Animes, shows that Anime cannot be disregarded as an inferior film making style. And i do geniunly believe that several Anime films were good enough 2 win best picture at the Oscars.

Dingo Jellybean
12-26-2004, 05:19 AM
Well yes, most Anime would not compete, and it is personal taste.

But the fact that even the best films ever made, imho,(and believe me...i like my films) cannot beat the best Animes, shows that Anime cannot be disregarded as an inferior film making style. And i do geniunly believe that several Anime films were good enough 2 win best picture at the Oscars.

If CTHD can win, then any animation(cartoon or anime) can win.

But both of us are probably going back and forth with our biases. I mean because older people(like me) generally prefer flesh movies compared to younger people(like you) who prefer animation. It's like me saying basketball is a better sport than soccer. None of it is truly better than the other, but our biased lens makes it so...disregarding it.

I don't hate all anime, I always loved Ronin Warriors(Samurai Yuroiden Troopers), but most the the material on them is enough to make me dislike them a lot(though you can substitute hate). I never said it was ever inferior, it's just that it's too cheesy and too over the top in my opinion.

It's amazing how it seems like 9/10 people who play games vividly are anime fans...then again since these games come from Japan, it shouldn't be a surprise.

12-26-2004, 05:32 AM
I guess we shall have to utter the usual cliches like *agree to disagree* etc lol :greenie: .

I dont know...i just feel you can do so much more with Animation and its so much more asthetically appealing to me.

I do like alot of films though. Star Wars trilogy, Lord of the Rings Trilogy A Clockwork Orange, Blade Runner, Shawshank Redemption, Apocalypse Now, Platoon, Gladiator, Pulp Fiction, Kill Bill, Usual Suspects, etc etc. So while i may be a hopeless Anime Fanboy...i do my best not to let it cloud my judgement.

P.S- Any how, how on earth was this Tangent Created? :p

12-26-2004, 06:12 AM
Eh it's okay.. I guess... I have more to say but I don't really feel comfortable talking about this subject and what the hell is Yaoi, Ecchi and that U word you said? Yes I've heard of Tentacle Porn and it sounds very disgusting and disturbing.....

Meat Puppet
12-26-2004, 06:17 AM
Japanese girls call me hentai.

Erdrick Holmes
12-26-2004, 06:18 AM
Hi. I love hentai. My favourite series is F3. I find it to be sophisticated when compaired to regular porn, it actually has (brace yourself) a gripping story.

I'm fond of yuri (girl/girl) hentai over anything else.

12-26-2004, 06:59 AM
What distinguishes animes from cartoons, to me, is that there are many animes that have deep, and thought-provoking stories. I don't think I've seen any cartoons like this in America.

Anyway, we should follow in Joel's footsteps and start talking about hentai again cuz I love hentai.

12-26-2004, 08:32 PM
You have very vallied points. But I don't like Hentai. I used when I was 5 but not now.

OT: I never like "Real" porn (Even though Hentai's more "art" than "Porn")

12-26-2004, 10:53 PM
I used when I was 5 but not now.:rolleyes2

Anyway, I don't see anything wrong with hentai.
People can get sexually aroused from just fantasizing,
so why not from cartoons?
It doesn't necessary mean that the person in question want to have sex with pictures.
It could also be the particular situation shown that helps stimulating the imagination.
What I can't understand is how voilence of any sort can give someone boner.

12-26-2004, 11:03 PM
Personally, I don't like it. I really don't like any porn.

Erdrick Holmes
12-26-2004, 11:59 PM
It just urks me when people say they don't like anime because they say it's a cartoon for children, then they go off saying how much they like Spongebob and Scooby Doo.

12-27-2004, 12:20 AM
are u kidding?? Hentai has to be the raunchiest thing i've ever heard. but, im probably just saying that mostly because im not a big porn fan anyway. but seriously, i dont think that getting off on a manga picture is that exciting. come on...

12-27-2004, 05:00 AM
Of course another reason it maybe hated is all the best Anime and video games seem to be turned into Hentai. While its technically brillant... most Anime fans do not want to see Evangelion characters having sex(in that infameous video) or ff characters having sex with each other.
This fan does :p. I find hentai to be amusing.

And for the general anime discussion:
Yes. In japan, "anime" means any kind of animation. However, outside of Japan it is most commonly used to describe Japanese animation, so I think we should just stick to that ;/.
I like animation in general. It doesn't have to be anime, as long as it's good. Then again, I find anime to have more interesting themes and plotlines than most other animation.
I think if you're going to say you "hate anime", you should just say "I hate animation in general".

12-27-2004, 05:21 AM
Anime is cartoons. Who cares? I like some cartoons, I like some anime. I like what i like, no matter what it may be labeled as. ^_^

Including hentai. Sometimes. I suppose hentai can be "beautiful" and all that crap, but I've never seen any. Every hentai I've seen has had... alright animation, a poor to very, very poor storyline, and never any sex scenes that would appeal to the average female. Now there are dozens of manga that I love under the genre of "smutty shoujo" but that never gets made into anime because hentai is all the kind of crap that boys like.

It makes me sad. ;_;

12-27-2004, 06:40 AM
I really don't know. It doesn't appeal to me all that much, to be honest. It seems like it's mostly aimed at males---there's way too many boobs for my liking. But eh. It doesn't bother me at all that other people like it. Big deal. I don't go out and buy anime/manga for the sex, but if it has it in there, and it's done well, it's perfectly fine with me.


12-27-2004, 11:36 AM
DMKA is correct though, cartoons in America are typically targeted at children therefore usually containing material that is entertaining to children. In Japan, they are targeted at a much bigger audience, thus containing relative content.
I see I've made my point to atleast one person. Thank you. :love:

Just as you say anime appeals to more general people, I know for a fact that there's thousands of animes that appeal to children only, without nudity or violence in Japan. What makes those animes different from cartoons here? What about violent cartoons here compared to your form of anime? Until someone makes a difinitive difference between the two, I'll always refuse to acknowledge the two as completely different.
If you'd of read my entire post, you'd have seen I mentioned that.

Tell me, how many "violent cartoons" have there been on American TV? Of course, by violent I assume you mean "not for children". Spawn and Reign are the only two I can think of. Also, adult comedy anime (like Love Hina, Excel Saga, Puni Puni Poemi) don't look all cartoony (like say, Family Guy or the Simpsons), which, despite how much I love some of those shows, I completely hate the style. I like the anime style. I hate when people look all disproportioned and hardly resemble a human shape. Anime does sometimes do the chibi thing, but you never see anime characters that look like Fred Flinstone.

Also all the things that were mentioned about anime everything being like "this" or like "that" is complete prejudice and ignorance. I've seen plenty that is similar, yes, but I've seen plenty that is nothing like any of the others.

In short, anime is a genre with genres within itself. The difference between it and "cartoons" is too huge and varied to distingush to people who won't give it a chance and say "OMG I H8 TEH ANIMEE ITS ALL TEH SAME WITH TEH BIG EYES ANMD CARTOON PRON AND STUPID AN ALL THE SAME I HATE IT!"

12-27-2004, 02:59 PM
Hentai IS a cartoon. It was drawn as a cartoon is drawn, except it's not played on Cartoon Network or Nick. It's true, not ignorant. I'm not saying it's like Rugrats, but it's made the same.

It's annoying when people try to defend the "honour" of hentai. It's naked people doing it. Just like porn. Except it's drawn. I wouldn't be proud to admit I liked it, and I'm glad I don't. But whatever floats your boat. If you like hentai, than like hentai. I just don't think people should really be saying that it's something, when it's not.

That's just my two cents there.

12-27-2004, 03:06 PM
Hentai is the thing for anime freaks that combines the two things they like the most:Big glassy eyes and porn.

12-27-2004, 03:38 PM
I'm not saying it's like Rugrats, but it's made the same.

Yeah, hentai usualy has a better storyline.

A great link for this topic would be somethingawful's horrors of hentai, too bad I can't link to "Somethingawful" and "Reviews [Hentai]" If you do find some strange way to crack the code and make it there, warning there might be some material thats not for the youngins

I'm not sure why I am being hesitant to link there if the creator of this wodnerfull site did Here (http://forums.eyesonff.com/showthread.php?t=45426&page=1&highlight=somethingawful) but I might as well be safe

01-09-2005, 05:27 PM
Anime is cartoons. Who cares? I like some cartoons, I like some anime. I like what i like, no matter what it may be labeled as. ^_^

Including hentai. Sometimes. I suppose hentai can be "beautiful" and all that crap, but I've never seen any. Every hentai I've seen has had... alright animation, a poor to very, very poor storyline, and never any sex scenes that would appeal to the average female. Now there are dozens of manga that I love under the genre of "smutty shoujo" but that never gets made into anime because hentai is all the kind of crap that boys like.

It makes me sad. ;_;

But ShlupQuack and kikimm.There is lots of Yaoi out there that surely you would prefer? What about the Illustrious Gravitation?

01-10-2005, 02:45 AM
Man, it's not worth arguing. Hentai is good for two things, giving freaky little folks who can't find a perfect enough porn star for their taste something to get them worked up, and laughing really really hard at. the problem is, the same way people argue they read playboy for it's inspired articles, they will always argue storyline storyline storyline. you can find overly romantic anime that relies on something other than "naked anime-chik" to sell itself, and that makes it better. might even have some sex scenes in it. but hentai is anime for sex's sake, not storyline. if you like it, so be it. but at least admit you like it for the sex. I buy playboy, i do not read the articles. it's pretty much that simple. same with the hentai folks i'm sure.

black orb
01-10-2005, 04:26 AM
Of course another reason it maybe hated is all the best Anime and video games seem to be turned into Hentai. While its technically brillant... most Anime fans do not want to see Evangelion characters having sex(in that infameous video) or ff characters having sex with each other.
>>> I used to hate hentai because of that too. but I realized it wasnt that bad, after all fan-made Hentai doujinshi is quite popular among japanese artists and it seems the practice doesnt have legal issues in japan unless the company/artist who hold the copyrights is against about turning his/her creation into hentai.. As far i know almost all the japanese companies/artists doesnt have major problems with this..

Crazy the Clown
01-11-2005, 07:29 AM
Those overseas animators tend to have a lot of imagination. They have knocked Germans, renowned for their Sheize-videos, off the throne of weird pornos. Hentai is usually where (You know what) is happening between a 36-24-36 naked female ninja and a giant octopus-like creature, or something else of that nature. They invented that.

01-11-2005, 12:39 PM
We have movies, we have porn, we have anime, we have hentai. You like chicken, we like beef. Whats the big difference? If we are complaining about this then why arent you complaining about REAL porn with REAL people? Drawings can never hurt anyone, if you dont like it dont watch it. I seriously dont see whats wrong in people like adult entertainment no matter how different it is, you have a *insert private stuff here* dont ya(this doesnt mean that you have one and can not hate it)? Personally i dont find adult stuff necessarily that bad a thing, its just there, especially adult ART. What can it do to you? If you dont want to see Evangelion people having sex then dont, simple. If sex is so taboo to you then dont have it.

Its obviously different stuff for different people, omg you like chicken i hate you cuz you like that and not b33f!!!111one1!!! -_-; Very nice. Frankly one more person watching porn in their homes is better than someone raping someone irl because they cant see their fantasy on a DRAWING(not bashing the fantasy here, just stating).

I view it as an art in itself, since when is it wrong to draw that stuff? Its human body and if it isnt its still an art in itself, i really dont see how just because something is considered adult, it isnt art. Imagination at its best, just because its something that is all hushed up by public doesnt make it any less.

BTW they let them sell doujinshi(most of which are hentai..some arent), because it helps them publicize it and frankly i can see how it can. If someone likes what he sees of course they would buy more products related to it. And i also heard that the male gentillia is considered something that HAS to be censored or something like that(females dont count), so thats my guess on how tentacles and stuff like that get into the fray more often than not. Course i could be completely wrong.

boris no no
01-11-2005, 02:24 PM
i find hentai great. it turns me on and its fun to watch with all my friends without getting embaressed like with real porn (i don't like real porn)
i dunno why i like it, i just do! it's seems not as dirty as porn and it's all fantasy, not people being forced to suck c**k for a few pounds.
by the way i am a girl so no comments that only men like it
i love legend of the overfiend (i ain't going to even try and spell it's full name) its both funny and sexy (in my mind...i do have a warped mind)
plus alot of the pictures really are artistic.
saying that it's not art is like saying that picasso was a perve drawing naked ladies. i went to a really great gallery with loads of manga stuff and they had a lot of naked chicks there and they all looked beautiful. some may say its porn, i say that it's art, maybe not taseful but how much art is nowerdays?

01-15-2005, 08:27 PM
wow, i never thought i,d EVER hear a girl say they like Legend of the Overfiend ;) . Though i dont think i could ever call Urotsukidoji sexy...

boris no no
01-15-2005, 11:04 PM
wow, i never thought i,d EVER hear a girl say they like Legend of the Overfiend ;) . Though i dont think i could ever call Urotsukidoji sexy...
i am a bit weird! heeheehee!!
i love all things weird! i find it strangely sexy....i've always wondered why i made my boyfriend paint his willy green and run around screaming!!!
i havn't seen demon womb or ...the other one! i want to tho!

01-16-2005, 09:42 AM
lol. I guess you were joking about the green penis...right? :eek: .

The other Urotsukidoji Ovas are varied. Demon womb is confusing as it takes place in the middle of Overfiend. However its still top quality.

Urotsukidoji III takes the story to new heights. However the glorious stuff is balanced out by some crap story bits too. The dub is terrible and animation shoddy. But it still decent.

And Urotsukidoji IV is mixed too. ep 1 and 2 i have not seen as they are banned here in UK. Apparantly they have no story, crap animation and are disgusting (containing sick stuff like boarder line child sex). Ep 3 though is different. Its mostly average moments is brought up by beautiful animation and some amazing plot elements. Some beautiful symbolism,metaphor and irony too.

boris no no
01-17-2005, 05:55 PM
lol. I guess you were joking about the green penis...right? :eek: .
yes....joking.... :riiight: ....erm....yes

. ep 1 and 2 i have not seen as they are banned here in UK. Apparantly they have no story, crap animation and are disgusting (containing sick stuff like boarder line child sex). Ep 3 though is different. Its mostly average moments is brought up by beautiful animation and some amazing plot elements. Some beautiful symbolism,metaphor and irony too.

ep 1 an 2?? :confused:

01-17-2005, 06:05 PM
doesnt "hentai" in japaneess(sp) mean "pervert"?

Kawaii Ryűkishi
01-17-2005, 06:14 PM
It means "strange" or "out of the ordinary," but yeah, "sexually perverted" is the most commonly implied connotation. On the other hand, "H" (or "ecchi") specifically refers to the erotic stuff.

Pure Strife
01-17-2005, 06:35 PM
Hentai is the thing for anime freaks that combines the two things they like the most:Big glassy eyes and porn.

Well put. But like Rye said, each to their own.

As for Urotsukidoji, that is possibly the wierdest thing I've ever seen, and I have no desire to sit through it again.

01-21-2005, 07:58 PM
Lol...compared to things like Black Mail, Cool Devices and Bible Black, Urotsukidoji is a disney show...

01-21-2005, 08:59 PM
I'm actually a hentai fan (aside from the kinky stuff, i.e. tenacles, etc.) but I hate actual porn. Go figure?

The soft stuff is really nice, I've seem some gorgeous pictures. And some of them are just adorable; there's so much adorable Squall/Rinoa hentai, I can't help but go "Awww!" It's terribly sweet.

So, to answer your question, no I don't think it makes you any less of an anime fan to also be a hentai fan. Hentai is escensially fanart, which is a form of expressing your love for the characters. How can that be a bad thing? (Though, any sort of sexual obsession with an imaginary character is not good.)

But, I always think you shouldn't care one wit what other people thing, you are who you are and you like what you like. And that's just fine.

01-22-2005, 07:04 AM
I happen to be a very big hentai fan, myself. Now, I'm not to big in to the tentacle rape scene or even some of the harder stuff ( Bible Black scared me and not because of the black magic but because of the main chick. O_O; She was scary!! ).
I won't say that I look at hentai for the 'beautiful artwork' but there have been some hentai pictures that has been very gorgeous and even soft and sensual. For example - Studio E-Go has some incredible work and I simply drool at. ^_^

Out of all the types of hentai I'd have to prefer male and female but I adore Yuri just as much. I'm not to much in to yaoi unless it's done very sensually. O_o;

The only anime Myles and I own that we bought from a store is two copies of G-Taste. ^_^; I like the work done in those and the storylines are . . . well, at least you can follow it, you know? Other than that I just have a few downloaded on to my computer ( Bible Black, Immortal Sisters, Cool Devices, etc ).

Like what's been said - take two things most anime fans love, big eyes and porn. For me . . . this = :<3: and I'm proud of that.

I know some people don't and that's fine but I'm sure most people secretly ( or not so secretly ) enjoy porn and this is just another type of it.

01-23-2005, 02:10 AM
People are naturally turned on by naked people. I don't see what's so bad about looking at porn.

01-23-2005, 02:26 AM
People are naturally turned on by naked people. I don't see what's so bad about looking at porn.

Exactly, but I think one of the bad things about Porn is women degrading themselves, but Hentai is just animation so that doesn't happen.

01-23-2005, 02:37 AM
That's the one thing I don't get about arguments against porn: how are the women degrading themselves? They actually enjoy their jobs. There are men doing it too.

Harvest Moon
01-23-2005, 03:56 AM
I like hentai cause hentai pics allow me to see things no sane person would let happen to themselves. :tongue:

It sucks though that I have *Ahem!* a low-labito. So assuming I happen to be lucky that day I get to even enjoy the perversion. :mad:

01-23-2005, 06:42 AM
Hentai...let's see...I've made a partition of my hard drive dedicated soley to nothing but hentai. I think that right there tells you my views on it...

I don't prefer to watch, though. I enjoy simple pictures more than video...

01-23-2005, 03:41 PM
Yes i never understood why porn is considered degrading. Does that mean sex itself is degrading to the person? If it is, i hope we all never have sex ever again..ever again...ever again...ever...

boris no no
01-24-2005, 09:18 PM
That's the one thing I don't get about arguments against porn: how are the women degrading themselves? They actually enjoy their jobs. There are men doing it too.
i agree. its a job and most of the people in them actually enjoy it.
are art pictures of naked ladies degrading? no! porn is just a different art form
plus hentai really is hot! i love it!

01-24-2005, 09:32 PM
I dunno, it just seems to me like they are being used.

01-25-2005, 02:47 AM
I dunno, it just seems to me like they are being used.

Then why is there a sex worker union? (i think thats it..Oo)

02-01-2005, 02:05 AM
i guess your right. I just feel most Anime fans wont respect you as a fellow fan, like they assume you only like it 4 the hentai. in reality its just another form of anime, like porn is another form of movies.

screw what others say its what is in your oppinion and stick to dont let other people change you.
(man that motivational speaker from the maury show has really gotten to me)

02-03-2005, 09:38 PM
i see nothing wrong with hentai. i like anime, i dont get annoyed at people who hate anime for no reason, i hate it when people get annoyed about things for no reason generally. the term hate is so often over-used when the person who says it probably means something far less than hate.

not all anime is over-cute. there are some realistic ones out there that really do deal with some personal-growth or culture issues whatever, although even those ones will keep unrealistic sides to it too.

anyway, i cant be bothered anymore.

*Croyles turns away hoping this post wont start World War 3*