View Full Version : Sanctuary Keeper

12-27-2004, 04:17 PM
Can any one help me with the Sanctuary keeper at Mt. Gagazet..? He/she/it wonīt die.. :crying:

12-27-2004, 04:36 PM
This Guy is tough . Rikku and her mix is the must in this fight, If you mix Two grenades you deal a lot of damage , also you can mix Two wing s of discovery (if you got them in the chocobo race), But the most usefull is the Al bhed potions that recovery 1000 Hp and remove some illness. Use Wakka and his dark buster to stop guardian to use the 9999 curaga, and to avoid that sweep that he does with his tail . Put Yuna in overdrive and hit it with bahamut , atack him with all the aeons , If you use reflect on him he is going to use reflect on you, so donīt do it. Use at the beginnign hastega with tidus . Confuse wards armors are a must, confuse is the one thing that bothers you off all the fight , so go steal some stuff (I dont remember how that stuff is called) to the flying one eyed enemies, and customize the confusion wards in tidus wakka and yuna. I found extremely effective to use an ability spehere to make yuna learn the "Use" ability fom Rikku, so you can use the al bhed potions , and throw aeons without change chrachter. If You continue to be killed, make some levels like for an hour, and if you continue , post again .

12-27-2004, 05:30 PM
I'd like to disagree with one part of your strategy, Wilder. You should in fact cast reflect on Sanctuary Keeper. By doing so, his Curaga, Protect, and Regen will help you instead of him. He'll only use reflect on you when he's badly hurt, then you can easily Dispel it quickly. Hastaga will truly aid your characters, and make sure you cast Bio on it at least once or twice. Oh, and for an easier battle make sure you have all your Aeons into Overdrive before the fight.

12-27-2004, 07:02 PM
well, thats a doble edge weapon. Using reflect was a nightmare because this boss is smart enough to cast reflect on your characters and using curaga on you to heal himself if you cast reflect on him !, thatīs is like a hard way. Magic Break halves the curaga power, like 5000 HP, and armor break also makes keeper to use another magic instead of curaga. And you really canīt dispe it quicly since this boss is so fast, you have to cast hastega very often because itīs dispel and Itīs not good to cast Slow on him cause he launch haste on himself and thatīs a suicide.Aeons on overdrive, good idea that works always.

12-27-2004, 07:06 PM
Rikku mixes trio of 9999, wakka uses attack reels, owned.

12-27-2004, 08:41 PM
mix a couple of light curtains-- you should have some if you've been mugging/stealing from your Iron Giants like you should have been. it's one of the mighty guard forms-- haste/regen/shell/protect and possibly something else. it'll save you some spell time.