View Full Version : Scary Food Combos

12-28-2004, 02:22 PM
Do you like tradition? Do you stick to society's norms of what food goes with which? Or this christmas did you find yourself wanting to dollop marmalade on those brussel sprouts....or maybe some nestle chocolate spread on that turkey? I recently, while stepping wildly into the unknown, that the following are very nice:-

a.) Cheese (spread or melted) with JAM on toast.
b.) Burger sauce on...well...anything but burgers (mainly parsnips actually).
And my latest endeavour, while feeling bored one night, i discovered that golden syrup on ham on toast is definitely one of the finer things in life.

Do you have any strange food combos you simply love? Please, tell :)

12-28-2004, 02:23 PM
I don't know if it's strange but i put butter on my cookies and cheese in my toats and I eat fried fish with salad... hm so good!

12-28-2004, 02:29 PM
Eggs and ketchup are so good. And I go against the norm with ketchup often. You see, normal people in my cafeteria use one or two packets of ketchup for their fries. I take about 10 packets. I love ketchup. :<3:

12-28-2004, 02:29 PM
my fav sandwitch is cheese (mature chedder....*drools so much she drownes) with mayo and cold baked beans...dunno if thats weird...
plus marmite and smooth peanut together on toast spread thinly! yum!!oh and cold pizza sandwitch with peanut butter...i love that stuff!!!
i have strange cravings...
OH anf melted chocolate mushed bannanas with peanut butter (no suprise there!) all mixed up on toast!! it really is yummy!! :count:

Giga Guess
12-28-2004, 03:21 PM
The strangest things I ever do is any time I'm cooking I get very adventurous in the spice drawer. The last time I made hasbrowns, I think I used Dill Weed, Oregano, Chili Pepper, Salt, and Pepper. And a TON of Margarine. :p

Yum. Very yum.

12-28-2004, 03:50 PM
i eat mint sauce with all meat i eat not just lamb coz it tastes great with them all
a bad combo i tryed was salad cream and tomato ketchup together i nearly spewed lol

The Dude Abides
12-28-2004, 06:08 PM
I always like to spread marmite on jacobs crackers its a smashing hangover cure. If i've got any leftover pasta from the night before i usually put it on a roll for my breakfast too , seriously try it its amazing