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View Full Version : FF2: Is it worth playing?

12-31-2004, 04:58 PM
I just finished playing DoS:FF1 and now I started FF2. Within just the first ten minutes of gameplay, I'm not very impressed. I don't like the individual skill leveling up and I'm getting annoyed with how I miss half of all the attacks I make. Still, I don't want to quit now when it could potentially pick up and be a really fun game. But, I also don't want to waste my time playing a bad game.

So my question to you is, did you enjoy playing FF2? Or is it really, as so many people say, the worst game in the series?

12-31-2004, 05:01 PM
I personally enjoyed the game very much. The first time I played through on a rom and it wasn't too great for me. Then later on I played through the playstation version and was very entertained. The leveling system can work to your advantage if you decide early on how to flesh out your characters and know how to pull your strings.

Erdrick Holmes
12-31-2004, 05:01 PM
Ity's worth it. I'm enjoying FF2 so far on DOS.

12-31-2004, 09:58 PM
I played a little but more and I'll admit, the game starts to pick up once you get Minwu (and you don't miss your attacks half the freaking time!). I'd still like to hear what everyone else thinks of the game.

01-01-2005, 12:50 AM
I like the game a lot, but I'm of the minority opinion on this. A lot of people hate the stat growth system and whine about how much they hate the story. Personally, I think it's great that Square actually made a game that encourages massochism.

The thing about the stat growth system is that you need to know how to work it and choose your moves in battle carefully. I've written extensive thesies on this very subject so I'm just going to say take note of which actions make which stats increase and decrease, and plan your strategies based on that. This game is the ultimate example of "you can't have your cake and eat it too". If you try to give everyone every spell and make them good at everything, you'll get taken down in no time flat.

01-01-2005, 12:52 AM
Its alright... I'm on the part where I just got Leila and I'm in the cave with all of the Hill Gigas' that kick my ass. (Origins Version)

01-01-2005, 02:22 AM
For a quick rundown of what raises what check out the frontsite.

01-01-2005, 05:27 AM
Final Fantasy 2 is one of the best in the series, I'd say. I disliked the first one, but he awsome leveling system saved this game. The story isn't bad either.

Basically, attack yourself until you're in the red, and you're HP'll lvel up. the system is very fun (and different) and I'd love other series to use this system.

01-01-2005, 08:37 PM
Since I got Dawn of Souls I enjoyed FFII more then ever. I also got the Playstation-version, but there the leveling up is more annoying especially the magic. But for the storyline and the rest I think you should do it. It's really a great game.

01-01-2005, 09:41 PM
Yeah, I'm loving this game so far, although it's getting really hard now that I'm in the Dreadnought.

I can't believe that Josef died! He was by far my strongest fighter. I knew he was only going to be a temporary character but I thought I would of had him a little longer than that. To make matters worse, he gets replaced by Gordon of all people. :(

01-01-2005, 11:44 PM
Be prepared for many people to die.

Captain Maxx Power
01-02-2005, 12:56 AM
FF2 has the highest playable character death toll. And it is one of the best FFs ever. Keep playing, and dont stop til you're finished. Then do the add-on for DoS, and tell me how good it is so I can fume some more.

Demon eye
01-02-2005, 02:12 AM
I must be missing somthin I am at that battale ship and im iththe middle of nowhere to get to the chocobo forest and I cant take 1 step without going into I fight I CANT WIN....and also Gordon 'caused me to get pissed off...FLUCK GORDON HE SUCKS ASS!!!!!!!!!!!

I have the pass so I dont need to fight that guy *sniff* I HATE YOU GORDON WEN I FIND YOU I SHALL BURN YOU TO HELL!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

01-02-2005, 03:08 AM
If you're getting beat up that much it means you haven't been levelling up your characters. Fight some easier battles and selectively level up specific stats for specific characters.

01-04-2005, 03:26 PM
i hated dos ff2 they should have had the original 2 with cecil instead

01-04-2005, 03:39 PM
...What the hell are you talking about The Dawn of Souls FF2 is the original FF2. The one with Cecil is FF4. Some tards decided to name it FF2 because it was the second to hit North America. They fixed this annoying mistake in FF Chronicles and FF Origins.

01-04-2005, 04:51 PM
i hated dos ff2 they should have had the original 2 with cecil instead

The original FFII IS the one in DOS, except it is reworked so you don't have to spend too much time powering up. The one you are thinking of is FFIV. Don't worry, if DOS and FFIII for the DS makes enough money, SquareEnix will probably decided to port IV or some other FF game to the GBA or DS.

Anyway, I just beat FFII for the first time over the weekend. I did not like the original at all and the Playstation version annoyed me. They got it right in DOS. The game still challanges you, but it is not impossible to move the story without powering up like crazy. Also, prices are more reasonable.

You spoony Bard!!!!!!!!!!
01-04-2005, 11:47 PM
I played a little but more and I'll admit, the game starts to pick up once you get Minwu (and you don't miss your attacks half the freaking time!). I'd still like to hear what everyone else thinks of the game.

The game rocks especially once u get lvl 10 spells. Although it also sucks because so many 4th playable characters die. Yes Leonheart quits the trade. The Mysidian Tower is a load of crap because it is 10 floors. 3rd floor Fire gigas ( easy) 5th floor Ice gigas ( easy) 7th floor Thunder Gigas ( Very hard harder than last boss hard) But enough with that if you just started your a way away from there. Dual masamunes rock however!!!!!!!! For both Firioniel and Leonheart.

i hated dos ff2 they should have had the original 2 with cecil instead

That wasnt the real 2 that was 4 dumbass. Yhis is the real 2

http://www.gamefaqs.com (http://) This will help U all.

Do not post more than once in a row. Use the edit/delete button and do not call anyone on this board a dumbass. ~ Leeza

01-06-2005, 12:28 AM
I believe FF2 is worth the play...

I plyed the rom version, which was somewhat hard to figure out, and somewhat akward, in my oppinion. However I believe the psx version kicked arse. The stat leveling system I though was very unique and for it's time, very advanced. Heck, they still don't have a leveling system of it's stature in future games. It was thusly much harder to advance in the story without doing some serious stat increases, but, I am a power gamer who enjoys crafting god parties anyhow.

Plus we have to give FF2 much needed credit, as it was the first with a more concrete story, besides the save the crystals gig in FF1 (FF1 is a great game, just lacked somewhat in the story department).

I haven't played the GBA version of FF2... as I do not own a GBA, therefore I cannot comment on it's preformance.

01-06-2005, 07:25 PM
I personally didnt like ff1, ff2, and ff5, and I havent played ff3. I didnt like ff1 as it had NO story. The ff2 story was okay, but I dont like the lvling system, and the prices in that game were a living hell.

Del Murder
01-08-2005, 04:47 AM
I liked the story but I found the gameplay tedious.

Captain Maxx Power
01-08-2005, 12:01 PM
I personally didnt like ff1, ff2, and ff5, and I havent played ff3. I didnt like ff1 as it had NO story. The ff2 story was okay, but I dont like the lvling system, and the prices in that game were a living hell.

Do yourself a favour. Never play Dragon Warrior.

01-23-2005, 08:43 PM
I loved FF-2 (DoS) myself. I prefer its leveling system, because you can choose which stats to raise. But thats just me.

01-26-2005, 02:03 AM
I beat ff1 for DOS twice over the week end and i wish they didnt play with the numbers... i was thinking about playing ff2 on it but i dont like how they give u characters rather than u choosing them, i found a nice walkthrough for ff1 on this site and if anyone has one like it for ff2 then ill beat it...

01-26-2005, 04:37 PM
Since I got Dawn of Souls I enjoyed FFII more then ever. I also got the Playstation-version, but there the leveling up is more annoying especially the magic. But for the storyline and the rest I think you should do it. It's really a great game.

Sounds a lot like what I'm thinking. The NES version was okay, and the story and fan translations were great, but the battle system was very tedious since spells were slow with casting and leveled up slowly. In PSX, the music was better and the battles were faster, but the spells still leveled up extremely slowly, and the IMHO sub-par translation made me dislike the PSX version. I think NES version is still somewhat better than the PSX version (especially when there's the fast-forward button with emulators :p), but I don't want to replay the NES version - finishing it once was enough for me. xD

The Dawn of Souls version seems a lot easier and user-friendly. Maybe too much easier, but at last everything levels up quite quickly while getting harder to level up on higher levels. It also seems the translation has got some reworking and the game gave me some pretty good first impressions. I still haven't played FF2 DoS for more than 15 minutes, but I'll try to get to it when I have more time.

To answer the question if FF2 is worth playing, it's probably the worst FF game there is, but that doesn't make it bad. It's a pretty good game with a great and dark story and many innovative features, but the battle system can be a problem. If you can get the DoS version, that one probably has the most enjoyable version of FF2's battle system.