View Full Version : Which Final Fantasy has the most satisfying ending?

12-31-2004, 10:11 PM
I'm just curious what people think.

(EDIT: This was actually supposed to be a poll as well but I forgot to press the right button.)

12-31-2004, 11:41 PM

12-31-2004, 11:59 PM
the 10-2 happy ending was quite satisfying i guess coz the first time i played i didnt get it so when i did get it i was satisfied.

ff9 also i reckon

01-01-2005, 12:43 AM
Final Fantasy VIII.

01-01-2005, 12:50 AM
^-- agreed.

ff8 ended wonderfully^_^

Kawaii Ryűkishi
01-01-2005, 12:52 AM
FFI: The Dawn of Souls translation finally makes sense of the time loop, but it still never explains why the Warriors of Light just showed up out of nowhere holding the four Crystals.

FFII: Resolution for everybody EXCEPT Frioniel, Maria, Guy, and Lionheart. All we get is "This is just the beginning!"

FFIII: No complaints.

FFIV: Awfully good, except it's pretty cheesy that just about everyone ends up becoming the king of his respective country. I'm surprised they didn't show Palom becoming king of Mysidia.

FFV: Very well done, especially how it changes slightly depending upon whether any characters were incapacitated during the final battle.

FFVI: Can't say I like the "watch the Falcon fly over a repetitive landscape from different angles for ten minutes" part, but the way it gives individual acknowledgement to every single character probably makes it the best.

FFVII: Ambiguous, vague, hectic, brief, but somehow still pretty cool.

FFT: Melodrama and doomed fates for everyone!

FFVIII: Incredible atmosphere with the flower field and the parting clouds and the swelling music and all. The camcorder part was fun, too.

FFIX: Great! Awesome! You killed off Vivi? Incre--wait, what? On the plus side, there's a cool FMV reprisal montage with the FF theme playing during the credits, and you get to play blackjack to "The Prelude" when it's all over.

FFX: It was all right. Love that father-son "ya done good kid" hand-slap.

FFX-2: Goodness, I've never actually bothered to finish this game. *loses*

FFTA: Oh, look, Ritz stopped dying her hair. This is some incredible character development!

01-01-2005, 01:27 AM
I am voting IX again. I really LOVE this game... >_<

01-01-2005, 05:48 AM
Final Fantasy VIII :) It was amazing.

Sweet Beloved
01-01-2005, 06:03 AM
FF8 *It touched me* Lol. It had the best ending, no doubt. I mean, FF7 was great but the ending wasn't as great as I thought it would be.

01-01-2005, 07:30 AM
FF8 had the most satisfying ending. (the most "complete" in other words)

Captain Maxx Power
01-01-2005, 12:45 PM
FF8, cos I'm a sucker for happy endings. :cry:

01-01-2005, 04:10 PM
Bearing in mind I've only seen the endings to FFIV, V, VI and IX I believe, I would say my favorite was VI, but I don't recall the endings to IV or V well enough really. I just saw IX last night and it was good overall; some parts were awesifty, some parts were blah.

01-01-2005, 04:28 PM
Honestly..... FF VIII and FF VI are the best for me...

Perfect music for perfect love ending scenes.... and the camcoder makes it even more perfect.

and for FF VI.... the ending showed us very much what happened after then. The Espers are ceased to exist and Terra finally managed to survive because of her choice to live as human being.... people rebulid their home and the newborn signs the new life for the world.... and all!. Too bad it isn't supported by nice FMV like FF VIII.... ;_;

01-01-2005, 08:45 PM
My favourite endings were VIII IX and X. they were fantasticle.

One winged angel of death
01-01-2005, 10:59 PM
can't decide between ff10, ff7, and ff1

01-02-2005, 12:07 AM
How can you say that FFVIII Had a "good" ending, the characters were just lost in the moment of peace, and saw not what what would become of their future... Now that i think about it, no FF had a happy ending...

01-02-2005, 12:12 AM
I'll do a list just like Kishi did.

FFI: I've beat it on NES, WSC and PSX. I like the PSX ending with the beautiful rearranged music, nice background images, Final Fantasy main theme getting a reprise there and still screens of many places, which I like to think that they're showing what happened to those places after the game ended.

FFII: Only beat it on NES. It's quite a short ending, though I like the darkness around it (the Leonhart bit). The Finale theme is nice, but nothing about the ending was especially memorable.

FFIII: I've beat the NES version twice. This is the best ending I've seen in a NES game. There's a starry space with some deep words scrolling through the screen, 10 minutes worth of nice events and Princess Sara :love: and other fun moments.

FFIV: It's a very good ending, though as Kishi said, a bit cheesy. I think the ending of the hard type is a lot better since that one feels much darker for Golbez and Kain. I felt sorry for Golbez when I first saw the hard type's ending.

FFV: Great ending, and you can also make it different by having different characters survive the final battle. Lots of nice scenes, amazing music, and the part where you're travelling the world on a Hiryuu and Chocobos is neat. :)

FFVI: Another excellent ending. Every character gets their own storyline ending, and I felt quite sorry for Shadow. There are many emotional parts in the ending, and the music gets great in the end.

FFT: A pretty good ending. Nice FMV in the end. I feel sorry for Princess Ovelia, though I guess what happened between her and Delita in the end was inevitable and let her finally find peace.

FFVII: A huge and epic FMV ending, which also leaves things quite open. I wonder if Advent Children will make the ending seem better or worse. I always get the chills when Lifestream starts to approach from every direction.

FFVIII: Great ending, and also a very romantic one. Squall notices how he can't survive without his friends, and the blurry images of Rinoa haunting him in a nightmare-style way is almost driving him crazy. Then an orchestral version of Eyes on Me begins to play as Rinoa enters, and the hopeless desert turns into a vast flower field. :p Then there's a cool party and a nice orchestral arrangement of the Final Fantasy main theme and Liberi Fatali theme, and with the peaceful Prelude playing in the background, Squall and Rinoa see a shooting star and kiss. :love:

FFIX: My favorite FF ending. There's so many funny and sad moments that I can't even remember all of them. I was pretty much crying when Zidane and Dagger got separated. Then Kuja turns into a good guy and dies. We get lots of somber scenes in Alexandria. A new performance of "I Want to Be Your Canary", climaxing in an emotional ending where Zidane and Garnet finally get each other. Then a cinematic reprise of the game's FMVs, the lovely Melodies of Life song and an orchestral version of the Final Fantasy main theme. Wow! :D As if that wasn't enough, you get to play Blackjack after watching the ending credits.

FFX: Although the final battle was very annoying, the ending was pretty good. Quite a tragic end for Auron and the Aeons, and just as you thought you've seen enough tragedy, Yuna and Tidus have a sad final moment as Tidus dies. It was cool when the game showed Tidus flying to the Farplane and high-fiving Jecht, and we saw Auron and Braska again, too. The Ending Theme is a great song, and so is Suteki Da Ne. Tidus swimming up after the ending credits looked annoying, though. Square should have just saved that moment for FFX-2.

FFX-2: Depends on the ending. The normal ending is pretty good though makes you want more. The sad farewell scene between Tidus and Yuna (if you can't get the good ending but still whistle in the end) is a good and an emotional moment. The good ending makes FFX's story make more sense in a way, and I like it, though the perfect ending feels a bit pointless. It's not an FMV, and you already saw one happy conclusion with the good ending, so a second happy scene is somewhat redundant. But overall, it's a good ending, and I like the orchestral version of 1000 Words. :)

Uh huh, why does it seem like the ending gets a lot better for me if there's great music playing? :p At any rate, Final Fantasy IX gets my vote as the best ending.

01-02-2005, 12:58 AM
Final Fantasy IX. Although it's not my favourite Final Fantasy, I am of the opinion that it definately had the best ending. Just everything about it combined to great effect in order produce a result that had me on the verge of tears. I walked away from that ending feeling great! :love:

01-02-2005, 02:04 AM
FF8 has the best ending.

01-02-2005, 12:33 PM
I like very much ff8 and ff10 ending. Sad endings always remain in my heart <tear in eye>

01-02-2005, 01:04 PM
I would say FFX-2 has the most satisfying endings, followed by FF 9 and FF8.

Sweet Beloved
01-02-2005, 02:05 PM
:D :D :D The Whole FF8 ended with Selphie and Irvine filming. I couldn't help and laugh at Zell's part! The ending with them together made me happy. I smiled and watched it again and again. :D :D :D

01-08-2005, 01:25 AM
I just saw the ffIX ending today...and, id have to go with either ffIX, ffX, or ffVIII. ffIX was just so sad....made me feel bad about fighting Kuja. ffVIII, a semi-happy ending, actually. Rinoa and Squall kissing was fantastic, and, like someone else said, Zells part rox. Also, the ffX ending....dude, the #%&@$ killed Auron. You #@$%@&#!!!!! And, the Jecht and Tidus part was great!

01-08-2005, 01:40 AM
Final Fantasy 8 and 9. 10's is too sad. :cry:

01-08-2005, 02:40 AM
ive only played 10 and 10-2. and definitely 10-2 is more satisfying.

Kawaii Ryűkishi
01-08-2005, 06:03 AM
Having finished FFX-2, I can now say that its Good Ending is extremely satisfying. I mean, it actually made me smile.

01-08-2005, 06:08 AM
As much as I disliked FFVIII, its ending did best suit the games plot and made you feel like the game was complete. one and nine were good too. Working on two right now, but I don't see it being phenominal.

01-09-2005, 08:17 AM
i don't want to sound all nerdy and stuff but i thought it was kinda blasphemic in FF7 how the spoiler saved the world instead of Aeris' spoiler materia.

01-09-2005, 08:42 AM
I'm such a sissy so I just loved the FF 8 ending, it was perfect with squall smiling, rinoa and squall, flowers and all that, and Seifer smiling (NOT smirking) for the first time in the whole bloody game!!!

I also think that 10 and 7 had amazing endings, (10 ending theme, just blew my mind away!!!!!) but they sure as hell aren't satisfying.... :(
But it was just so pretty with the aeons fading away in the background and Yuna dancing.... and Tidus starting to disappear.........
*starts sobbing... again*

01-26-2005, 11:24 PM
10 is my fave - as i have said before i think in another thread it made me cry
i like 10-2, i for one didnt want ff10 to just be left like that and that ending was very satisfying.
8 is also very cool - i love the camcorder scene, it should have been longer. and 7, well it was such a blur, should have been longer and had yuffie and vincent in if you got them. left me frustrated though (and having to wait 7+ years for a resolve is very difficult).

all the endings i have seen have been good though and made me feel like playing the game was really worth it.