View Full Version : Favorite FF Character of ALL time!

01-19-2005, 07:45 PM
Just started coming on this site and was wondering whos the best character of all time in FF? Im split between Auron and Sephiroth.

i didnt mean to put it in this forum....my bad.

Edit by Kishi: Don't double-post.

I Don't Need A Name
01-19-2005, 08:52 PM
i fink yuna or vivi myself

01-19-2005, 09:08 PM

01-19-2005, 09:25 PM

01-19-2005, 09:34 PM

01-19-2005, 09:59 PM

01-19-2005, 10:25 PM
Treasure Hunter, Locke Cole

01-19-2005, 11:38 PM
if you go by amount of fanart, it'd be either yuna, rinoa, or auron.

I've probably liked auron the longest though. then rinoa, and lately I've found a new attachment to yuna.

01-20-2005, 09:42 AM
Vivi =) Such a sweet little guy.

01-20-2005, 10:47 PM
I cant pick,there's too many good ones! hm........Red Mages,Cecil,Rydia,Faris,Locke,Celes,Vincent,Sephiroth,Squall,Vivi,Freya,and Auron.....in order of the FFs they're from(incase u cant tell)

Ultima Shadow
01-20-2005, 11:00 PM
Wow... ANOTHER ONE! These kind of treads are so common these days that it's getting scary... :cool:

Anyway my fav characterof all time is Shadow from FFVI!!! :cool:

01-20-2005, 11:06 PM

01-22-2005, 12:02 AM
Galuf, Rydia or Gau... Or even Cyan. Too tough to choose between them.

Dante WolfWood
01-22-2005, 12:28 AM
My favourite? ohhh, umm, Gonna have to go with Vincent Valentine from FFVII.

More people would think so if they would have made him a main character instead of hidden so he could have been in main movies and scripts in the game.

01-22-2005, 01:45 AM
Either Vincent or Vivi.

01-22-2005, 04:38 AM
I have a strong attatchment to cloud, but ffVII was my first ff game. squall is pretty cool in that he's so deep and, as odd as it sounds, human. Steiner and Auron both are close, though Auron seems to have more "cool" about him, steiner is a little more bumbling. Sephiroth is awesome as a villian and a general character, tidus is whiny but i would be too if i turned out to be a dream...

01-22-2005, 04:48 AM
squall, right off the bat, he's badass. plus, i like the gunsword, it combines my two most favorite things. that, and Rinoa was hotter than Yuna or Tifa (personal opinion, of course). Auron would be a close second because he drinks alcohol. major kudos for that.

Del Murder
01-22-2005, 11:33 PM
Wow... ANOTHER ONE! These kind of treads are so common these days that it's getting scary... :cool:

Anyway my fav characterof all time is Shadow from FFVI!!! :cool:
Well, this one can be treated as a newbie thread.

Welcome to the site, my favorite character is Terra from FFVI.

01-24-2005, 04:48 PM
hm...i've always liked Squall :D

01-24-2005, 04:59 PM
For me it's always the knights/main characters
5)Dark Cecil with dark wave, not crappy paladin
6)Leonhart (FFII)

But I also love the monks, especially Sabin and Zell


01-24-2005, 05:26 PM
ljkkjlcm9, If you like the FF knights you should read my Knight Battle in the Versus thread. Its pretty long, you can't miss it.

01-25-2005, 01:14 AM
Best FF char....Well, its Auron, he's so damn....well, cool. this will sound abit odd, but he is the BEST char (in my opinion) but NOT my *fave* character, thats another question. Best characters apart from Auron...uh, I really liked Celes, Cloud and Squall...hmm, and (please no-one kill me!) Paine too.


black orb
01-25-2005, 03:15 AM
>>> Auron.
unsent people rule!!..

01-25-2005, 06:05 AM
Black orb, your side comment should be in a spoiler box. Thats not revealed until late in the game and some people haven't played the whole thing.

But yes Auron is a sweet character. He's easy to like because you have to do so little to make him a kickass character. My Kimahri was destructive as hell.

01-25-2005, 11:26 AM
Welcome to the forums, new guy. Names turnitup5000db, I like Kain from FFIV.

01-25-2005, 06:35 PM

01-26-2005, 02:49 AM
yuna,then tidus :D

01-26-2005, 04:48 AM
I have three favorites...I guess i'll list them in order of greatness.
2 Sephiroth
3 Vincent

I guess Vincent is one of my favorites because of his morbid appearance. (and his natural Calmness.) Kefka would have to be my favorite because I think so much like him (I am NOT kidding.). Although, that might be because I have the mind of a psychopathic killer. (i'm in one of my Homicidal moods today.)
Those of you who are afraid of me are doing the right thing.

Azure Chrysanthemum
01-26-2005, 07:26 AM
Kefka, of course.

Though I must say I am also quite fond of Ramza Beoulve. The fact that he's always trying to do whats best for everyone and not out for personal gain in a world that is very much about gaining more power is quite interesting indeed.

01-26-2005, 05:10 PM

01-26-2005, 11:10 PM
urgh this is so hard

ok cloud is my absolute fave but my top 5 are:

1: cloud
2: yuna
3: selphie
4: yuffie
5: tidus

02-14-2005, 11:44 AM
Sephiroth. ffvii would be lost without him.

02-15-2005, 12:23 AM
1. Cloud
2. Vincent
3. Cid Highwind
4. Squall
5. Auron
6. Irvine Kinneas

02-15-2005, 01:05 AM

Julia Caraway is such an obvious choice!


Julia behind her piano.

02-15-2005, 01:16 AM
I'll not mention Kekfa, and cite nominating only playable characters as the reason, so as to make it harder on myself :p

I believe it's easier for me to list my favorite characters from each game, so here goes:

FF1 - Light Warrior (I crack myself up)
FF IV - Either Rydia or Tellah. Or Kain. I like 'em all. It's a difficult choice.
FFVI - Not. Even. Going. To. Try.
FVII - Cid, and then Red XIII.
FFVIII - Bah (don't get me wrong - love the game, but none of the characters stick out)
FFIX - Vivi, for sure. It's the easiest choice to make, and he's one of my favorite FF characters in the history of the series.
FFX - Gah
FFX-2 - I have a belly button

I didn't list characters from FF2 because none of them were really memorable to me, and FF5 for no reason at all.

I'd likely experience an aneurism if I attempted to narrow down the choices to one for each respective game, let alone make that decision for the entire series, so that's the best you're going to get from me.

02-15-2005, 04:26 AM
FFIV- Tellah is cool
FFV- I like Lenna
FFVI- Locke, Kefka
FFVII- Yuffie, Cid/Vincent

Anyways out of them all Yuffie is my fav... don't know exactly way... just a likable character I guess.

02-15-2005, 06:20 AM
Vivi vivi vivi vivi vivi vivi vivi vivi vivi vivi VIVI! :D

Snap Jumper
02-15-2005, 09:43 PM
Terra and Tifa.

02-15-2005, 10:05 PM
FFVI - Celes, Locke
FFVII - Tifa, Vincent
FFVIII - Squall, Rinoa
FFIX - Freya, Beatrix
FFX - Lulu, Tidus
FFX-2 - Yuna

02-16-2005, 08:30 AM
hmm...well according to my name.

FFII - Firion
FFIV- Kain, Edge, Rydia
FFV - Lenna
FFIV - Edgar, Celes, Shadow
FFVII - Ahh, Aeris...It had to happen didn't it. Vincent, Cloud
FFIV - Freya, Vivi, Blank....whoops i meant to do 8
FFVIII - Quistis i guess, and Rinoa

02-23-2005, 05:22 PM
yuna,of corse!*points to avatar* :D

super sayin Tidus
02-23-2005, 06:32 PM
Am going to have to say Tidus :)

02-25-2005, 01:02 AM
Lulu is pretty kewl but..i like paine too..i also like rydia...and kairi..

OHH! I LUV SEPHY! (i dont really LUV him..i just think he is extremely awesomely cool)(in KH)EVILNESS!WAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!!!!!!

02-25-2005, 01:36 AM
1. squall
2. locke
3. vivi
4. T.G. Cid (FFT)
5. seifer

02-25-2005, 05:55 AM
Celes followed by Beatrix.

02-25-2005, 06:05 AM
Definitely one of the creepy random dancers in FFIV.

02-25-2005, 06:42 PM
FF1 - Kraken
FF2 - Gordon, Leon/Lionheart
FF3 - Desh, Medusa, Kraken
FF4 - Edward, Kain, Calbrena
FF5 - Bartz, Halycanos, Necrophobia
FF6 - Mog, Sabin
FF7 - Vincent
FF8 - Seifer, Raijin, Zell
FF9 - Amarant, Brahne
FF10 - Yuna, Tromell, Gippal

03-03-2005, 02:53 PM
Wow, am I the only one?


03-03-2005, 08:12 PM
I can't pick just one, so I'll list my favorite guys and girls my from each FF that I've played.

FFIV = Rydia, Kain
FFVI = Terra, Mog :mog:
FFVII = Aeris, Cait Sith
FFVIII = Quistis, Seifer
FFIX = Eiko, Zidane
FFX = Rikku, Kimahri
FFX-2 = Rikku, Shuyin

03-30-2005, 12:12 PM
Steiner with attack and enchanted attack all will bow down
Summoners and gunners{Yuna}

03-30-2005, 12:36 PM
VI-Shadow, Celes, Gogo, and Locke
VII-Vincent, Cloud, Yuffie, and Tifa
VIII-Squall and Irvine
IX- Quina
X-Auron and Lulu!!!!!
X-2-Paine and Lulu!!!!!!!!!!!!

Spiffing Cheese
03-30-2005, 01:37 PM
Can't be bothered to put them in game order...

1. Tidus
2. Cloud
3. Auron
4. Kraken
5. Sephiroth
6. Seymour

03-30-2005, 02:28 PM
Terra, I just like her more and more each time I play through the game.

03-30-2005, 07:50 PM

12-21-2005, 08:32 PM
Barret is the best!!!

Nightmare X
12-21-2005, 08:49 PM
Kefka Palazzo, hands down.

12-21-2005, 09:22 PM
FFI: No one has any character
FFT: Ramza, Wiegraf, Vormav, Delita
FFVII: Cloud, Sephiroth, Tifa, Yuffie
FFVIII: Squall, Rinoa, Zell, Laguna, Seifer, Quistis
FFIX: Zidane, Vivi, Kuja
FFX: Auron, Wakka, Rikku
FFX-2: Yuna or Rikku



12-21-2005, 09:24 PM
This one has plenty of favorites.

Too many, really... :D

So, let's see... best... favorite... UUUUUUUUUUUUMMMMMMMMMMMMM...

1) Kefka.

-his lines, his psycotic attitude, and his everything. Yup. I just luff Kefka, except I'm sorta afraid of clowns. why? HIM. I keep thinkin' they're going to blow up the world and get rid of grass.

2) Edgar.

-do you have to ask me why I love Edgar? He's a perv, he's true to his friends, he loves his brother enough to set him free, he's sexy... I mean, Edgar's cute for a pixilated version of my ex-fiancee.

3) Aerith.

-gotta love the pure in heart who don't underdress themselves. She's not the purest Final Fantasy heroine, but to me, she's the most important. The last of her race, she went out like a champ. Though I cried.

4) ...umm, everyone else. Top contenders are Rydia, Cecil, Tellah, the Red Mage, Ramza, Auron, Sephiroth, and... *winces* Don't kill me! Paine.

Little Blue
12-21-2005, 11:37 PM
Er.. playable characters: Auron, Vivi, Kimahri, Paine
Non playable: Maechen, Mika, Lenne

12-22-2005, 12:34 AM
I like Sabin the most. Kain and Zidane are cool too though.

12-22-2005, 02:06 AM
I have so many that I am going to cheat and sub-categorise them...

Favourite Hero... - Cloud
Favourite Heroine... - Yuna
Favourite Characters (not leading heros) ... - Vivi, Rikku, Auron
Favourite Lovers... - Zidane & Garnet

I can go on forever I shall stop typing......

12-22-2005, 02:21 AM
Yuna for sure.

12-22-2005, 02:28 AM
I like Amarant and Quina and the whole group of Tantalus

Rocket Edge
12-22-2005, 10:19 PM
mine was squall, i think admiring the main character majorly infleuenced me in liking 8 the best.

12-22-2005, 10:21 PM

12-22-2005, 10:49 PM
orlandu he is da bomb

Neco Arc
12-23-2005, 10:24 AM
hmm... most favourite would be either Terra or Celes

or maybe Mukki and Palmer...

12-23-2005, 11:09 AM
Bartz or Cid ( FFVII )

12-23-2005, 08:48 PM

Nick Schovitz
12-23-2005, 08:51 PM
Squall is no doubt the best.

Ashley Schovitz
12-23-2005, 09:22 PM
Lani is Queeen!

Black Mage
12-23-2005, 10:23 PM

Then Galuf.

12-23-2005, 10:25 PM
The most badass FF character of all time has to be Sephiroth....

Sephiroth could make people piss down their leg just by glancing at them, the bad could casterate you with a rusty spoon for christ's sake, This proves that Cloud is also very badass, but he just didn't strike the fear that Sephiroth did.

12-23-2005, 10:38 PM
Each thread has a date. Please note it before reviving long dead threads.