View Full Version : KoRn

01-26-2005, 06:34 AM
Korn is great, simple and true
Rock on

01-26-2005, 10:06 AM
If they were THAT great, they wouldn't need people to tell others that. :D

boris no no
01-26-2005, 01:13 PM
they were good until they did follow the leader and i won't even talk about issues
korn and life is peachy are amazing!

01-26-2005, 02:56 PM
If they were THAT great, they wouldn't need people to tell others that. :D
You don't know a lot about the music industry, do you?

01-26-2005, 03:19 PM
I liked KoRn when I was in highschool, don't really care for them anymore.

Crazy the Clown
01-26-2005, 03:25 PM
Klearly Overrated Rock Nuisances. That's what KoRn stands for.*

*-Purely speculation on my part. Make your own theories.

Pure Strife
01-26-2005, 05:50 PM
I liked KoRn when I was in highschool, don't really care for them anymore.

Yar, back in the days of the angst and the parent-railing, KoRn was a much enjoyed band. Now tis just not my thing.

01-26-2005, 06:04 PM
I was a pretty big Korn fan a few years ago. I even went to a concert.

My tastes have changed. I tried listening to one of the CDs a little while back and I just couldn't stand it.

Tokki Wartooth
01-26-2005, 06:20 PM
Korn is the Linkin Park of NuMetal. Hey wait.

01-26-2005, 06:21 PM
I used to listen to them pretty heavy in middle and high school.

Now I listen to 60's/70's rock. Quite a transition there, I'd say.

01-26-2005, 08:02 PM
KoRn really get on my nerves. I used to listen to them but i got really annoyed with the constant anger in there songs. Also there a bit crap. Not as bad as slipknot who are so bad. Actually any goth/grungy music is filth. People like Coldplay and the streets are great. But..........theres only one god of music and that is Finley Quaye. Hes so brilliant.Cant disgrace Finley Quaye

01-27-2005, 01:01 AM
I like Korn, but I agree that Issues was definately not a good CD--they got too creepy and slow, and they didn't seem to put much energy into it. Follow The Leader was great overall IMO, but the last few songs sucked, and the twelve 5-second silence tracks at the beginning bugged me.

The constant anger is kind of tiring--which is why I stop listening at that point and put in a different artist. Better yet, I burn a CD with a few strategically placed Korn songs.

Their greatest hits CD is excellent (except for the songs from Issues). J.D.'s vocals and Korn's style made me appreciate just how powerful Another Brick In The Wall could be. Overall, I'd say the best albums are Take A Look In The Mirror and Greatest Hits.

Many people on this thread don't like Korn. Is it safe for me to assume that you don't like Korn at least in part because you don't like the genre? Or in some cases, because the band has "expired" for you? (By which I mean they got old and you found a different artist.)

01-27-2005, 01:05 AM
They're pretty good - I think they just get a lot of <img src=http://forums.eyesonff.com/images/smilies/rpg_009.gif><img src=http://forums.eyesonff.com/images/smilies/rpg_009.gif><img src=http://forums.eyesonff.com/images/smilies/rpg_009.gif><img src=http://forums.eyesonff.com/images/smilies/rpg_009.gif> for paving the way for the likes of Linkin Park. People always seem to blame a band when everyone copies them, instead of the ones doing the copying. I don't get it.

Calling their rendition of Another Brick in the Wall pt. 1+3 (I hate part 2) more powerful than the original is damn near blasphemy, though. "Powerful" does NOT mean "has lots of bass".

01-27-2005, 01:13 AM
Good points.

When I said "more powerful", I was thinking about the vocals, and the emotion in them. The original artist seemed more... calm... while singing, while Davis seemed more... anguished and angry. (I'm having a hard time finding the right words to describe it, in case you hadn't noticed.)

I've never heard the song split up into its parts before, I always heard just the whole thing. Could you give me a rough idea where each part begins and ends?

01-27-2005, 02:40 AM
follow the leader has got to be my favorite. I like the pre '00 korn much more than the later stuff. Its just got something that the newer cds dont have. Dont ask me what it is, it just has IT. I did enjoy Live at CBGB's though. Now if i could just find a copy of Korn Live...

p.s.- i'm in high school

01-27-2005, 02:52 AM
Korn is alright some of there songs can be Pure <img src=http://forums.eyesonff.com/images/smilies/rpg_009.gif><img src=http://forums.eyesonff.com/images/smilies/rpg_009.gif><img src=http://forums.eyesonff.com/images/smilies/rpg_009.gif><img src=http://forums.eyesonff.com/images/smilies/rpg_009.gif> and some can Be a pure bucket of goodness.

01-27-2005, 02:56 AM
I like `em. They're not my favorite band in the world, but their music is, or was different, and easily distinguishable. I don't particular care for the latest cd, but that's fine---I just won't buy it. Anyways, they've done some pretty awesome, unique songs, and I respect, and enjoy them for that.


01-27-2005, 03:44 PM
Untouchables wasn't so hot, that's it.
I got into them, then a lot of other metal bands, around when Follow The Leader came out. I was all "Oh, cartoon music video. *watch*"