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Dingo Jellybean
01-30-2005, 07:00 AM
Where do you work? How much do you make an hour? How many hours do you work? Do you enjoy it? Like your co-workers? The environment?

Stuff like that. You don't have to quote those questions and answer them one by one like some tend to do. I returned to being a cashier a few weeks ago. I'm making 30 cents more an hour($13.40) than I did when I quit. This is why we have Unions. I still think it's a bit high, but what the hell...not like I'm complaining. I've been with Safeway(counting the extended leave) since April 2002. When I first got the job, I made $9.10/hr, working 40-56 hours a week. Now I work around 20-30 hours a week, a nice balance to being a part-time student(9 credits). Last semester I took 14 credits(full-time is 12), so that clashed a bit with work.

I like my co-workers though, they're the ones who brighten my day(though I never tell them that, since I gotta look cool)...as well as some of the customers. One thing about being a cashier is that you have to do a lot of pride swallowing. I've taken hundreds of tongue lashings from people blaming me for things not of my responsibility, and it pains me to do the normal routine of being nice to them after I finish bagging their groceries(E.G.: "You need help with your bags? Alright, take care.")...because you never know if it's one of those Safeway Shoppers that tests cashiers. When I first worked at Safeway, I lashed out at a few people...but after a while you develop tough, thick skin. It'll probably help me deal with high school students when I teach them later on...who knows.

01-30-2005, 07:08 AM
Pop's Club, $8.05/hr (ten cents more than when I started), ~10 hrs/week, it's ok ^_^

01-30-2005, 07:08 AM
Where do you work?
I don't.

How much do you make an hour?

How many hours do you work?

Do you enjoy it?
Yes, although I can't keep it up for much longer.

Like your co-workers?

The environment?
It's nice. I get up at 10:30am and do nothing until I go to sleep.

Del Murder
01-30-2005, 07:09 AM
I was going to post for real but how can you follow that?

01-30-2005, 07:24 AM
Anything goes!

Dr Unne
01-30-2005, 07:41 AM
I work tech support for a satellite company. I loathe it with every fiber of my being. I loathe customers, I loathe television, and I loathe talking to customers about their television. I don't like most of the people I work with, but some are nice; the nice to not-nice ratio is in my estimation approximately 1:25. My workplace is right in the middle of the ghetto. It's filthy and loud and ugly and smelly and the whole city should be burned to the ground and repopulated with trees and squirrels. I make not quite enough money to support myself, even with the low cost of living around here. I work 40-48 hours per week, depending upon whether I am scheduled for mandatory overtime against my will, which is generally once every four weeks.

Could be worse though.

01-30-2005, 07:49 AM
My first job!
I work at IGA and well...i do a bit of everything...Checkout... Deli...Restocking..etc....
I'm not even sure what i get paid yet! ( i just started and on wednesday i get my first pay!) so im gonna work it out then...
Well im not quite sure yet but in about 2 weeks ive worked 12 hours...
yeah i like it but more so when ive got someone else there with me...
only know a few but yeah they are good
The environment is great! The people are nice,shop is always clean etc...
overall its a great place to work!

01-30-2005, 08:29 AM
Where do you work? How much do you make an hour? How many hours do you work? Do you enjoy it? Like your co-workers? The environment?

I work in an office. We design and print various things, including business cards, booklets and leaflets. I receive a good wage for my age, and I have plenty left over at the end of the week which goes directly into my savings account. I work for eight hours a day, five days a week (Monday to Friday). However, we nearly always finish a couple of hours early during the Spring/Summer months - and we still get paid 'till five.

I enjoy it most of the time, but it can get a little hectic during the Winter months. My co-workers usually annoy me, and I don't get along with them too well. I usually keep myself to myself - it's the best way to be, in my opinion.

01-30-2005, 04:16 PM
Where do you work? How much do you make an hour? How many hours do you work? Do you enjoy it? Like your co-workers? The environment?

I work at the newsagents near my house, only on a Saturday though. Only £3.50 an hour and 5 and a half hours. I love it very much, I don't have to work loads of hours so I have time for college work. One of my co-workers is my best friend so yes, I like her, another is a good friend and her mum, and one is my other friends' nan. It's a great job.

01-30-2005, 05:04 PM
I don't have a job now, but during the summer I worked as an order picker in some wearhouse, I got 6.25 an hour and worked 40 hours a week. That's an extra $2 a day over the minimum wage! :eek: :eek: :eek:
My coworkers were a bunch of drug doing, cocacola(one of the things we distributed) stealing, hooker buying freaks. Weren't half bad some of the time. And it was easy work so I didn't really mind it, I might try to get it again after this semester, because it was a nice stable job, I was techically part time, but I still worked full time hours and from 7:30 to 4 everyday because there's no shifts or anything.

boris no no
01-30-2005, 05:26 PM
i work at Focus DIY
i get £5.15 an hour which is great!! :D
i'm on the customer servise desk though so i always get annoying people shouting at me because their mower blew up.
i love the people i work with! two of them i've known since i was 4 and the rest are really cool!! except carol the manager....i hate her.
an extra plus the line manager has such a hot ass!! me and the other girls always just stand and watch him walk!!....mmmmmmm
i do 14 hours a week at the mo but i have been on as low as 9 and as high as 35 depends if i'm off uni!
only prob is our new uniforms... they're light blue with bright yellow sleves...we look like horse jockies. :(
otherwise i love it! :love:

01-30-2005, 05:30 PM
i mug old ladies. to some it would seem starnge and cruel but i enjoy it. I can work anywhere from an hour to all night! Its a good trade and theres always work.

Citizen Bleys
01-30-2005, 05:48 PM
I work for Bell Sympatico technical support, serving Ontario and Quebec, and it has caused my hatred for humanity to increase exponentially.

I make $11.30/hr, and work anywhere from 34-48 hours per week, depending on the whim of some mad punk sitting in a locked office playing Game Boy all day, the people I talk to are too stupid to be allowed access to air, let alone high tech equipment, and my co-workers are the biggest pack of clowns that can be found outside of the House of Commons.

All I can say good about my job is that it's better than jobs working in fast food or shovelling excrement.

01-30-2005, 06:44 PM
I'm at college at the moment finishing a course, so I'm only working part-time which is at a supermarket on the checkout. -_- I make just over £5 an hour, I don't know it in dollars.. I work there 12 hours a week. It's a pretty boring job, but it's okay. It's nice when you get friendly people who compliment you and say thank you and stuff. It's just a pretty repetitive job and it gets achey. I like the environment definately. Some of my co-workers are quite nice, others I don't like so much. There's millions of different staff there though and I'm not close to anyone.

I also do work one day a week for a web design company which I enjoy lots because I get to make websites. =D I don't get paid though, at the moment, although they paid me in the holidays before.. I stay there about 8 hours, but the time goes really quickly. My co-workers there are awesome, four guys and they are all friendly and funny and always having a laugh. The environment is so relaxed, you can basically wear what you want, go on the net or do what you want, go to the shop whenever you want, just do whatever really. It's great. I hope I'll be able to work there full time soon. ^_^;;

01-30-2005, 06:57 PM
Hmmm, I work 52 hours a week (7-5 monday through friday minus a half hour lunch and 8-12 saturday).

I work at North Iowa Lumber and Design, Inc. and my official position is lumberyard foreman. We basically have what we call up front and out back which is the office/sales and the actual lumberyard part. I'm in charge of the out back and have 2 or 3 employees under me (the whole place employs 10 people). I'm in charge of everything from vehicle mantainence to getting delveries out (and I have to take my share of deliveries myself), to keeping everyone busy when there is down time.

As for my co workers, I generally get along with and like most of them. The lumberyard manager (who would be second in command only behind the owner himself) is really hard to get along with. He's just not a people person. I think he means well, but he'll end up pissing you off more often than not. If you can get it in your head to just let it go in one ear and out the other, it's tolerable. The guys in the office are good guys and the owner is okay when he decides to talk to you. I don't deal with him much but he signs the checks so I try to keep a good relationship with him. As for out back, my area, the newest guy we have is a pain in the ass most of the time. He likes to think he's more important than he is, doesn't really listen to what I tell him, decides to do things that he didn't have permission to do and wouldn't have received permission to do if he asked, and to top it all off, he's a person I wouldn't get along with if I knew him outside of work. But since I have to work with him for so many hours in the week, I usually bottle up my annoyance with him and get along with him as best I can. The other two guys are fine. The only other employee I haven't covered is the secretary (though don't call her a secretary, she will become furious). She's a complete bitch and can't do her job to save her life. Two years a row a few employees lost a complete weeks worth of pay because of something she did. The worst thing is that she doesn't even understand what she did wrong. It's all very complicated how this happened so I won't explain it here. Anyway, I think I could do her job 100 times better than her. I don't know what she is making, but I imagine it is a lot more than me. I don't like her.

The work itself is okay on some days, and really bad on others. You really never know what the day is going to hold until you get there and it starts happening. A lot of it relies on what type of deliveries come up. We keep very busy with a few big time contractors and sometimes it's a little hectic. All in all, I'd say I enjoy the job a lot more than I did even a year ago. This is due mainly to a couple people quitting last April that really caused a lot of problems (one of them being the foreman who's job was given to me.)

Anyway, not likely that anyone read through all that, so I'll quit typing.

black orb
01-30-2005, 07:41 PM
>>> Unemployment = the story of my life.

01-30-2005, 08:31 PM
I currently work at Sears of the Asheville Mall as a Merchandise and Customer Assist. I re-stock clothes, help decide where the clothes go on the floor, straighten the clothes, help customers find clothes, answer phones, and from time to time help in the checkout. I have worked there for three months, and I'll tell you now in all honesty I could do the job of my superiors. I make $6.55/hour and am technically part time. During the holidays, I worked over forty hours a week at some points, and now I've been cut to 12.5 to 15 per week. This will never do, and as I type this I'm filling out other job applications ONE FOR THE LOCAL NEWSPAPER OH I WANT IT BADLY.

My co-workers are nice enough, but VERY gossipy, and VERY lazy. I mean, at home I'm lazy as the dickens but I understand that when I get to work business is business and bust my tail end. There are some people I work with who call in sick at least once a week, wander around the store and talk to their friends when they do work, and take several breaks during their workday.

I don't understand why no one fires them.

Dragon Ash
01-30-2005, 08:49 PM
I used to work at Safeway as a cashier! But they pay me more at BT (£5.50.) Well actually I work for an agency called Manpower but if any of you Brits have a fault on your BT line you can call up and shout at me! Whereupon I will immediately tell you to go f**k yourself.

Have a nice day! :D

Clouded Sky
01-30-2005, 08:53 PM
i work at a dairy queen. it sucks. major. i make $5.75/hour. it sucks major. my coworkers are all the highschoolers who drink and smoke. they suck. major. i can't wait until i don't need it

01-30-2005, 09:09 PM
i dont work! yet anyway.. :D
ahhh its gud being young n_n

01-30-2005, 09:32 PM
Where do you work?
I'm unemployed, but I am currently attending East Central University as a fulltime student, and since I technically end up getting paid for it... :greenie:

How much do you make an hour?
I'm getting about $2500 this semester in cash, so divide that by 13 hours a week. :p

How many hours do you work?
3 Monday, 2.5 Tuesday, 3 Wednesday, 1.5 Thursday, and 3 Friday. :p

Do you enjoy it?
Certain class sessions, yes. The only one I can't stand is my Composition II class. People act like middle schoolers in there.

Like your co-workers?
All but the idiotic ones that act like middle schoolers, and the racist ones. That leaves about 10 people.

The environment?
I hate the city it's located in, I hate the state the city is located in, and I dislike the region of the country the state is located in. The campus itself is alright though...far nicer than anywhere else around it.

Anyway, not likely that anyone read through all that, so I'll quit typing.
I did. :)

01-30-2005, 10:00 PM
Halifax Bank, im a cleaner :mad: its not really that bad though! cus i work 2 hours every week day, i come in when the staff go home, and i clean, not supervised or anything, and when ive done, i just go home! even if ive only worked for 1 hour, aslong as its all done i can go home and still get paid for 2 hours! :D how cool! plus i get anything cool i find in the bin, i can knick chocys now and again (they get massive tins of em) and i get to use the coffee machine :D my job rules!

The Captain
01-30-2005, 10:11 PM
I've been splitting my time lately between a few jobs and college, though I'll probably be devoting more of my time to my studies than to working for the next couple of months.

For two years now, I've been working part-time at a local bookstore in a local mall, though my job has become more about running interference between my co-workers and the mall big wigs, which is not always fun, but is needed in certain situations. The pay isn't bad, but for most of the year, the hours aren't very abundant.

Also, for the last two summers, I've been working as a Utility and Technician for CBS at the US Open Tennis Tournament and for the beginning of the NFL seasons. Though this job lasts only about a month, it's very intense, since we're basically setting up the equipment for broadcast, and it gives me a very great chance to see the behind the scenes interworkings of sports and TV in general.

I've also begun to gain access to various internships, both in TV and in the film industry, in front of the camera as well as in in production and postproduction, though for now I have not accepted any of them because I still need to finish off required courses in college. Hopefully in the coming year or so, I'll be able to find an internship that can help me grow and further develop whatever skills I may have or will learn in the near future.

All in all, the work I've been fortunate enough to participate in has been rewarding, and I've become better prepared for potential careers in various fields as well as a better person thanks to the constant interaction and education from those around me.

Take care all.

01-30-2005, 10:52 PM
Only work part-time at an Italian restaurant. I get $8 an hour, without tax, but I only work 2 nights a week. And sometimes only for 2 hours a night. I don't really have any co-workers - I'm basically the only waittress. I generally hate the bosses and the customers that go there, so I basically hate this job, heh.

Mr. Graves
01-30-2005, 11:35 PM
I work as janitorial worker at UPS. I get paid about $10.80/hr, and I get a raise this weekend, so it'll go up to exactly, $11.30/hr, sans tax deductions. I work 25 hours per wee, and I don't really enjoy it. I don't really hate it either, since the pay is good. I don't want to work there my entire life, hence why I'm going to college full-time at well.

No, I don't really like my co-workers as a whole, but what can you do? There are a few that are cool, but the rest have major personality flaws, as well a few of them being trailer trash in every sense of the term. The general environment is one of filth, which I guess is why I'm hired. You see really nasty stuff in my line of work, but I have a strong stomach so I have no problems taking it all in stride for the most part. And it's in southeast Michigan, which is a rather crappy area in and of iitself. The general environment coould be a lot better. :P

01-31-2005, 03:04 AM
When at the university I make $0 and work (go to class and study) around 30 hours a week.

01-31-2005, 09:31 AM
[QUOTE]I'm at college at the moment doing a course, so I'm only working part-time which is at a supermarket on the checkout. -_- I make just over £5 an hour, I don't know it in dollars.. I work there 12 hours a week. It's a pretty boring job, but it's okay. It's nice when you get friendly people who compliment you and say thank you and stuff. It's just a pretty repetitive job and it gets achey. I like the environment definately. Some of my co-workers are quite nice, others I don't like so much. There's millions of different staff thereQUOTE]

Same, except I make less money than that. I earn about £3.85 a hour.
Which is (according to xe.com) about $7.
I'm close to some of them, but that's only cause I knew them before I worked there or because we just get on. I wouldn't hang out with them though.

01-31-2005, 10:57 AM
Where do you work? How much do you make an hour? How many hours do you work? Do you enjoy it? Like your co-workers? The environment?

Special status (civil servant/teacher in training) which pretty much means I'm paid to study. I make 1309 euros a month, I have 12 hours of class per week now (second year of my Master in CS, M2 for people in Europe). I enjoy it better than Economics and MBA I had the past three years, and people are overall nice. Environment is pretty good aswell.

You can start hating me now :p