View Full Version : White Mage help!

01-31-2005, 10:06 PM
Hello I need to know how to be a good white mage. Like all the things I should be doing so I wont seem like such an ammature in pt's at this job. Like anything that involves the ttitude, spell casting, what order I should do my spells in. Im n00bish in this class

Citizen Bleys
01-31-2005, 10:54 PM
Don't melee, keep all your spells handy (i.e., if you're going levelling, have your scrolls for at least thenext level in your inventory), use food and for God's sake give the tank priority in healing unless someone's right about to die.

Oh yeah: Use barspells. Barfira makes a huge difference against gobbies.

EDIT: And if you party with a bard post-25, make sure you stand near the blm, smn, or any other mages. Try to stay on the pld's side of the melee, too. Makes it a lot easier to keep Ballad on, and cooperative mages get Etudes.

01-31-2005, 11:52 PM
Always keep up the buffs on your party (Protectra & Shellra) and have some sort of macro that let's the party know you're going to buff so they have a chance to gather around. If there isn't a RDM in the party you MUST start the battle by casting Dia, Paralyze and Slow. These three spells will save you a lot of trouble in the end.

Try not to use higher level cures unless it's really necessary (someone drops into the red) since you'll draw considerable hate. Cure I should be your main spell all the way through the Dunes. Never use Curaga during a fight unless you're party is on the brink of death. And even then you should use Benediction to save your party, not Curaga. After the fight, heal all the melees before resting up yourself. If your entire party is pretty low in HP after the battle use Divine Seal + Curaga to heal everyone up.

Keep your distance from the actual fight and stay back with the other mages. Know who your first and secondary tanks are and always give them priority when healing. If you draw hate, don't go running about, but stand still and give the melees a chance to regain hate. And don't try and heal yourself when you draw hate, that'll only make things worse.

USE FOOD. Roast mushrooms and pies are great for WHMs.

Know your macros well, it would be a very bad thing to hit the macro for Benediction when you were intending to cast Dia. I use < stpc > and select from the F-keys to target my party members and heal, but there are other methods of healing. < stpc > is just my way of doing things.

Another important thing, don't ever go AFK without notifying your party. That would be bad.

02-01-2005, 02:02 AM
What the above person said, and in addition you can talk to me in-game if you need help.

02-14-2005, 07:25 PM
Yes, what the above person said

02-15-2005, 03:39 AM
Also, make sure you set your macros right. Don't use benediction unless you ABSOLUTELY have to. Benediction draws the second most hate of any attack/skill/spell/etc. in the game (Invincible being first), so unless you know that your party will be able to kill the mob before it kills you, just let one person die rather your whole party. White mages are ALWAYS wanted (pretty much, the only time I chose two RDMs over a WHM was when the only WHM available was a GAL at level 11 in the dunes.) in parties, so you shouldn't have any trouble as long as you can play well. Don't waste money on spells you don't need, half of the Bar- spells are pretty much pointless, I can't really think of any others at the moment.

02-15-2005, 05:31 AM
Galkas with Astrals are actually super @_@

Benediction at low lvls = death. Benediction at high lvls = a curaga =/ Its nothing special up there anymore..rarely does it happen =/ It only draws hate when you heal though so if you heal 10 hp no hate will come

02-24-2005, 11:39 AM
Hello I need to know how to be a good white mage. Like all the things I should be doing so I wont seem like such an ammature in pt's at this job. Like anything that involves the ttitude, spell casting, what order I should do my spells in. Im n00bish in this class
get yuna to learn hastega and curaga and stuff like that then go round lulus path on the sphere grid and she has a lot of mana spheres to increase your mp

Citizen Bleys
02-24-2005, 12:59 PM

02-24-2005, 04:03 PM

02-24-2005, 06:32 PM
I can't tell if he's serious or if that was supposed to be a joke.

02-24-2005, 09:36 PM
get yuna to learn hastega and curaga and stuff like that then go round lulus path on the sphere grid and she has a lot of mana spheres to increase your mp