View Full Version : Nosferatu

02-07-2005, 01:49 AM
I recently bought the old silent era film Nosferatu on DVD for about five bucks. I thought it was pretty good considering how freaking old it was. The music was kind of wierd, it would always switch between speeky violin music to jazzy drumbeats, not really much of a consistancy.
But other then that i thought it was a rather interesting film.
Has anyone else seen it? What did you think of it?

Lord Chainsaw
02-09-2005, 07:20 PM
I thought it was pretty neat how they innovated the tale of Dracula by adding in the rats and plague as symbolisms untouched upon by Bram Stoker in the original novel.

I've seen both Symphony of Horrors and the 1970's remake Phantom der Nacht.

Schrek was a very creepy Dracula/Count Orlokk, but I much preferred Klaus Kinski as the nosferatu in the remake. That's not to say Schrek was bad, it is just that Kinski is one of my favorite Draculas of all time.

Good movie, I'd give Symphony an 8/10 and a 7/10 to the remake.