View Full Version : "Quicken" the levelling up process

02-08-2005, 05:42 PM
I don't know if anyone else has discovered this yet or not, but last night I discovered a ridiculously easy way to level up moogles and Nu Mou. If you have one of these combinations of party members, you can make this trick work:
Nu MouX2
Moogle and Nu Mou

First, the moogle(s) must know either Smile (Juggler A-ability) or Quicken (Time mage A-ability) and the Nu Mou must know Quicken.

All you have to do is enter an engagement with at least two of these guys, and when it becomes the turn of one of them, use your Smile/Quicken on the other one. Then, on the other one's turn, use Smile/Quicken back on the first. If you shift back and forth like this for many turns, the exp really piles up. This is an insanely easy way to level up characters, and I guess that's why they didn't make a quicken type ability for all races, lol. Keep in mind that for lower-level characters, the exp will be substantially greater than for higher-level users. But if both users have the same level, they will each get 10exp per turn.

Another thing you ought to consider is what class you want your character to level up in. I levelled up two Mog Knights like this, and got a couple of high-attack moogles out of it. Keep your stats in mind when you level up. My speed, magic, etc. were high on my moogles, so I levelled mine up for attack, but that approach isn't necessarily best in every case. You may want your moogles/nu mou to be faster, have higher magical attack, etc. so be sure the character is in a class that gains high stats in the area you want. If you're not sure which class is best, check out one of the faqs at www.gamefaqs.com under the final fantasy tactics advance page.

Let me know if this technique helps anybody. Or if you think I've just cheapened the Moogles and Nu Mou into little exp-grubbing maniacs, you're free to tell me that, too. :P

02-08-2005, 08:01 PM
Hey, neat trick. Although, it's really only effective for Moogles. Quick takes a heap of MP to use (24?), and you'll run out before you get a decent amount of XP. Smile, on the other hand, requires no MP to use.

02-09-2005, 07:58 PM
True, it's easier to use on moogles. But if you have the half MP support ability equipped on your nu mou, the MP don't decrease too much. It's even better if he's an alchemist while you're levelling him up. Not only do the alchemists get the highest number of MP raises per level (8-9 points) but they also have the "item" a-ability built right in. If you really wanted to build up some high mp levels, make your nu mou an alchemist and if he gets low on mp while you're quickening, get him to use some ether on himself. You'll have to break your chain for a round, but that's really not that big of a deal if you can handle whatever enemies you've engaged.

03-09-2005, 04:09 AM
Oh, just so you know, this is useful for more than just gaining exp. If you have two Moogles with Smile, they can use smile on each other and move to anywhere on the field. You can move the two Moogles anywhere you want for things like a well placed Ultima Charge or even a combo move. If you are annoyed by "Defeat the Boss" missions, just Smile the Moogles into place near the boss and use a combo move. If the Moogles are a decent level at all, you will take the boss out with a single 10JP combo easily. If they aren't a decent level, have them keep up the Smile chain until they are :D . If you include multiple pairs of Moogles, you can use two in case the boss survives the first one. Smile basically lets you teleport two Moogles anywhere you want. If they go first, you can end the battle before the enemy even gets a turn.