View Full Version : AC characters hair, (SHM)

02-15-2005, 07:47 PM
Is it just me or is everyone's hair in AC really really nice? By nice I mean that it looks incredibly styled, just look at Cloud, I mean, hello? My point is, how the hell do they get it like that? I hate to think what Cloud's bed hair must look like in the morning, its surpising he manages to do any fighting in the film as he must spend 4 hours styling it in the morning to get it to stay up!

And what about Kadaj, look at that fringe! Who the hell do these ppl get to cut their hair so well! Where do they find the time when they're trying to take over the world (or whatever it is they're doing)?
Sorry but it just makes me laugh to think of those 3 strolling into a hairdresser's. They sure as hell don't do it themselves....maybe they do eachothers hair?

"Hey Kadaj! damn it stand still or I'll poke you in the eye with these things!" *Loz waves the scissors around*
"Sorry but I'm just tring to sort out Yazoo's layers!"
:O_O: :lol:


02-16-2005, 01:46 AM

where's the nice piccy of Yazoo?

I have piccies!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

I really wish that I had hair like that, seriously. Just like Yazoo's, long and silver! and then it's SILVER! which means it shines and shimmers and it's so straight!

02-16-2005, 04:23 AM
Answer: It's just a movie.

02-16-2005, 04:34 AM
Answer: It's just a CGI movie. Dont even need to hire stylists on set! xD

To be fair though, my friend's older brothers have hair like Yazoo's, but white-blonde and not silver. We call it elf hair.

Cloud's style could presumably be done, it'd take forever though. Everyone else's seems easily possible, but man I wish my hair was as soft, straight, and full as Tifa's looks. Too bad I cant afford the nice shampoo ;_;

02-16-2005, 04:49 AM
can i meet your brothers with yazoo-like hair?

02-16-2005, 04:54 AM
Friend's brother, and no xD, kidding, but one is married, the other has a girlfriend. The younger one CUT HIS HAIR and I was rather angry with him for it. They're both very attractive though, and if they were elgible I wouldnt be sharing xP

02-16-2005, 05:54 AM
Finally a reason to see this movie.

02-16-2005, 06:07 AM
aw, too bad they're not!
and why would he cut his hair? oh the humanity!!!!!!

and Quina, yes, it's a perfect reason!

02-16-2005, 12:15 PM
To the people who said "its a movie". Yes I *know* its a movie ;) :D
I meant it like - in the context *of* the movie, where do they get their hair done. I know its a film but talking about the world of VII, where in Midgar could they get there hair done. they must do it themselves, ;)

Theres a pic on some web site, the close-up of Kadaj and the caption reads "he must use a hell of alot of conditioner" I agree, its really straight. I wish my hair looked that good too Yazoo'sQueen. :D


02-16-2005, 12:18 PM
The point of it being a movie is that everyone in the movies all have perfect hair, all the time. No matter how long they've been on the road or what situation they're in, their hair is perfect. The story never incorporates how or why, it's just a fact we're presented with.

02-16-2005, 12:24 PM
That is true to a certain extent,but its not completely true, there are some situations when ppl's hair is shown as slightly messy in films, I should go find some screenshots to illustrate my point, but I can't be bothered right now, maybe later. ;)

02-16-2005, 12:40 PM
Yes, slightly messy. But think about it for a sec. When you get up in the morning, how good does your hair look? If you're anything like me, you certainly don't look your best. Try working out after styling your hair... you're sweaty by the end, which makes the hair around your temples wet and yucky, and your hair is mussed, especially if it's very long and fine. No real person has perfect hair after waking up, or after lots of movement.

I know there's exceptions to every rule, but it usually has to do with the story itself. The Dude of The Big Lebowski constantly has his hair in a messed state, because it's of his character to do so. Characters occasionally get their hair messy, say after being beaten up, but it never stays. Films are not realistic in this way. Even the grittiest of films are still usually 'pretty' versions of life. Look at the actors and actresses who are most popular. Most are young and beautiful, and that translates to films. Rarely do you have main leads who are ugly, unless the story calls for it. The best way I can give an example is in a horror movie. For example; 28 Days Later. Now, these people are some of the last survivors. They dont have time to bathe much, let alone style their hair. Yet each character still has nice hair and looks relatively clean for much of the film. This is my point. Where did they get the time to do this, when on the run? And even, when they got the time, why would they bother? More pressing things to worry about, yes?

So we can easily expect this to translate to AC. Heck, think of it this way; if the original game had been done in current graphics, Vincent would have woken up with perfect hair, and Cloud's wouldnt even have been mussed after the dip in the lifestream. Heck, that's how it is in the game, though we certainly cant really tell! xD

Oooh I talked a lot. Blame it on the late hour, I suppose :D

02-16-2005, 02:04 PM
Thats a good point about 28-Days Later (good film btw) They sure as hell wouldnt have much time to shower would they, there might be a zombie *in* the shower for all they know.

Characters should have more realistically done hair in the movies I think, but then again, I guess we all go to the movies to see beautiful ppl, not normal realistic people, where would be the escapism fun element in that? ;)

Lol, I have this visual image of Vincent waking up slow-mo and his hair being perfect like this. (see pic) And if you woke up from being in a coffin for 30 years, it sure wouldnt look good.
And Cloud in the lifestream? Yeah! his hair would be all dripping wet and gunky when him and Tifa wake up next to it! He'd look like a drowned rat.

Nova Briar
02-16-2005, 06:03 PM
Hmm...good point about the messy hair thing. But at least, even if the AC characters have suspiciously neat hair, at least it actually looks like real hair this time...unlike the characters in the original game usually sported. That's good enough for me. :D On a side note, just think of how much hair gel Cloud would have to use to keep his hair so spiky even while riding his motorcycle or in battle... :O_O: Unreal.

02-16-2005, 07:22 PM
ummm... Styling Wax would work much better and it probably would keep its shape even when wet. :D (personal experience :rolleyes2 )

02-16-2005, 07:39 PM
Yes we must worship the hair..j/k but over all I also noticed its very well detailed! n_n

Nova Briar
02-16-2005, 10:36 PM
Styling Wax would work much better and it probably would keep its shape even when wet.
I'll take your word for it. (I'm not that expert on hair products that hold one's hair in spikes--if I spiked my hair, the spikes would stand bout two feet from my head. :O_O: ) But styling wax, hair gel, whatever...he still would have to use loads of it. Probably much more than my entire paycheck could buy. :D

02-16-2005, 11:06 PM
He'd have to use about 2 pots a day, lol, wonder where he gets all that money, he must buy loads of the stuff. I wonder if he wears a hat when he can't be bothered to do it?... :hat: :joker:

02-16-2005, 11:33 PM
Yeah, wax would work. I use glue to keep my own spikes up, or knox brand jello. But when does he do it? He'd have to restyle at least once during the adventure, but when and how? My arms get sooooo tired just doing a mohawk! Cloud must be.... oh wait, he is a super muscled wonder-boy!

Tifa: "Cloud, what's with the hat?"
Cloud: "...The prison guards back in Midgar took my styling gel."
Aerith: "Don't worry Cloud, I have some! Two-inch high bangs dont just appear, ya know!"

02-16-2005, 11:40 PM
I wonder what kind of hat it would be, personally I'm going for the :joker: look on Cloud :D Aeris's hair in AC seems to be not too crazy, then again, we've only seen the bottom half of her hair, so if we see all of her, maybe she still has those 2 inch high fringe bits at the front?

*Kadaj and Cloud are fighting fiercely, they get in to a sword lock and glare at eachother over the blades, then slowly, one of Cloud's spikey locks flops down over his face. A beat*
"Hey Kadaj, really enjoying this fight bit, but just give me a time out will ya?" *runs behind a tree to do hair, a few seconds then he appears again* "Sorry about that, but you know how it is yeah."
Kadaj - "Oh yeah sure I dont mind, the wind plays hell with my fringe sometimes,..... anyway"
* They have at eachother again*

02-17-2005, 02:02 AM
A cool NY cap!(not the baseball sort) With some of his spikes coming down the front (again personal expierience)...Yeah that would be kickass...
Styling wax is extremely strong but hard to get out! I have to use really hot water to melt at it with the water really channeled.

02-20-2005, 10:20 PM
Ah, to have hair that looks fabulous even though it probably hasn't been washed for months.

02-21-2005, 03:32 AM
What about Rude? He has no hair at all (except for on his back). Ew :whaaa:

02-21-2005, 11:20 AM
What about Rude? He has no hair at all (except for on his back). Ew :whaaa:

Ewww!!!!......*thinks*...Uhhhhh!!! :barf: thats just....wrong!

Big D
02-23-2005, 09:39 AM
'Perfect hair' is hardly a new Final Fantasy concept. FFVIII is the worst offender, right at the end when Squall has just fought a fierce battle with a hugely powerful Sorceress, during which he was blasted with Magic and weapons, then travelled through time, then been trapped in a desert-like void beyond time, then had a breakdown and nearly died...
But through all of that, his hair stays shiny and sleek and beyond perfect.

When I comb my hair down, it stays that way with the aid of a little gel... but only until a gust of wind catches it, at which point it turns into an afro.

Squall's raiment, indeed that of all FF characters, is grossly misleading.

Someone forgot to mark their spoilers. ;) -- foa

02-23-2005, 11:03 AM
The example you've used of Squall at the end of VIII is a good one, I mean, lets face it, he'd look like complete hell in real life, but his hair is still completely perfect. I remember when the spirits within came out - I read an interview saying that they had enough troubles with getting the hair the way it was without even starting to contemplate showing 'messy' hair (which was even harder apparently)

Perhaps one day technology will advance to the point where we can see messy hair in computer games! :D

However I fear this will not be the case in AC :(

02-23-2005, 01:19 PM
In case you didn't know, Squall dies at the end of FF8. Even if he was still alive he has loads of time to do his hair when he gets back to the Garden.
Anyway... I'm goona try and grow my hair like Kadaj and then dye it silver. Result. :cool:

Edit by Big D: Some people haven't played FFVIII yet - mark your spoilers!:p

02-23-2005, 02:10 PM
Ummm, no actually he doesnt die....yup. Squall's definetly alive at the end, see look here he is kissing rinoa on the balcony. So how, exactly, is he dead at the end? :confused:

Edit by Big D: Spoilers again

02-23-2005, 02:31 PM
He's alive and well at the end of the game.

"The rumors of my death have been greatly exaggerated."

I wonder if the thread about this is still around? *goes to look*

Edit by D: Spoilers like you wouldn't believe *explodes*

Big D
02-23-2005, 08:10 PM
I remember when the spirits within came out - I read an interview saying that they had enough troubles with getting the hair the way it was without even starting to contemplate showing 'messy' hair (which was even harder apparently)Another reason for the perfect hair in The Spirits Within was director Hironobu Sakaguchi. Whenever the animators considered mussing up a character's hair, Sakaguchi told them, "no, they have to look perfect - just like real movie stars". That, in my opinion, is the summary of where that movie went wrong. It tried to imitate movies instead of trying to imitate real life. A copy of a copy, you might say.

02-24-2005, 10:56 AM
dude ...its ..not like...erm..real.sorry to burst your bubble.. ^_^ anyway it would suck if they wernt perfect..there SUPPPOSEd to look like that/..^_^

02-24-2005, 10:59 AM
Not real???? But I thought it was!!!! Oh the humanity!!! :crying: :crying: :crying: :p

Big D
02-24-2005, 08:40 PM
dude ...its ..not like...erm..real.sorry to burst your bubble.. ^_^ anyway it would suck if they wernt perfect..there SUPPPOSEd to look like that/..^_^Characters who look real are more believeable; it also shows more attention to detail from the creators. For instance, in The Fellowship of the Ring, imagine if Aragorn didn't have greasy hair and mangy stubble when he first appears in Bree. It'd be a whole lot harder to believe that he really is this mysterious loner who spends months at a time wandering in the wild.