View Full Version : How Did Rinoa (Spoiler)

02-23-2005, 08:58 PM
How did Rinoa become a sorcess anyway? She was one before The final battle with Edea. Was she born that way?

Sir Bahamut
02-23-2005, 10:01 PM
Rinoa became a sorceress AFTER the last battle with Edea in the auditorium.
After Edea was defeated, her powers went to Rinoa. Edea never found out why her powers left her, because she didn't do it on purpose. However, it seems likely that Ultimecia, realising that Edea was no longer of any use, forced them out of Edea and into Rinoa.

02-23-2005, 11:16 PM
Interesting... I always thought that Rinoa went into a coma after the battle, but she didn't become a sorceress until she reached outer space. That was what Edea implied. Still, this idea is worthy of being thought over...

Sir Bahamut
02-23-2005, 11:53 PM
Well, she certainly must have received the sorceress powers in the auditorium, but it's of course arguable when she 'became a sorceress', depending on what definitions we're using. IF we're saying you're a sorceress the moment you get the powers, then Rinoa was one already in the auditorium. But if we're saying it takes some time, she didn't become one until the space station(or in outer space, whichever).

I mean, the coma time might have been her body adapting to the new powers, making her sorceress only after she was fully adapted. Who knows?

02-23-2005, 11:56 PM
AHHH I love FFVIII, what a story it has.

02-24-2005, 03:54 AM
I believe she became sorcerer in the outerspace because till that time, Edea still a sorcerer and she would definately notice if her power is missing.

02-24-2005, 09:23 AM
You see the answer very clearly in the flashback that Ellone gives you when you escape from the space-station.

In that flashback, you will see a few things that happened, like Rinoa forcing Irvine to go back, or Rinoa asking for the ring of Squall at Zell. And finnally you will see the scene right after the battle with Edea at the Galbadia Garden. In that scene you will see, how the "spirit" of Ultimecia enters Rinoa. Rinoa will instruct Seifer and then she gets into a coma. So Sir Bahamut is right. Rinoa became a sorceress after the battle with Edea in the Galbadia Garden. The reason that it seems that she gets to be a sorceress in space, is because then Ultimecia, knows her goal is nearby. She wants to free Adel. I think that Rinoa is actually still in a coma at the moment that she frees Adel. So, that's how I think everything is.

02-24-2005, 09:42 AM
It's the Odine Bangle. Did you notice Edea forced the OB on Rinoa in Deiling - Why would she do that? SHE'S A SORCESS! :eek:

Sir Bahamut
02-24-2005, 10:36 AM
I believe she became sorcerer in the outerspace because till that time, Edea still a sorcerer and she would definately notice if her power is missing.

No, she stopped being a sorceress in the auditorium. I mean, she SAYS she isn't a sorceress anymore, and that she gave her powers to Rinoa, not knowing how. Edea DIDN'T notice her powers having gone missing, believe it or not. She walked all the way to Esthar to get rid of her powers, but when she got there, Odine quickly found out she wasn't a sorceress anymore. HArd to believe? Well, it happened regardless. It's probably because Edea didn't like using her powers, so she wouldn't have noticed.

But anyway, when was Edea and Rinoa ever together in a situation where Edea might give Rinoa her powers? That's right, only one such time: after the battle in the auditorium. It's the only place it could have happened.

Of course, as I said before, it could be that it takes time for a human body to adapt to the powers, meaning one could say that you don't become a proper sorceress until after you're adapted, which happened in outer space for Rinoa. But we don't know if that is the case, so it seems easier to simply say she became a sorceress in the auditorium.

It's the Odine Bangle. Did you notice Edea forced the OB on Rinoa in Deiling - Why would she do that? SHE'S A SORCESS!

Huh? Edea never does such a thing? What are you talking about?

02-24-2005, 07:36 PM
Rinoa tries to use the OB on Edea becuase it does something to their magic but Edea does some magic which thows her back, and then makes her (Taking control of her hand) And makes her put it on herself.

Sir Bahamut
02-24-2005, 08:02 PM
You're right that Rinoa tries to put it on Edea, but Edea never makes Rinoa put it on. Just look at the pictures of the FMV:


You can see all Rinoa has on is that same neclace she's always wearing, the one with the ring. She's been wearing that since you first met her, as seen in the dance FMV:


So I'm afraid you're wrong there.

02-24-2005, 08:43 PM
Ok Maybe I am. But it did look like Rinoa was putting on/being forced to wear something. It's tough to tell what was happening...

Laugh at face of Danger
02-24-2005, 08:51 PM
But, you can't really tell if she puts it on or not, u neva get a decent shot of her hands to see if it on her wrist (ps, aint it a bracelet)

Sir Bahamut
02-24-2005, 08:58 PM
Well, by the definition of bangle, it COULD be a bracelet, but it could also be an ornament hanging in a chain around the neck.

It's hard to tell from the picture, you're right, but I just don't see a logical reason why Edea would make Rinoa put it on regardless. I mean, Rinoa was clearly not a sorceress at that time, so why try and freeze her non-existant sorceress powers? Makes no sense.

02-25-2005, 12:43 AM
I just sorta figured Rinoa thought the easiest way to carry a bangle was on her own wrist, as well as to assure Edea that it was harmless, if she noticed. I don't have a save at that point to watch it over again, so I'm not entirely sure:)

As for Edea on the way to Esthar-- she was junctioning, and if you don't use her overdrive, it's easy to accept that all she does is use paramagic through the GF junctions:)
and maybe her overdrive is a trick she learned and can do anyways without being a sorceress, or if aided by GFs.

02-25-2005, 01:18 AM
I have never heard of her overdrive how do you use it?

02-25-2005, 07:09 AM
That's just FFX's name for Limit Breaks (I take it that rubah was playing FFX recently). Edea's limit break is gotten the same way everyone else's is. Get her down to low health and presto! It looks a lot like what she did to Squall at the end of disc one. (BTW, whatever happened to that wound? Squall notices that it's missing, but we never learn why, do we?)

Sir Bahamut
02-25-2005, 11:09 AM
We never do learn why, that's right. Edea probably used magic to completely heal it.

02-25-2005, 10:53 PM
I *always* have played ffx recently;)

as for the wound-- seifer probably wanted him to return to conscious so he could torture him. If you've got a big crap hole in your chest, you seem to think about that a bit more than you'd think a few measly sparks shooting through you.

or so it'd seem.

02-25-2005, 11:14 PM
I think it was in his upper shoulder was'nt it.

02-26-2005, 12:29 AM
Is it possible no actual 'wound' was made at all?

The 'icicle' shes uses IS similar to Edea's limit break, which when used doesn't leave permanent damage - just like all magic in the game and any other Final Fantasy game.

The large icicle, or whatever it was, is unleased at the end of your battle with Edea, when she would have low health i.e. limit break. Maybe it knocked Squall down in the same way as magic does in battle, with no physical scar. Just a theory.

02-26-2005, 12:43 AM
I thought about that.

Maybe that's why he's all 'WTF?' when he looks down at it.

"there's a great big icicle in me. WHY CAN'T I FEEL ANYTHING?"

02-26-2005, 02:50 PM
It would explain why he gets knocked out by its power and then wakes with no wound. Can't imagine Square doing something as stupid as forgetting to give him a wound . . .

03-26-2005, 12:22 AM
but when edea temporily jions your party her weapon is SORCERY, how could she use socery if she wasn't a sorceress

Squall of SeeD
03-26-2005, 02:38 AM
but when edea temporily jions your party her weapon is SORCERY, how could she use socery if she wasn't a sorceress

The point of that was more than likely to keep the player from knowing that she had lost her powers until later on. Despite what the status screen says concerning Edea's weapon, we're told flat out later on that she had given up her powers without knowing it and that they had gone to Rinoa:

"S'up Squall!!!"
"So glad you're safe!"
"I hate to tell you this now, but we've got major problems down here."
"Well, here it goes!"
"Some big thing called Lunatic Pandora came out of nowhere."
"Matron couldn't achieve what she set out to do because of it. Which is ok."
"Matron's not a sorceress anymore."
"Matron gave away her power to someone without realizing it."

(To Rinoa......)

In any event, the Para-Magic utilized by those in Garden is intended to simulate the Sorceress Power, anyway. Sorcery is defined as utilizing spirits to make things happen. Guardian Forces are utilized to use Magicks. All of the characters that are using Magic are practicing Sorcery.

03-26-2005, 03:41 AM
It would explain why he gets knocked out by its power and then wakes with no wound. Can't imagine Square doing something as stupid as forgetting to give him a wound . . .

They didn't. If they had forgotten, Squall never would have wondered why it wasn't there.

03-26-2005, 08:36 AM
Don't they heal squall for interrogation of SeeD's true mission.

Squall of SeeD
03-26-2005, 03:33 PM
Don't they heal squall for interrogation of SeeD's true mission.

It's never said that they do, but I would assume that to be the case. That's the only possibility that fits.

03-26-2005, 09:08 PM
Square isn't above plot-holes imo. They probably forgot xD.

Squall of SeeD
03-27-2005, 06:41 AM
Square isn't above plot-holes imo. They probably forgot xD.

They're not above them, no, but they didn't forget. When Squall wakes up in the Galbadian Desert Prison, he's surprised to find that he doesn't have a wound.