View Full Version : Skies of Arcadia

02-24-2005, 02:02 AM
Has anyone played this game yet? If so, did you like it or not? Who are your favorite/least favorite characters, and what did you like/dislike about the game?

02-24-2005, 02:36 AM
It is at the top of my list of the few half-way decent RPGs on the gamecube. The whole Blue Rogues= Robin hood and his Merry men and Vyse's bad philosophical spouting got annoying and the whole thing is riddled with just about every cliche in the book. What saved Skies and made it enjoyable was it's remarkably good execution. The whole concept of being able to recruit a crew and the sidequests were enjoyable. I also like the airship battles. Ramirez was pretty cool as a villain. The super-moves were fun to watch, though I got tired of The massive random encounter rate. All in all its one of the Gamecubes better RPGs.

02-24-2005, 08:51 AM
Average but enjoyable RPG. I liked some of the music and I thought Ramirez was great. I didnt particular;y hate any of them but I didnt particularly like any of them either.