View Full Version : This 3rd disk never ends!

02-27-2005, 08:27 PM
It seems I have been on this 3rd disk forever!! Seriously! I got through that junk and saw that awesome thing with Bahamut and I'm like YESSS :D Well Kuja sent me on the "Forgotten Continent" God forbid and what the heck am I supposed to do now? I see this place in a valley but uh, these repitive battles and Zidane already being at level 40 and everyone else is like at 30..I mean what is the goal here cause I really don't like looking at walkthroughs cause they spoil everything I just need to know what direction am I supposed to go. :confused: :confused:

I Don't Need A Name
02-27-2005, 09:24 PM
u need to find a place called Oeveleurt (sp) and get a Pumice Piece and then return to the airship

03-05-2005, 10:54 AM
trust me it's really a good thing that you are at a high level because the boss that u fight at the of oliverta is very hard!! but i'm pass so i will try and remeber how i don't it.

03-05-2005, 07:17 PM
I'm not sure if you can change your party members at this point, but if so, make sure to bring only physical attackers (ie. Zidane, Amarant, Steiner, and Freya). Oeilvert has an anti-magic barrier, so your mages are useless.

boris no no
03-05-2005, 08:00 PM
jsut fallow the valley that spirals ina circle.
you can also go and catch frogs if you have quina. go down from the airship and its near a patch of green. i think.

03-05-2005, 09:37 PM
The ending, I think, is when Dagger cuts her hair off with a dagger and then you get a new mission to stop Kuja (im not the FFIX whiz so lol).

03-05-2005, 09:43 PM
i think youve got a bit more to do.. im up to disk 4 im trying to remember the ending to disk 3...nope..its gone.. i think your near tho.

03-05-2005, 09:51 PM
Well I am still on the 3rd disk at Esto Gaza, I'm building my whole party up to Level 40 then I'ma head into that place there. I don't know why everyone mentioned there being a hard boss previously..? I know there was one that was kind of like an airship(god forbid i am not good with names) but it was easy for the most part and this is my 1st time playing. I think I need to play a game twice to understand the whole concept and I think I'm going to buy the manual for the game to cause I know I have missed a lot. Am I anywhere near done cause it's been forever and I feel like I have been leveling up forever too.. :confused:

03-05-2005, 09:54 PM
You have quite a ways to go before you finish the 3rd disk. Plus this is the disk where you'll be doing most of your sidequests, so with that in mind... You wont be on the 4th disk for a while.

Pouring Rain
03-12-2005, 12:10 AM
It seems I have been on this 3rd disk forever!! Seriously! I got through that junk and saw that awesome thing with Bahamut and I'm like YESSS :D Well Kuja sent me on the "Forgotten Continent" God forbid and what the heck am I supposed to do now? I see this place in a valley but uh, these repitive battles and Zidane already being at level 40 and everyone else is like at 30..I mean what is the goal here cause I really don't like looking at walkthroughs cause they spoil everything I just need to know what direction am I supposed to go. :confused: :confused:

I was confused too. after you get on the forgotten contenet, you have to find this place that looks like a cannon. i hope you paid attention to what Kuja said because its really hard to use magic there. anyway, disk 3 is the longest disk of all of them. you're halfway there.

03-12-2005, 06:25 PM
yes, i remmeber that the disk 3 is the most long, the 1 and 2 was filled with more FMV, i guess that leaves less space to put game info.

03-12-2005, 06:48 PM
The third disc doesn't end until you get the airship and go to Terra I believe...Then you get another airship and return to Gaia and it will show a bunch of mist. Then it'll say insert disc 4.

03-20-2005, 12:35 PM
Actually, don't neglect the fact that while you are picking a party of all physical attackers for oilevert, you are ALSO neglecting physical attackers to be used i the desert palace. MAKE SURE that you leave a good physical attacker behind (just one) for the desert palace. I recommend leaving freya.

Overall no matter WHAT party you choose, you will do fine. If you picked Eiko, Dagger, AND vivi, you would still be able to get past that part. Plus, having one character dedicated to throwing healing items is always nice. I recommend replacing a physical attacker with a mage that will 'heal' with items. Possibly, equip that character with 'chemist' or 'healer' so that your attacks heal the person you hit. There are many strategies! Leave Stiener in your team for oilevert though, because he is a VERY nice asset for the boss.