View Full Version : Totamoa help

02-28-2005, 12:54 PM
how do you use different Totamoa i can only use famfrit but i have defeated other guardians of the chrystals. (srry my spelling is terrible)

Also how do you master the "call" abilitaly on mine is is shaded black.

(ps: if i should know this i havnt got a booklet to tell me i braught it second hand)


02-28-2005, 02:50 PM
you can only use famfrit because you havent defeated the other gaurdians yet

and for the call ability are you sure you got ability's learned for it if not buy the right instruments to learn them

03-01-2005, 02:51 AM
you need 10 jp to call a guardian, if your character doesn't have 10 jp because of combos or whatever, you can't call them.

Dignified Pauper
03-01-2005, 04:17 AM
Also, each race has it's own Totema. So 10 jp nu mou's summon a different totema than moogles with 10jp

03-01-2005, 05:49 AM
Correct. With 10 JP, each race can summon a different Totema. If you are expecting Moogles to be able to summon a Totema other than Famfrit, you're barking up the wrong tree.

Moogles: Famfrit (HP damage to all enemies)
Nu Mou: Ultima (MP damage to all enemies)
Bangaa: Adrammalech (HP damage to all enemies)
Viera: Exodus (MP damage to all enemies)
Human: Mateus (HP damage to all enemies)

(For bonus points, who knows where the Totema's names came from [they should be familiar to old school FF fans...], and who is the single character who can use another race's Totema?)

About your second question. "Call" is not an Ability. It is an ability set, available to Moogles. Since Animist (the job that uses "Call" abilities) is one of the starting Moogle jobs, and you automatically have Montblanc on your team, the "Call" ability set will show up on the Pick Abilities list for all your Moogles, but it will be greyed out until the Moogle has mastered at least one Animist ability.

03-01-2005, 05:55 AM
hmmmm...no wonder i didnt like Ultima and Exodus...I'ce always just thought they wre useless...i didnt even bother cheking the MP! hehehe....anyway

Totema Names (wild guesses)
Famfrit: The 'Frit' bit from Ifrit (hehehe)
Ultima: The Magic spell ultima maybe?

Oh and the other question, Is it Ritz? She is treated as a Veria even though she is a human (i think).

03-01-2005, 06:17 AM
hmmmm...no wonder i didnt like Ultima and Exodus...I'ce always just thought they wre useless...i didnt even bother cheking the MP! hehehe....anyway

Totema Names (wild guesses)
Famfrit: The 'Frit' bit from Ifrit (hehehe)
Ultima: The Magic spell ultima maybe?

Oh and the other question, Is it Ritz? She is treated as a Veria even though she is a human (i think).

Ding! You got the second one right (the fact that Ritz uses Exodus is the only problem I have with her [besides the fact that she starts as a Fencer, so she will have a Fencer's stats unless you keep your average clan level low enough that she will join you at a lower level, and give you time to switch her over to Assassin]. Since you can get around the stat problem almost entirely [her base stats are still Fencer, but if she joins around level 7, that doesn't matter much. I got her to join at that level by only using my starting team, but accepting everyone who offered to join as quickly as possible. By the time she joined, my main team was level 40-50, but the rest of my clan was level 3-4] I don't mind that one much, but I wish she could use Mateus). The first bit is incorrect though. Go play the first few FFs over, and try again. ;)

03-01-2005, 08:02 AM
oh...well the problem is i dont have the first few ff's... (im planing to buy DoS for GBA and play it on my new DS (It just came out on thursday over here in Australia(yay)))

yeah i agree..but changing ritz into assasin...i done that...boy is that hard! well not really hard...more time consuming...i think i had to change her into 4 different job classes (excluding the fencer and assasin) before getting her into assasin...it was worth it though

03-01-2005, 12:40 PM
i finally defeted this really hard boss. on pale company. i forgot to save!!! :( :cry: :( :cry:

now i cant do him again!!!!!!!!!!!

oh great!!

03-01-2005, 05:07 PM
oh...well the problem is i dont have the first few ff's... (im planing to buy DoS for GBA and play it on my new DS (It just came out on thursday over here in Australia(yay)))

yeah i agree..but changing ritz into assasin...i done that...boy is that hard! well not really hard...more time consuming...i think i had to change her into 4 different job classes (excluding the fencer and assasin) before getting her into assasin...it was worth it though

Let's see. To get Ritz to Assassin, you need to teach her two Elementalist A-Abilities, and one Sniper A-Ability. To get Sniper, you need one Archer A-Ability. To get Elementalist, you need one Fencer A-Ability (no problem, since she already has several) and one White Mage A-Ability. So that's Archer, White Mage, Elementalist, and Sniper needed to get her too Assassin. So, you're right, four jobs. It is worth it though.

Um, what do you mean when you say you can't do him again? You can't defeat him? Or you can't get the mission? Pale Company is one of the plot missions, so it is always available, and can't be cancelled. As for defeating Adrammallech... Well, what team are you using, what are the laws, etc? I can't help much if you're not more specific...

03-02-2005, 08:38 AM
sorry, yes i cant defeat him. i use my gernome, marsh, moogle thing (animist with black magic), ralife (the theif), collette, person that cures. (sorry if some of the names are wrong!! im rubbish at remembering!!!)

also ive got 10JP, with the Famfrit summon, i got about 10 more but it still says ive got 10.

worst thing is i did it once but i accadently went in to a other battle
and started it with only marsh i and of course i died and now i cant defeat him again. (pale company) :(

03-03-2005, 02:22 AM
sorry, yes i cant defeat him. i use my gernome, marsh, moogle thing (animist with black magic), ralife (the theif), collette, person that cures. (sorry if some of the names are wrong!! im rubbish at remembering!!!)

also ive got 10JP, with the Famfrit summon, i got about 10 more but it still says ive got 10.

worst thing is i did it once but i accadently went in to a other battle
and started it with only marsh i and of course i died and now i cant defeat him again. (pale company) :(

Ok, let's see. I'm not sure what you mean by "gernome". But your team consists of Marche, Montblanc, a thief, and a white mage? Well, what is Marche's job? IIRC, Adrammalech has several dragons with him, one of each type. Take a beastmaster if you have one who knows how to control dragons. Also, equipping your team to absorb fire, ice, and lightning might be a good idea. 10 is the maximum JP, so you can't use the same Moogle to summon Famfrit twice in a row. Get another moogle with 10 JP if you want to summon Famfrit twice (summoning Famfrit several times will end the battle very quickly). Your thief is probably out of place. There is nothing to steal in this mission, and thieves aren't exactly built for duking it out with dragons (if he was a ninja, that would be another matter, since katanas are so much better than knives, and he could use Double Sword). If you have Montblanc as an Animist, he should know several status effect causing moves. They won't work on Adrammellech, but they will work on the dragons (Sheep Count [Sleep] and 100% Wool [causes Protect and Shell] would be very helpful). If he doesn't know Cuisine, teach it to him, since that fully heals a character. Also consider using Tail Wag, which will make one of the dragons fight for you for a time. Keep the White Mage to the back, and make sure you use both Protect and Shell if you don't have 100% Wool. Go slow, and summon Ultima if you have a Nu Mou on your team to wipe out Adrammallech's MP, which makes him about half as dangerous. Don't rush Adrammallech. Let the dragons attack you and take them out, then heal fully before attacking the big guy. Oh, and if you do have a beastmaster, be sure to bring any Blue Mages you have along too, so that they can learn Mighty Guard, Guard-Off, and the awesome Dragon Force spell (I believe the Thundrake in that battle knows it, doesn't it?). Don't forget about First Aid and Nurse if you are using Soldiers, Warriors, or Paladins, as they let you heal without relying on the healer, leaving the healer free to heal characters with worse injuries.

Well, I can't help much more without more info (the abilities each of your characters know would be nice), so check the game and call me again!

03-23-2005, 02:38 PM
Yeah pale company sucks but a dragoon or beast master will help. I just trained my head off.

Off topic question Did anyone here ever call marche channing because my friend bought the game when it was fully beaten under that name. Moron deleted file.

04-15-2005, 11:42 PM
hmmmm...no wonder i didnt like Ultima and Exodus...I'ce always just thought they wre useless...i didnt even bother cheking the MP! hehehe....anyway

its good to use against those heavy magic users and those ones with the mp damage skill.