View Full Version : Best way to Level Kimarhi on Sphere Grid?

03-01-2005, 06:09 PM
Just wanted your opinions, as he is the 1 character that has options tro basically every avenue, Black Mage, White Mage, Thief etc etc, you would think he could be your very own fantastioc creation, but no matter what way I go, he always just ends up average, even his Blue Mage skills don't really boost my confidence in him in important battles. I think I've tried everything but I wanted other's suggestions as to what they found to be his best path on the Sphere Grid or if you managed to make him an important fighter.


03-01-2005, 09:39 PM
I would go with Thief. That way you can have two people that Steal, and in a later fight you can get some Lv.3 Key Spheres rather early in the game. Have two White Mages, Black Mages, Tidus's or Wakka's (I don't know what "class" those two might be under) really never helped me as much as having two Thiefs.

03-01-2005, 09:57 PM
I usually take Tidus' path until I get to the point where I can keysphere onto Auron's default grid, turns Kimahri into a quick powerhouse pretty well, I like it anyway.

03-01-2005, 11:40 PM
White mage.

You take him through rikku's grid just long enough to get steal and item, and by the time you get to gagazet, he's friggin' awesome, with higher white magic than yuna (if you level them simultaneously. I had him with Holy at that point)

You can use dispel with the bosses that you can't use yuna on(like. . .evrae?), and two+ thieves is always a good thing.

03-02-2005, 02:34 AM
i think i just sent him over to thief.. i kept avoiding using him in battle. he just kept gaining sphere levels and i wasn't sure where to go with him. then i think i just chose thief eventually. i may have gone through tidus' path; don't remember.
i went in a circle for the others, except the mages. when a character was done with their part of the sphere grid i had... wakka->auron; auron->tidus(make sure to get zombie); tidus->yuna(getting auto life before getting too far); yuna->lulu(skipping over rikku); rikku->lulu or kimahri/center, don't remember; lulu->pass through center to get ultima, then up to autolife, then down yuna's path.