View Full Version : fav. character ELIMINATION round 5...vote out your LEAST favorite character

03-01-2005, 11:15 PM
Lord Shishio made a right choice that you votesrs agreed on as ZELL has been voted out of round 4 and is ELIMINATED. Quistis and Seifer also recieved the same amount of votes which round 3 was than decided on. Seven remain and six more weeks to go for the winner to be revealed.Thanks for voting and may the best man/woman win! Also post your predictions to add some fun

MY VOTE: seifer
SEIFER was my vote for nomination last round and got some votes which means he has a chance which I really hope! but you never know, it could be Edea.

lord shishio
03-03-2005, 10:09 PM
Now that my guys gone, I guess I'll help you and vote for Seifer. :tongue:

03-04-2005, 10:26 PM
Seifer has got to go

03-05-2005, 03:29 PM
I voted Seifer

lord shishio
03-08-2005, 01:23 AM
I've an idea, anyone else who votes for Seifer, will get a ...uh...cookie, see? .....(dammit, I can't post the cookie for some reason, oh well, vote for him anyways, he's being beat up by Edea!)