View Full Version : Ramza's lineage (possible spoilers)

03-02-2005, 03:21 AM
Exactly who was Ramza and Alma's mother? Cardinal Draclau refers to the fact that Ramza is a bastard, meaning more then likely Balbanes was having an affair, hmmmm.

03-02-2005, 03:49 AM
Dycedarg and Zalbag's mother died long before Ramza and Alma were born, I believe. Ramza and Alma's mother was most likely a mistress of Balbanes, because (if Glabados is anything like the old Catholic church) he probably never re-married.

03-02-2005, 10:17 PM
Balbaines mentions Ramza as being a half brother to the other two at the very begining but the game never states who the real mother is. It would be kinda funny if Miluda was his mother making Vormav his uncle.........

03-03-2005, 12:07 AM
I find it annoying that the mothers are absent from all of the families we meet. And not just Ramza's. :mad2:

Squall of SeeD
03-03-2005, 05:40 AM
Balbaines mentions Ramza as being a half brother to the other two at the very begining but the game never states who the real mother is. It would be kinda funny if Miluda was his mother making Vormav his uncle.........

Do you mean Meliadoul? And that would make Vormav his grandfather. Vormav is Meliadoul's father, not her brother.

Or did you mean that would make Wiegraf his uncle, as Wiegraf is Miluda's sister?

03-03-2005, 12:23 PM
Given their ages, I don't think it's possible for either Miluda or Meliadoul to be Ramza's mother.

03-04-2005, 12:17 AM
Or did you mean that would make Wiegraf his uncle, as Wiegraf is Miluda's sister?

Ich es tut mir leid. Wiegraf is who I ment not Vormav. But the other way around is also quite interesting :rolleyes2